Upper Guk Froglok faction

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May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Is there any quests that can be macro'd, or some way to get positive uper guk faction (todo the forglock reet quest)
yoda007 said:
Is there any quests that can be macro'd, or some way to get positive uper guk faction (todo the forglock reet quest)

I would use the Hunterwarp macro and kill Frogloks ;)

Have no clue about an quest..
What kalle said, that or use that one macro rusty wrote for killing in N. Karana i think it was, just change it to kill froggies
Booges said:
What kalle said, that or use that one macro rusty wrote for killing in N. Karana i think it was, just change it to kill froggies

Here is the Macro from Rusty

Use it like /macro ***.mac [Mobname] (e.g. Mobname = Froglog)
|08/02/06 by Rusty
#include Ninjadvloot.inc 

Sub Main
/declare spawnname string outer "unknown"
/if (${Defined[Param0]}) { 
/varset spawnname ${Param0} 
} else { 
/echo No spawn selected! /macro farmer spawnname

/Echo ============================= 
/Echo AFK Farmer "${spawnname}" V1.4 
/Echo ============================= 

/call SetupAdvLootVars

/if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) /call Gm
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}!=1) /call Pc
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=20) /call Fade
/call Kill
/goto :loop

Sub Kill
/target id ${NearestSpawn[npc ${spawnname}].ID} 
/delay 1s
/If (!${Target.ID}) /call Wait
/If (${Target.ID}) /call Warp
/If (${Target.ID}) /call Combat

Sub Warp
/warp target
/delay 1s

Sub Combat
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=20) /return
/stick 10 
/if (${Target.Distance} < ${Target.MaxRangeTo} && !${Me.Combat})  /attack on 
/if (${Target.ID}) /goto :Kill
/squelch /stick off
/delay 1s
/call CheckAdds
/delay 1s
/call LootMobs

Sub Gm

Sub Wait
/echo no ${spawnname} waiting two min
/delay 2m 

Sub Pc
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}==1) /return
/echo another player in zone waiting till they leave
/delay 5m
/goto :pc

Sub Fade
/echo Succoring and waiting due to low hp
/warp succor
/delay 1m
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=90) /goto :Wait

Sub CheckAdds
     /declare s int local 
     /declare i int local 
     /for i 1 to 3 
       /varset s ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].ID} 
       /if (${Spawn[${s}].Type.Equal["Corpse"]} || !${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight}) /next i 
       /if (${Spawn[${s}].Distance} <  50 && ${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight}) { 
         /squelch /target id ${s} 
         /goto :Got_Add 
     /next i  
     /call Combat
     /delay 1s 
Hunter frog

Yea Im a newb how do you get this to target the ghoul - frogs to do this macro?
kahztik said:
Yea Im a newb how do you get this to target the ghoul - frogs to do this macro?

I might be wrong but it looks like you say what you want while starting the macro. So if the macros name is farmer and you want frogloks you would do

/mac farmer froglok

or if its say orc

/mac farmer orc ect.

I could be wrong though but that looks right.

Kalle didnt put a name on the mac that i can see so whatever you save it as is how you start it.

If you named it imgod

then /mac imgod froglok
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