Search results

  1. N

    Easy way for alts to get to Aalashai

    Don't know if it has been posted. I searched and didn't see anything. If you get the mission in Stratos called The Brass Palace...Zone in and log off completely till the timer runs out. It will drop the grp in Aalishai. Have used this for months to get back there and Ash since I...
  2. N

    Patch Friday the 20th

    All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Friday, December 20, 2019 at 6:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 4 hours. Patch notes for this update will be found in the Game Update Notes section of our forums once they are available.
  3. N

    Exodus holy?

    I have done some searching and seen a couple posts on the subject. I always play the main tank and when I die sometimes it takes me a bit to flip to the right toon to exodus and usually we are all dead by then. Is there a way to make a holy if the main tank drops for it to be cast? I...
  4. N

    Question about plugins for different characters.

    I know it is probably dumb but going to ask anyway. Is it possible to have different plugins loaded for different toons? For example I play one toon mostly tank..pull....and play him manually while the other are mostly auto..with eqbc and bot. I don't use hardly any plugins on the...
  5. N

    Control turned off?

    Just logged in today from last night and eqbc won't work. Log in ok but when I go to use command it works on my toon but the others connected say control turned off not allowed? Never had this before ..where should I start looking? antivirus or other settings?
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    EverQuest: The Burning Lands!

    So I see the expansion is coming. Back to the planes. I am thrilled they are still releasing them. Looks like another movie sequel to the original which doesn't surprise me. What is everyone's thoughts and opinions? I myself hope for no level raise and lots of places to explore since I...
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    Server Downtime tomorrow

    All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 6:30 AM PT* for an update. Estimated downtime is approximately 5 hours. Roxxlyy
  8. N

    What does everybody do during patch days and expansion release days?

    So what does everybody do? During patch and after. Sleep? Play other games? (ewww). Refresh the mmo website 100 times? (Guilty as charged myself!) I used to tradeskill till compile came out or just put up trader and grab rogue and explore the new stuff quietly. Do you brave the first...
  9. N

    MQ2Bot - Getting Character To Follow Without Sitting

    I use Mq2bot a ton and eqbc. I do a ton of missions where I have my bot army follow me to a different location to do more killing. I have my beasty set to med at low mana. My issue arises when I hit /follow a lot of times she is sitting and stays and i am across the zone before I realize...
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    Soe becoming daybreak Game company

    What do you guys think? Will it spell the end for Eq? How will it effect MQ2 and Mmobugs. Am curious
  11. N

    Questions bout ping rate and cable vs DSL

    It has probably been posted before but I have a question about ping rates and Everquest play. When we moved to this area bout 4 years ago we naturally went with cable cause thats what we have had for years. At the time they were replacing lines in our area and people were splicing our...
  12. N

    Easy code to avoid certain mobs?

    I have a nice macro going in a mission i use for xp. There are 3 or 4 named you must kill to end mission I have tried lots of code snipps to avoid these named or when they get targetted to warp and fade away and nothing seems to work. It is a basic kill macro that uses f8 to target or uses a...