War mac, No attack on enrage please!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
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Hello Ive been using this war mac for a while now, it has some problems but nothing i can't live with. EXCEPT that the darn thing wont turn off attack during enrage. Every time i pull a mob that enrages i have to shut off the mac before it gets to that point. Im guessing it would just take a minor tweak to fix but i know absolutely nothing about code. So if anyone could do me a favor and take a glance it and make a suggestion on what might fix my problem id be glad to try it and very appreciative. Anywhere heres the mac:

#Event CampCheck    "#1# says out of character, #*#camp check#*#" 
#Event CampCheck    "#1# shouts, #*#camp check#*#" 
#Event GotSummoned  "You have been summoned!" 
#Event Enraged      "|${Target.CleanName}| become ENRAGED#*#" 
#Event EnragedOff   "|${Target.CleanName}| is no longer enraged#*#" 
#Event MobGate      "|${Target.CleanName}| begins to cast the gate spell#*#" 
#Event MobDead      "#*#You have slain#*#" 
#Event MobDead      "#*#has been slain by#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#hits YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#slashes YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#crushes YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#bashes YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#kicks YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#smashes YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#mauls YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#gores YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#pierces YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#kicks YOU for#*#" 
#event GotHit       "#*#bashes YOU for#*#"  
#event Zoned        "You have entered#*#" 
#Event TooFarAway   "#*#Your target is too far away, get closer#*#" 
#event NotStanding  "#*#You must be standing to attack!#*#" 
#event NoSeeTarget  "#*#You cannot see your target.#*#" 
#event NoSeeTarget  "#*#You can't hit them from here#*#" 
#event Dead         "#*#Returning to home point#*#" 
#event ManualLoot   "[MQ2] loooot#*#" 
#event MakeCamp     "[MQ2] make camp#*#" 
#event SetPuller    "[MQ2] set puller #1#" 
#event SetRaidMA    "[MQ2] set raidma #1#" 
#event RaidMode     "[MQ2] set raidmode#*#" 
#event beepbeep     "#*# tells you#*#wake up#*#" 
#event Restart      "#1# tells the group, #*#reset home!#*#" 
#event Restart      "#1# tells you, #*#reset home!#*#" 
#event AssistPuller "|${Puller}| tells the group, 'assist me#*#" 

#include advloot.inc 
|#include wait4rez.inc 
#include spell_routines.inc 

#define DEBUG_1 "/squelch /echo" 
#define DEBUG_2 "/echo" 

Sub Main 
/echo Now running lazytank, combat helper... 
|/if (!${Bool[${Plugin[mq2moveutils]}]}) { 
|  /echo MQ2MoveUtils not detected!  This macro requires it! 
|  /beep 
|  /end 
/declare ResetMasters      string outer "Mario" 
/declare Provoke           string outer "Bazu Bellow" 
/declare ShieldDistance    int    outer 25 
/declare ShootBow                 outer FALSE 
/declare AssistMeAt        int    outer 98 
/declare Puller            string outer 
/declare PullerID          int    outer 
/declare RaidMode          string outer FALSE 
/declare RaidMA            string outer 
/declare RaidEngageAt      int    outer 96 
/declare Closeness         int    outer 99 
/declare DefaultPuller     string outer YOURFAVORITEPULLER 
/declare Casters           string outer Necromancer|Enchanter|Wizard|Magician|Cleric|Druid|Shaman 
/declare CallAssist        string outer TRUE 
/declare Verbose                  outer TRUE 
/declare Channel           string outer /gsay 
/declare HomeXLoc          int    outer ${Me.X} 
/declare HomeYLoc          int    outer ${Me.Y} 
/declare Berated                  outer FALSE 
/declare Engaged                  outer TRUE 
/declare DeadTarget               outer FALSE 
/declare Adds                     outer TRUE 
/declare DEBUG                    outer FALSE 
/declare TargetArray[4]    string outer 
/declare ShieldTimer       timer  outer 300s        
/declare LootMobs          int    outer 50 
/declare CorpseList        string outer 0 
/declare CorpseRadius      int    outer 70 
/declare MobsTooClose      int    outer 50 
/declare CorpseAlertList   int    outer 70 
/declare CorpseRotTime     string outer 440s 
/declare CorpseRotTimer    timer  outer 
/declare CorpseRotSetTimer string outer FALSE 
/declare LootINIFile       string outer "${Me.Name}_loot.ini" 
/declare useAutoLoot       string outer FALSE 
/declare cz                string local ${Zone} 
/declare BowShots          int    outer 0 
/declare WaitTimer         timer  outer 
/declare SanityTimer       timer  outer 
/declare OldItem           string outer 
/squelch /alias /lootmobs /echo loooot 
/squelch /alias /makecamp /echo make camp 
/squelch /alias /setpuller /echo set puller 
/squelch /alias /setraidma /echo set raidma 
/squelch /alias /setraidmode /echo set raidmode 

/if (!${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) { 
  /if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[PC]} || ${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]} || ${Target.Type.Equal[PET]}) { 
    /varset Puller ${DefaultPuller} 
    /target ${Puller} 
    /delay 3 
    /varset PullerID ${Target.ID} 
    /squelch /target clear 
  } else { 
    /varset Puller ${Target} 
    /target ${Puller} 
    /delay 3 
    /varset PullerID ${Target.ID} 
    /squelch /target clear  

/if (${PullerID}) { 
  /echo I Will assist ${Puller} for incoming targets. 
  /echo I Will call assist from the group at ${AssistMeAt}% 
  /echo I am using ${Provoke} for my provoke /disc 
} else { 
  /echo Waiting for mobs to come to camp... 
/if (${Verbose}) /echo Default channel for announcements is ${Channel} 
/if (!${InvSlot[charm].Item.Name.Length} && !${InvSlot[chest].Item.Name.Length} && !${InvSlot[head].Item.Name.Length} ) /call Event_Dead 

DEBUG_1 top of main loop. 
  /delay 1 
  /if (!${Target.ID} && ${PullerID} && ${Spawn[${PullerID}].Distance} < 180 && !${RaidMode}) { 
    /squelch /assist ${Puller} 
    /delay 3 
    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]}) /target clear 
    /delay 3 
    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]}) /target clear 
    /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.ID} != ${Me.ID}) { 
      /face fast 
      /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Setting TargetArray 
      /varset TargetArray[1] ${Target.CleanName} 
      /varset TargetArray[2] ${Target.Level} 
      /varset TargetArray[3] ${Target.Name} 
      /varset TargetArray[4] ${Target.ID} 
      /varset SanityTimer 1m 
    } else /if (${Target.ID} == ${Me.ID}) { 
      /squelch /target clear 
  /if (${Target.ID} && ${Verbose}&& ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) ${Channel} Ready to tag ${Target.CleanName} from you, bring it in! 
  /if (!${Target.ID} && ${PullerID} && ${Spawn[${PullerID}].Type.Equal[PC]}) { 
    /goto :needamob 
  } else { 
    /call CheckForAdds 
DEBUG_2 :waitformob 
DEBUG_2 :Bowshot Bowshots: ${BowShots}, ShootBow: ${ShootBow} 
    /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.LineOfSight} && ${ShootBow} && ${Target.Distance} > 40 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${BowShots} < 3 && ${Target.Distance} < 225) { 
DEBUG_2 Inside /goto :BowShot 
      /face fast 
      /varcalc BowShots ${BowShots}+1 
      /delay 12 
      /goto :BowShot 
    /if (${Target.Distance} > 60 && ${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${SanityTimer} && ${Target.ID} != ${Me.ID}) { 
DEBUG_2 Inside /goto :waitformob 
      /delay 5 
      /face fast 
      /goto :waitformob 
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} < 100 && !${Target.ID} && !${RaidMode}) /call CheckForAdds 
  /if (${RaidMode} && !${Engaged}) { 
DEBUG_1 Inside /if ({RaidMode}) switch, main loop. 
    /assist ${RaidMA} 
    /delay 1 
    /if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.PctHPs} > ${RaidEngageAt}) /goto :HoldEngage 
    /varset Engaged TRUE 
    /squelch /stick 15 moveback 
    /call KillTarget 
  /if (${Target.ID} && ${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} < 50 && ${Target.Distance} < 65 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) { 
    /varset Engaged TRUE 
    /call KillTarget 
  /if (!${Target.ID}) /call ReadyForNext 
  /goto :Main_Loop 

Sub CheckForAdds 
DEBUG_1 Entered CheckForAdds 
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo In CheckForAdds! 
  /declare i int local 1 
  /declare s int local 
  /for i 1 to 4 
    /varset s ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].ID} 
    /if (${Spawn[${s}].Distance} < 60 && ${Math.Distance[${Me.Z}:${Spawn[${s}].Z}]} < 40 && ${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight}) { 
      /squelch /target npc id ${s} 
      /if (${Verbose}) /echo Target Information: 
      /if (${Verbose}) /echo [ ${Target.Level} ${Target.Race} ${Target.Class} ] ${Target} ${Target.Surname} ( ${Target.Type} ) 
      /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Setting TargetArray 
      /varset TargetArray[1] ${Target.CleanName} 
      /varset TargetArray[2] ${Target.Level} 
      /varset TargetArray[3] ${Target.Name} 
      /varset TargetArray[4] ${Target.ID} 
  /next i 

Sub KillTarget 
DEBUG_1 Entered KillTarget 
   /keypress 5
  /declare BackTimer timer local 5s 
  /varset SanityTimer 90s 
  /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
   /varset WaitTimer 1s    
   /if (${WaitTimer}) { 
     /delay 1 
     /goto :Waiting 
   /keypress 3
   /keypress 4
   /if (!${SanityTimer} && ${Target.Distance} > 20) { 
     /squelch /target clear 
     /delay 3 
     /call ReadyForNext 
   /if (${Paused}) { 
     /delay 1s 
     /goto :Combat 
   /if (${Target.ID}) { 
     /face fast nolook 
     /if (${CallAssist} && ${Verbose}) /call AssistMe 
    /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=9) /call DoFurious 
  /if (${Me.Feigning}) { 
    /delay 1 
    /attack on 
    /if (${Target.Distance} > 12) /stick 10 moveback 
  /if (${Target.Distance} > 140) { 
    /target clear 
    /varset Engaged FALSE 
   /if (!${Berated} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Provoke}]} && !${RaidMode}) /call DoIncite 
   /if (!${Me.Combat} && ${Int[${Target.Distance}]} < 70) /squelch /stick 10 moveback 
  /if (!${Me.Combat} && ${Target.Distance} < ${Target.MaxRangeTo}) /attack on 
  /if (!${Me.TargetOfTarget.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) /if (${Target.Distance} < 25 && ${Me.AbilityReady["Taunt"]} && !${RaidMode}) /doability "Taunt" 
   /if (!${Me.Combat} && ${Int[${Target.Distance}]} < 100 && ${RaidMode}) /stick moveback behindonce ${Math.Calc[${Target.MaxRangeTo}*${Closeness}/100]} 
   /if (${BackTimer} <=1 && ${RaidMode} && ${Me.Combat}) { 
     /stick moveback behindonce ${Math.Calc[${Target.MaxRangeTo}*${Closeness}/100]} 
     /varset BackTimer 5s 
   /if (!${ShieldTimer} && ${Me.PctHPs} > 40) /call DoShielding 
  /if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) { 
    /squelch /target clear 
    /delay 3 
    /attack off 
    /delay 3 
    /call CheckForAdds 
    /if (${Target.ID}) /call KillTarget 
    /doevents MobDead 
  /goto :Combat 

Sub DoShielding 
DEBUG_1 Entered DoShielding 
  /if (${Me.TargetOfTarget.PctHPs} < 30 && ${Me.TargetOfTarget.Type.Equal[pc]} && ${Me.PctHPs} > 50 && ${Me.TargetOfTarget.Distance} <= ${ShieldDistance} && ${Me.TargetOfTarget.ID} != ${Me.ID}) { 
    /shield ${Me.TargetOfTarget} 
    /varset ShieldTimer 300s 
    /if (${Verbose}) ${Channel} SHIELDING is now on ${Me.TargetOfTarget} 
  /declare i int local 0 
  /for i 1 to ${Group} 
    /if (${Casters.Find[${Group.Member[${i}].Class}]} && ${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs} < 60 && ${Group.Member[${i}].Distance} <= ${ShieldDistance}) { 
      /shield ${Group.Member[${i}]} 
      /varset ShieldTimer 300s 
      /if (${Verbose}) ${Channel} Now SHIELDING ${Group.Member[${i}]}!! 

Sub ReadyForNext 
DEBUG_1 Entered ReadyForNext 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Nettle Shield].ID} && ${Spawn[pc DRUIDFRIEND].ID}) { 
    /tell DRUIDFRIEND ds 
    /delay 6s 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Steeloak Skin].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID} && ${Spawn[pc DRUIDFRIEND].ID}) { 
    /tell DRUIDFRIEND ss please 
    /delay 9s 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Ward of Valiance].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID} && ${Me.Buff[Steeloak Skin].ID} && ${Spawn[pc CLERICFRIEND].ID}) { 
    /tell CLERICFRIEND buffme 
    /delay 7s 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Symbol of Balikor].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Balikor's Mark].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID} && ${Me.Buff[Steeloak Skin].ID} && ${Spawn[pc CLERICFRIEND].ID}) { 
    /tell CLERICFRIEND balikor 
    /delay 7s 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Speed of Salik].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Hastening of Salik].ID} && ${Spawn[pc mezem].ID}) { 
    /tell mezem haste 
    /delay 10s 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Ward of Valiance].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Steeloak Skin].ID} && ${Spawn[pc CLERICFRIEND].ID}) { 
    /delay 7s 
  |/if (!${Me.Buff[Form of Defense I].ID}) { 
  |  /call EquipItem "Shroud of the Fallen Defender" back 
  | | /varset OldItem ${Macro.Return} 
  |  /call cast "Form of Defense 1" item 10s 
  |  /delay 5 
  |  /call EquipItem "${OldItem}" back 
  /varset Closeness 99 
  /varset CallAssist TRUE 
  /varset Engaged FALSE 
  /varset Berated FALSE 
  /varset BowShots 0 
  /varset Adds    TRUE 
DEBUG_1 Leaving ReadyForNext 
Sub DoFurious 
DEBUG_1 Entereed DoFurious 
  /if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady["Furious"]}) { 
    /disc Furious 
    /echo Health too low! Hitting Furious! 
    /if (${Verbose}) ${Channel} Going into Riposte mode!  Will need healing within 12 seconds! 

Sub AssistMe 
DEBUG_1 Entered AssistMe 
  /if (${CallAssist} ${Target.PctHPs} <= ${AssistMeAt} && ${Me.Combat}) { 
    /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Assist me now on [ %t ] 
    /varset CallAssist FALSE 

Sub ReturnHome 
DEBUG_1 Entered ReturnHome 
  /face fast nolook loc ${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc} 
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}>20) /keypress forward hold 
  /call AreWeStuck 
 |/warp loc -1670 344 -165
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}<25) { 
    /keypress forward 
    /keypress back 
    /keypress left 
    /keypress right 
    /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Leaving Sub ReturnHome 
  /goto :MoveHome 

Sub AreWeStuck 
  /declare  StuckXLoc      int local ${Me.X} 
  /declare  StuckYLoc      int local ${Me.Y} 
  /delay 5 
  /if (${StuckXLoc}==${Me.X} && ${StuckYLoc}==${Me.Y}) /call MoveAround 

Sub MoveAround 
  /keypress forward 
  /keypress back hold 
  /delay 3 
  /keypress back 
  /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) { 
     /keypress strafe_right hold 
  } else { 
     /keypress strafe_left hold 
  /delay 10 
  /keypress strafe_right 
  /keypress strafe_left 

Sub DoIncite 
DEBUG_1 Inside DoIncite 
  /if (${Me.PctEndurance} > 40 && !${Berated} && ${Target.Distance} < 50) { 
DEBUG_1 DoIncite, /if statement 
    /squelch /face nolook fast 
    /delay 1 
    /disc Bazu 
    /delay 1 
    /varset Berated TRUE 

Sub Event_GotSummoned 
  /keypress back hold 
  /delay 5 
  /keypress back 

Sub Event_RaidMode 
  /if (${RaidMode}) { 
    /varset RaidMode FALSE 
    /if (${Verbose}) /echo RaidMode DEACTIVATED 
  } else { 
    /varset RaidMode TRUE 
    /if (${Verbose}) /echo RaidMode ACTIVATED 

Sub Event_Dead 
  /call Wait4Rez 

Sub Event_SetRaidMA(string Line,string NewRaidMA) 
  /varset RaidMA ${NewRaidMA} 
  /if (${Verbose}) /echo Now assisting ${RaidMA} for incoming Raid Targets 

Sub Event_SetPuller(string Line,string NewPuller) 
  /varset Puller ${NewPuller} 
  /target ${Puller} 
  /delay 2 
  /varset PullerID ${Target.ID} 
  /squelch /target clear 
  /if (${Verbose}) /echo Now assisting ${Puller} for incoming mob target! 

Sub Event_MobGate 
  /if (${Verbose}) ${Channel} ${Target.CleanName} is GATING!  Stun/Mezz! 

Sub Event_MakeCamp 
  /varset HomeXLoc ${Me.X} 
  /varset HomeYLoc ${Me.Y} 

Sub Event_Enraged 
   /attack off 
   /delay 2 
   /varset Paused TRUE 
   /echo Mob is Enraged, turning off attack and waiting! 

Sub Event_EnragedOff 
   /attack on 
   /delay 2 
   /varset Paused FALSE 
   /echo Enrage off, attacking.. 

Sub Event_TooFarAway 
  /if (${RaidMode}) { 
    /echo ** Too far away - Getting 10% closer now! 
    /varset Closeness ${Math.Calc[${Closeness}*0.9].Int} 
    /if (${Closeness}<20) /varset Closeness 20 
    /stick hold loose behindonce ${Math.Calc[${Target.MaxRangeTo} * ${Closeness} / 100]} 
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} > 100) /call ReturnHome 
  /if (${Spawn[${TargetArray[4]}].ID} && ${Target.ID} != ${TargetArray[4]}) { 
    /squelch /target id ${TargetArray[4]} 
    /delay 1s ${Target.ID} == ${TargetArray[4]} 
    /squelch /stick 12 moveback 
  } else { 
    /squelch /stick 12 moveback 

Sub Event_GotHit 
  /if (!${Engaged}  && !${Target.ID}) { 
    /target radius 15 npc 
    /varset Engaged TRUE 
    /call KillTarget 

Sub Event_NotStanding 
  /if (!${Engaged}  || ${Target.ID}) /return 
  /call MoveAround 
  /target radius 60 npc 
  /call KillTarget 

Sub Event_NoSeeTarget 
  /if (!${Engaged}  || ${Target.ID}) /return 
  /target radius 30 npc 
  /call KillTarget 

Sub Event_ManualLoot 
  /echo in manual loot 
  /call LootMobs 

Sub Event_MobDead 
  /delay 3 
  /if (${LootMobs}==1 && !${Me.Moving}) /call LootMobs 
  /call CheckForAdds 
  |/warp loc -1670 344 -165
  /if (${Target.ID}) /return 
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} > 30) /call ReturnHome 

Sub Event_Zoned 
  /varset cz ${Zone} 
  /varset HomeXLoc ${Me.X} 
  /varset HomeYLoc ${Me.Y} 

Sub Event_CampCheck 
  /if (${cz.Find[Muramite Provinggrounds]}) { 
    /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:-4200,-1800]} < 400) /ooc Stormer at Realms. 

Sub Event_beepbeep 
  /delay 2 
  /delay 2 

Sub Event_Restart(string Line,string Sender) 
  /if (${ResetMasters.Find[${Sender}]}) { 
    /squelch /target clear 
    /delay 1s !${Target.ID} 
    /varset TargetArray[4] 0 
    /varset Engaged FALSE 
    /call ReturnHome 

Sub Event_AssistPuller 
  /if (${Spawn[${PullerID}].Distance} > 200) { 
    /gsay You're too far away from camp to assist! 
  } else { 
    /assist ${Puller} 
    /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.ID} != ${Me.ID}) { 
      /face fast 
      /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Setting TargetArray 
      /varset TargetArray[1] ${Target.CleanName} 
      /varset TargetArray[2] ${Target.Level} 
      /varset TargetArray[3] ${Target.Name} 
      /varset TargetArray[4] ${Target.ID} 
      /varset SanityTimer 1m 
    } else /if (${Target.ID} == ${Me.ID}) { 
      /squelch /target clear 
Without looking at the macro itself, I'd imagine the problem is
#Event Enraged      "|${Target.CleanName}| become ENRAGED#*#"

Try using
#Event Enraged      "|${Target.CleanName}| has become ENRAGED#*#"
Or use mq2melee to handle things like that.
Thanks Taron i tried that, and it still doesn't work. And I do use mq2melee to handle the enrage, sort of. When i pull a mob that i know enrages i turn off the mac and let mq2melee go to work, it works beautifully. Problem is if i leave the mac running, it keeps turning attack back on even though mq2melee is trying to turn it off. And if i just use mq2melee, it wont engage the mob on the pull :\
Have no issue with mq2melee with tanks engaging any moment, if mob enrages, it turns off attack, once mob stops enraging, tank turns on attack again. My tank does the pulling and engaging mob after the pull...no issue there as well. I just used mq2mlee, works wonderfully.
Jestercap -- What Taron meant was that you needed to add a "has" in to your message. But...if you tried THAT, and it didn't work, here's a different fix. Change the following:

#Event Enraged      "#*#become ENRAGED#*#" 
#Event EnragedOff   "#*#is no longer enraged#*#" 

Sub Event_Enraged 
   /if (${Melee.Enraged}) {
   	/attack off 
   	/delay 2 
   	/varset Paused TRUE 
   	/echo Mob is Enraged, turning off attack and waiting! 

Sub Event_EnragedOff 
  /if (!${Melee.Enraged}) {
	   /attack on 
	   /delay 2 
	   /varset Paused FALSE 
	   /echo Enrage off, attacking.. 
Thez, yes i tried adding "has" and it didn't change anything. Thank you for your input, when eq is actually up again and i can try your suggestion i definately will. Like i said im no coder, but it looked like that sub event was missing something to actually trigger it wich im guessing your 2 additional lines may fix. Thank you very much!

Aloysicus, i have never actually tested getting mq2melee to engage the mob on its on. I DO run it, even when the mac is running cause it seems to make the warrior preform a lot smoother and take over if war has already engaged a mob and i shut the mac off. I have read the faq and played with the settings for about an hour and a half but never delved into it deeper. If i can indeed just tweek it to do what i want i can just skip running the mac altogether.

Only real concern with that is i dont actually play the war manually. I use a bard i box to pull to the group and let the mac make war engage. From what i read i didn't see a way to get mq2melee to make him target the mob on his own, but i'll read the faq more thoroughly.

Thanks for your input!
Jestercap -- just use the same macro, but replace "/attack on" with /killthis, or the other appropriate MQ2Melee command.

You could also very easily adapt my Bard macro for this task.
looks like melee and mac are fighting for control. I know that if you put /attack on and its already on it will turn it off (or it used to) so melee turns it off and mac turns it back on.

In the mac for enrage you could add an If statement.

/if ${Me.Combat} /attack off

I cant remember if there is a ${Me.Attacking} type statement or not. I think Combat takes care of that. I am not sure tho. Thez would know
If you are MT on a named though, aren't you supposed to keep attacking through enrage? Or does even the MT stop?

Sorry, I usually play silkies.
If you are MT on a named though, aren't you supposed to keep attacking through enrage? Or does even the MT stop?

Sorry, I usually play silkies.

everyone stops who is at the front of the mob as enrage will kill you. tanks who dont tend to plough :)
If I am the one in the corner, with the mob facing me, I worry about losing agro if I turn it off. Guess that comes from playing a wizard so long. I know how easy it is to gank agro from a warrior.

So, even the one in the corner should keep attacking? I ask this because I had to KEEP turning attack back on when I was MT. Was that dumb?
well it could be i am spoiled. only warriors i have access have velcro on their weapons and only lose aggro to complete idiot casters who over aggro or if the mob blurs. i guess to some extent this is a gear/mob related issue as. also enrage doesnt last for that long and by then the tank should have built up enough aggro
Generally speaking yes even the tank wants to turn enrage off. Cause while its enraged the mob will riposte every attack you do. Now you can still strikethrough via gear / aa but every single hit you do the mob will attack you back.

So a lot is ,yes, both dependant on the tanks gear, and what mob your fighting. Back when i used to have my super pimp tank, in common exp groups or farming stuff not extremely difficult, a lot of the times id just go ahead and attack through, cause it would make the mob just chew itself on my ds more, id still strikethrough a very good amount, and i could take it. So to me it was like bonus dps from the ds at the end heh. But obviously if im tanking stuff on a raid and the mobs hitting me for 4k's or some such, its suicide to keep attack on. You just have to rely on the fact that by that point you pretty much have a solid aggroe lockdown, and the wizards etc need to know thats not the moment to go crazy.

However i lost my pride and joy to the ban stick a while ago, and the new tank i started over from scratch is still rather gimpy. So pretty much regardless of what im fighting, its almost always a death sentance for him to attack through rage.

Lately i have been back to farming the dreaded katta faction so none of the stuff im killing enrages, so ive actually been lazy and havn't tried implementing the most recent suggestions. Tommorow i'll make myself try the tweaks before i get going though and when i DO finally fight something that enrages again i'll watch his screen close and see if it works or if i have to manually shut it off and go back to the drawing board. Thank you so much for your input!
Implemented thez's suggestion. When i get a chance to fight an enraging mob again i'll test it. Thanks much!
The post before yours was 3 years ago.
The Original Post was 3 years ago.

I dont think it matters ;)