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  1. S

    Pull Mac request/help

    Im pretty familiar with Perl but im only as good as the wiki that's guiding me lol. Anyone have a link to the macro wiki that tells you what events and subs and defines are used? And / Or does anyone have a pull mac that will target a mob near you (within 200yds or so) and cast a spell? I don't...
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    Simple Mac request.

    I have been out of it for awhile and have my own EQEMU server so also lost touch with the code of macros. What im looking for is a simple mage macro or downshift that will recast DS and Burnout III on the pet but only when it has worn off. Don't need to spam the shit or set it on a timer. Ive...
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    New weird random Error

    See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Text length must be less than 64 characters long. Parameter name: Text Actual value was MMOLoader...
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    Loot databuilder mac?

    This may sound stupid but i play on an EMU and the loot is scattered and I was curious if anyone has or knows of a macro that will/could help me make a database. I dont want it to run afk I just need it to conform a list for items I loot specifically and if thats too hard then any item dropped...
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    to come back or not to....

    that is my question... It has been a long time since i played. Wondering if its worth it, even tho I have missed certain aspects of the game lol
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    MQ2Exchange issues?

    Anyone having issues with mq2exchange? I have downshits for updating my clickies because I couldnt get the clickies plugin to work a long time ago and could care less to change it back. But certain items give me issues. for instance Veil of flames will not swap out and click, says class...
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    Off the wall Question...

    Me and this girl got together 2 years ago under the pretense "its just sex". She then decided to get serious but kept fucking around with her ex we'll call "ryan". Before Ryan she was with a guy named "josh" for 5 years and had a baby with him. She left him when the baby was about 1 year old bc...
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    Looking for some P99 help

    Me and my girl are going to start playing back on P99 and I was wondering if I could call in some favors. Im not looking for some mega twink shit, but maybe some backpacks and ols gear you may have lying around. I had a 50 mage and she had a 50 cleric but we got banned a loong time ago. Thanks...
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    How much....

    real life cash would you pay for:
  10. S

    Emu login problems?

    Anyone having problems loggin in to the server selection screen? I can't even go to or eqemulator
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    Quillmane spawner seller guy (p99)

    You know who I am talking about. It was being blabbed in EC the other day about how you are selling Quillmane cloaks and I have noticed you doing it myself. Just becareful and maybe take a break from it. I already have 2 cloaks so you ain't hurting me, im just trying to let you know that peeps...
  12. S

    Lev trick (Project 1999)

    Seen this work with a necro and a Shammy and druid. Pretty much any caster could do this. Will give you the scenario.... Levitate on the same Zaxis as the mob you want to kill or close to it. Cast on the mob and jump off the cliff/ledge... as you slowly float down the mob will path accordingly...
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    Mmoloader not loading?

    Anyone having a problem with MMOloader not loading today?
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    White Teeth thing?

    So it seems every other site you go to tells you some stay at home mom found a way to get white teeth with a household item. Besides your standard whitening toothpaste and your "teeth" brush for those of us with more than one tooth, does anyone know what it is?
  15. S

    Cast on Incoming...

    This is probably right in front of me i just cant find it, but I am using mq2melee and the Ass mac to PL some alts. I would like for my wizzy to cast her amulet of Xuzl just once during the fight. Anyone have a holyflag for this or could point me in the right direction please? thanks :)
  16. S

    Mq2melee question

    I use melee on all my toons but my main. Sometimes the toons will stick to the mob and sometimes they just sit there and dont do shit... I can get it to work on one pc but i not the other... it is all recently updated i do it all at the same time... is there a way to turn it on?
  17. S

    MM exploit??

    Does anyone have any info on how you get your lvl 85 into the MM as a lvl 85? They took the post down. If you dont want blurt it out PM me. Im not looking to make money off this or anything Im just curious as to how.
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    LoTD Manipulation

    IDK how many peeps know but if you do the Old man tasks in PoK and blast LoTD and claim the rewards you get double NORMAL exp only this does not work on AA's. 70-74 get half a lvl per mm. 75+ get 40% and less as you get higher. At lvl 80 I get 28% per MM reg exp
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    Account reclaimed by original owner

    I have contacted the previous owners of an account purchased on here. I do not think one person would have done this but IDK the other person. I would like this resolved before names are released.
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    MQ not allowing me to load a toon

    Simply put I cannot load my toon with MQ on. I can load everyone else on the account but not one specific toon. I have basic plugins running. I can shut MQ off and load him fine so its not EQ.