Alternative to MQ2Melee for Auto Combat Abilities / AAs?

Jan 14, 2010
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I really want an alternative to MQ2Melee to automatically use my combat abilities / aas that I designate. Autoskills only uses regular skills like kick and backstab unfortunately. Is there any alternative?

My problem with MQ2Melee is that there are some weird glitches with it that no one has been able to figure out since as long as I can remember. For instance, if I am on my ranger and cycling nearest npcs by pressing my x button, it will fire an arrow. I can't figure out for the life of me how to stop that.

Any help is appreciated!
There aren't really any alternatives to MQ2Melee other than rolling your own macro or digging into the code.

First step is always to RTFM and asking for help :)

In this case MQ2Melee maps the 'x' key to turning on ranged attack so it makes since that it would fire an arrow at the target.

I have F8 as the key to cycle through nearest NPCs. Not sure if that is default or something I changed a lot time ago.

I'm pretty sure cycling doesn't turn off ranged attack like it does for melee attacks.
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