
Time Traveling Troll
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Red Telephone Booth, formerly a Cardboard Box



The EverQuest team is proud to bring you our 17th expansion, House of Thule. The launch of this expansion is scheduled for October 12, 2010!!

You'll be able to pre-order your copy of House of Thule (via digital download) scheduled to begin on September 9, 2010. Pre-order will end on October 11, 2010.

Not only are you getting brand new zones, quests and content, this year’s expansion is bursting at the seams with bonus in-game items!

$20 off if you pre-order.




Greetings Norrathians!

The EverQuest team is proud to bring you our 17th expansion, House of Thule. The launch of this expansion is scheduled for October 12, 2010!!

You'll be able to pre-order your copy of House of Thule (via digital download) scheduled to begin on September 9, 2010. Pre-order will end on October 11, 2010.

Not only are you getting brand new zones, quests and content, this year’s expansion is bursting at the seams with bonus in-game items!

Here are pictures of the some of the items you'll get!

The Discordant Contract (CE only) will allow adventurers to purchase the services of these mercenary. The Gnoll Pup Leash (CE Only) will summon a gnoll familiar to follow you on your journeys.

Morell's Castle



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Motherfuckers theyre gonna get me for more money sons of bitches I really want that swd mold (hope it can be moved when u upgrade)
They should've made that two hander....
So for an extra $30 you get the stuff in red:

•Includes House of Thule and all previous expansions
•Includes the following in-game items:
◦Live Topiary Mount
Dead Topiary Mount
◦Gnoll Pup Leash
◦Sword of Truth Template

◦20 Slot Bag◦ instead of only 16-Slot
two Bag Slots
◦Wailing Mercenary Contract
◦Discordant Mercenary Contract
◦House of Thule Box Art Painting
◦House of Thule Painting

What IS it all and is it even worth it, that's the question. Remember, it's all digital download so it's not you're getting a HoT painting on canvas mounted in a purty wood frame!

The Sword of Truth Template is real useful for classes that can't equip 1H-slash weapons, eh?
The only thing that really seems worthwhile to me is the 20 slot bag. And I'm almost positive they will be selling those in marketplace for cheaper than what it costs to get the extra special pre-order thing.
And you get a 16-slot with the regular download anyway.

I wonder if these enormous bags are going to be lore? Can you have both a 16- and a 20-slot? And will this become academic with a house, if you can store excess stuff in closets or trunks under your bed?
House vaults were really nice in EQ2. More prestigious the property, more vault and broker (consignment) space you had. Really some good incentives. With these larger bag sizes, I'm hoping this reflects other container possibilities as well. Extra space is always welcomed.
Player housing, larger inventories and new zones await players in House of Thule
Sony Online Entertainment made it perfectly clear today in Las Vegas that they are not about to leave EverQuest behind. At last night's Opening Address at SOE Fan Faire, John Smedley announced the upcoming EverQuest expansion, House of Thule. Today EQ Producer Thom Terrazas and a team of seven other developers and designers on the EverQuest team divulged more information as to what players can expect with the new expansion.

Players will have a level cap increase up to level 90. Not only will this provide more spells for players to learn but it will also make easier some of the current content that some players have difficulty in beating.

EverQuest picture
One of the more fun aspects of the expansion is that player housing will be added to the game. Now players will be able to own their own homes in Norrath. The housing system in EverQuest will share some similarity to that of EverQuest II with upkeep and escrow balances, but there are some fundamental differences too that promise to make player housing a fun and somewhat unique system.

A zone will be made available with 73 plots of land. Players can then purchase the plots and build their homes on them. As an added bonus the plots aren't just for houses. Also available will be lawn ornaments and decorations that can spice up a player's property. Included will be plant life and ornaments. Plots will also be able to support two houses if players wish. Every character can own up to two plots, so there will be plenty of space to build your landscape.

Furniture for the houses will be made by various crafting skills and will also be available on vendors and in the Station Marketplace. All non-lore weapons can be mounted and placed on the walls. Be careful though. Some items will cost their own upkeep to maintain in addition to the property upkeep costs. If upkeep isn't paid the items will simply be placed in the closet (for indoor items) or the shed (for outdoor items). The items will not be lost, simply just kept in the virtual container until upkeep is paid again.

What if a player buys property and never uses it? Not to worry, as there will be inactivity time outs which will open up the property for sale again. The previous owner will have all of their items shipped to them in a storage crate for the next time they log on.

Players will be able to have pets in their homes, and there is even talk about possibly adding a "banker pet" which will allow the owner to bank in the comfort of their own homes.

Each home comes with extra storage slots to hold personal items, and this feature falls in line with another anticipated aspect of House of Thule: expanded inventory. In addition to more storage slots available to players in their homes, every character will gain two additional main inventory slots on their character. 12 and 14 slot bags will start dropping in Norrath, and fans who purchase the expansion will receive a free 16 slot bag for their character with their purchase. Larger containers will become available as the game matures, but SOE will be keeping close watch to make sure to meet a comfortable balance.

EverQuest picture
What else does House of Thule have in store for players? There will be 13 new zones including one new raid zone. Feerrott is undergoing a revamp with improved graphics. Within the zone a house will appear which contains the answers to some mysterious events that will be happening in Norrath as some well known NPCs will have fallen into a permanent sleep.

The zones are based around these NPCs nightmares. For example, one zone will be Al'Kabor's nightmare in which he has gained enough power to destroy the world. In the zone Norrath will have been shattered and all that remains are many chunks of land forming islands that players may explore. Each island will have very identifiable landmarks indicating which part of Norrath the chunk of land has come from.

In Erud's nightmare Erudin has lost the war with the heretics and Erudin is burning. In Miragel's nightmare players can explore Miragul's mind.

Overall there is a lot for EverQuest fans to look forward to with House of Thule, as the cheers from the crowd today at Fan Faire indicated. Stay tuned to Ten Ton Hammer for more details over the next few days.

73 plots? Serious?
I haven't looked or paid much attention to the HoT expansion news. I don't spend much time at the station forums, get tired of reading the whiners comments.
OMG just read Blitz' last post......lookout peeps! Farmville from FB is invading EQ !!!! ROFLMAO
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I haven't looked or paid much attention to the HoT expansion news. I don't spend much time at the station forums, get tired of reading the whiners comments.
OMG just read Blitz' last post......lookout peeps! Farmville from FB is invading EQ !!!! ROFLMAO

Housing wow...kill me already.
UO was the shit, until they allowed housing. Another game turned to shit to make a buck.
Uh... 73 plots = plenty of room?!?! Are they fucking retarded?
Yeah I'm not too sure on the plots. If they aren't instanced, there are going to be problems. The setup EQ2 has is legit, various housing developments throughout Qeynos or Freeport (I don't count the dumb additional towns since release), with the more desirable lots being that much more expensive (plus Guilds factored in). Perhaps they may upgrade to this at some future point, but for now, I hope it isn't literally 73 plots in a zone. A handful of people could lock the zone up.
Who needs housing? The guild lobby and guild hall work fine for me....If I wanted housing, I would start playing EQII again or even better the Sims hehe. Sounds like the devs are running out of creative, imaginitive ideas for EQ, or they just don't give a squat anymore.
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Who needs housing? The guild lobby and guild hall work fine for me....If I wanted housing, I would start playing EQII again or even better the Sims hehe. Sounds like the devs are running out of creative, imaginitive ideas for EQ, or they just don't give a squat anymore.

Think another aim of the housing is expanding personal storage space. This would allow a much larger capacity then shared bank across all of your toons, plus miscellaneous storage for items (remember Heritage from EQ). This way, you get rid of the unique pieces by placing them in your home, plus you get even more space to store your useful shit. There is a lot of positive aspects that can be brought into play here, which is good. For the housing itself though, I agree with you, I would play something else.

It may also allow people in your fellowship, or just anyone to gain access to your storage. If you've multiple accounts, you won't have to focus them on guild halls alone.
I thought it said that the items you could place on your wall etc had to be non-lore, making that functionality basically useless. There's still extra storage, but the part about putting items on the wall for display didn't seem like it would be very useful. Unless I just read it wrong?
Player Housing is introducing code into the game that will allow Player Created Content in the future.
Player Housing is introducing code into the game that will allow Player Created Content in the future.

So basically its stealing the "Second Life" element of player created shit.
Player Housing is introducing code into the game that will allow Player Created Content in the future.

So basically its stealing the "Second Life" element of player created shit.

Every MMO steals from other MMOs now. But, the Player Created Content will be more towards created tasks and missions, rather than skins and such.
Player Housing is introducing code into the game that will allow Player Created Content in the future.

So basically its stealing the "Second Life" element of player created shit.

Every MMO steals from other MMOs now. But, the Player Created Content will be more towards created tasks and missions, rather than skins and such.

The first post or earlier post in this thread stated that player made furnature and other things via tradeskills.

I do not see how that relates to player created missions.

As for stealing from other games.... When you create a new one sure. Do not fuck up old games by trying to be like new games.

EQ was EQ because it was EQ. Original.