Any Multi-boxers on Test?


New member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I recently have come back to the game after a long long hiatus. I'd played pretty hardcore (and on and off) from Classic EQ through about TBS.

My initial return was to Phinigel, lasted about a month before I made it to end-game and realized what drove me to multi-boxing to begin with...

Anywho, I learned that you can play for free and unstricted on Test, so that excited me to no-end. Reupped my sub here and started 6 boxing again.

I'm doing my own version of TLP - currently level capped at 65, working through various PoP/GoD progression tasks/trials. Refusal to use defiant gear, etc.

I plan to work my way through all of the content and raids (even if I have to out level them to do it with less numbers).

Any other MQ using multiboxers on test who would be interested in teaming up? I'll eventually make my way past level 65. You don't necessarily have to be interested in oldschool progression :p


looking for other MQ using multiboxers on test to hang out with