Recent content by Raistlin22

  1. R

    WTS 115 Wizard , Beastlord, Zerker, Rogue, Cleric $150 each.

    Fast and reliable happy with purchase.
  2. R

    MQ2MoveUtils pause issue

    Hello useing the command /stick pause lock really lags out my game and also spams the mq window very bad what is best way to disable this plugin when i do not want to use it?
  3. R

    moving player/target hud

    hello i looked at the MQ2movehud plugin but i cant get it to work any way to drag/drop the player/target area's to a new area and maybe scale them down in size?
  4. R

    help with setting up berserker

    yes i assume that is what helps me "stick" and use frenzy and such
  5. R

    help with setting up berserker

    hello i currently am trying to set up for my zerker but ive forgot what most of these plugins do my question is what plugin is used to set off disc ? which is to set off maybe his chest item? also one ability he has that i fail to keep up often is his cry line of disc is there a way to set that...
  6. R

    Kronos Krono's

    Super fast and very friendly :) thank you!
  7. R

    level 100 swarming

    so finally got my alt to lvl 70 to group with me but raid will only let him zone in not i guess i gota lvl him to 85 blah! but o well :) you guys think thats why we both cant zone in
  8. R

    level 100 swarming

    honestly not sure why but that was me solo w.o lod its still good for me just though it would be more
  9. R

    level 100 swarming

    AT 4K AA i only got 8 aa's
  10. R

    level 100 swarming

    it says all of phara dar (sp)s quest not to sure
  11. R

    level 100 swarming

    have about 101hp self buffed (with temp hp buff) and i have the t4 rof wep something like 268 ? damage not really sure 100% what it is. my only issue with Grounds is i dont really have the best dps so without visage/Spire i think it wont be pretty . ill try it when i get home and see willing to...
  12. R

    level 100 swarming

    ok thanks guys i think ill do the required quest to get the raid then ill go and try that. ive not done the raid since it was current is it soloable or probley only able to do the Trash mobs right? thanks everyone again for all the replies
  13. R

    level 100 swarming

    at a guess how many aa's you think a lvl 100 with only 4k would get per pull of the raid instance? also would be pling my 85 alts aa's to guessing he would get a TON with no aa's.....
  14. R

    level 100 swarming

    hey all i know tons ask about swarming but i cant seem to find the best place to go for my lvl 100 4k aa full t4 rof geared sk to swarm yea kaesora works but alot of greens so gota wait for my epic per pull would the raid/instance all be lb? if not can you guys give me some ideals of other...
  15. R

    question about plugin

    ok cool thanks guys and yea it would be me useing on sk solo and maybe in groups for buff switching ect :) thanks all