Top 10 Hardest Raid Mobs

Simon says Buffbot makes me laugh out loud at his comments.

Fry says he hates uqua with a passion. Running a warrior and cleric at same time in uqua = pure hell.

uqua pre or post nerf? If I remember correctly pre nerf mobs hit about 300-400 harder. That zone truelly makes you respect snap agro of knights.
I dont know how people classify post nerf enforcers in top 10. I as a pally have tanked that event everytime its done since nerf :(
Pepper said:
I dont know how people classify post nerf enforcers in top 10. I as a pally have tanked that event everytime its done since nerf :(

But your uber Pepper your probably in top 5 pallies on your server!
jimjohnson said:
But your uber Pepper your probably in top 5 pallies on your server!

I dont know about all that ;)

but I know this isnt a hard event anymore at all :p
Aside from pre-nerf DK garg event nothing in DK would make my top 10.

Although I give SOE a big thumbs up for no trash mob clearing end game zone.
Uqua sucked quite a bit going through it the first few times.
I think the most intense raids for me were against the Rath in PoEB and the Hive Matriarch. They were just long involved fights. But they weren’t that terribly frustrating.

Uqua especially pre-nerf was very bad. Inevitably someone wouldn’t pay attention and we’d die in a gas chamber.

Almost as bad is Vule. Vule sucks because the first 90% is really easy then when everyone’s overconfident something goes horribly wrong. Eight fights against Vule two wins. Just another encounter where the players are at the mercy of each other’s ability to pay attention.

Undersized tanks, underpowered healers, and blissfully overconfident raid leaders, and just about any distracted raid participants can turn any raid into a total failure.
Mayong Mistmoore is a muther fugger. My guild awakened him on my server and to date NO ONE has slain him.:mad:

I just don't think in terms of raids being hard anymore....requires simply a strat, and yes afk'ers make some raids a pita....people aren't focused...I remember when doing fear, or hate even, required every single person being on top of their game, not just knowing the "script" but being able to trul play and improvise at will.

So I would say fear , not the first incarnation, but a few months in when you couldnt zone lvl 1s in..early hate when the mobs had pets... not that it was terribly difficult but you talk about HOURS of intense play... fear and hate to me meant that.

Difficulty? I am never impressed anymore when anything dies...we have so many hot keys and clickies and aa's, and effects.. The one thing that ever impressed me was seeing a picture of FoH at Bzzazzt or whatever the queen bee in sky was named. This was the lvl 50 cap, pre kunark and up until that the gods hit what, 400? and death touched? She tripled 850's, and death touched after those splits...and you want to add the tediousness...of corpse summoning? bleh

I am one with the wall... was another big moment, but I would say the most difficult raids were the early ones. Dragons and planes. Especially the planes.

The potential of levels lost and actually losing your corpses...meant you didn't take clowns with you..all they do now is make them into 'events' making things more involved, not necessarily making them harder. Simply calling an event or encounter "harder" because there is more moving parts or relying on people to pay attention isn't hard in my book. Cuz we used to play hard and fast, and sometimes even when you all played great you wiped. Uqua. Gates of Discord were more towards what I remembered, guild destroyers.. lol.

My number 1 hardest raid was fearplane after a failed break....wowz.

Fear was a great raid back in the day. My worst raid was basically a 28 hour corpse run. Our raid wiped a few times trying to get in. We then called in another guild to help. They wiped a few times too. Eventually we called in the top guild on the server (at the time).. yup, they wiped. Eventually it took the combined efforts of about 100 people to finally get in, get some rez'd and actually clear a patch.

Nightmare at the time, but one of my best EQ memories now.

see that was what I mean.. we had day long crs lol.. you didnt go in without expecting to lose lvls and possibly risk losing your corpse. Alot of people who can make the hard raids nowadays couldnt handle it, it wouldve broken them...
see that was what I mean.. we had day long crs lol.. you didnt go in without expecting to lose lvls and possibly risk losing your corpse. Alot of people who can make the hard raids nowadays couldnt handle it, it wouldve broken them...

The TimeSink is what made EQ EQ, the level grinding shity exp for hours just to make a level. Shity CRs for hours, days sometimes. People can bitch about it now. But Thats what created one of the biggest MMOGs ever made. When you woke up the next day after 30 minutes sleep to go to work, it may sound retarded, but you had a feeling of accomplishment.

Now adays its ohh well I died, ill just lobby summon tomorow.

FU WoW, and SoE. As much as Brads(VIs) Idea was unreal, and flawed, it was 100x better then what the game turned to under SoEs guideance.

yeah, I like your quote,. here is one for ya.

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity!
@ Larsen


dont forget to mension that even with 100 ppl you had to zone in group by group. If you zoned with to many groups you crashed the zone.

God i miss the old days. First day ever in fear i was so frightened ) But was so fun after we got it right with the breakins )
ill just say one

the sleeper :)

4 hours 2 nights in a row trying to a stay alive and b
read between the (so and so has been saved (raised?) by divine intervention
Fear was a great raid back in the day. My worst raid was basically a 28 hour corpse run. Our raid wiped a few times trying to get in. We then called in another guild to help. They wiped a few times too. Eventually we called in the top guild on the server (at the time).. yup, they wiped. Eventually it took the combined efforts of about 100 people to finally get in, get some rez'd and actually clear a patch.

Nightmare at the time, but one of my best EQ memories now.

The TimeSink is what made EQ EQ, the level grinding shity exp for hours just to make a level. Shity CRs for hours, days sometimes. People can bitch about it now. But Thats what created one of the biggest MMOGs ever made. When you woke up the next day after 30 minutes sleep to go to work, it may sound retarded, but you had a feeling of accomplishment.

Those were the days....Something close to what was said happened to me also. Got home from a long day and logged on just to check up on things. Right when I popped into game I received a tell from my friend. "Dude, please help me on a CR in PoFear". Figured, what the hell, make this quick. Well.....was that a mistake. Group of us went in and things did not go to well. Ended up die'n trying to get my friends corpse, so now I was not trying to CR him, but all of us. Turned into a all nighter thing and had to call in the big dawgs. Went to work feeling like a zombie.

EQ is just not the same :(
yet noone put Queen Sendaii......she's a beast of a fight!
I consider queen sendaii an easy fight... if you have the right force.

12 offtanks (warrior/sk/pal/ranger work well)
3-6 chanter (depending on skill)
12-14 healers (cleric/druid/shaman)
AoE damage for final add waves (3-4 wiz works)

Its all about following the script. If you have the force its clockwork.

Kill wave 1
Kill wave 2
Wave 3 - offtank spawns, kill 1 , mez pop, kill 1, mez pop, till all adds popped.
Kill add, mez/kill pops. Rinse/repeat
Wave 4 - dps queen to split, find lighter colored queen. dps, offtank all others
Wave 5 - move raid to center of zone, offtank queen on wall, use monk/rogue/melee dps to take her down, use sk/pal to pull add pops to center, use aoe damage to kill add pops (low hp).
Those were the days....Something close to what was said happened to me also. Got home from a long day and logged on just to check up on things. Right when I popped into game I received a tell from my friend. "Dude, please help me on a CR in PoFear". Figured, what the hell, make this quick. Well.....was that a mistake. Group of us went in and things did not go to well. Ended up die'n trying to get my friends corpse, so now I was not trying to CR him, but all of us. Turned into a all nighter thing and had to call in the big dawgs. Went to work feeling like a zombie.

EQ is just not the same :(

I know what you mean. I remember, on the 3rd char I made, losing all my gear 3 times before I was even level 5. I was like, Fuck this game, fuck this character, I'm never playing her again.

That was 7 years and 70 levels ago, and god I love my shammy LOL But I have to admit I am just a tad contemptuous of those who didn't have to go through what we did in the early days. I know that's probably crazy from a cheater, but I actually quit EQ because my accomplishments meant nothing anymore. I remember days my guild spent trying to kill Grummus - now he's a joke. I remember spending a month and a half, playing every night after I got home and all weekend, trying to get through level 34. I remember doing the 8th freaking shawl quest with no cheats and very little help from friends. I still can't bring myself to destroy that damn shawl, with all the sweat and tears I put into it.

I was proud as hell of my character once. Now it seems like any moron can get on and get to 75, so why does it matter? I quit entirely because I felt screwed by Sony, which is why I laugh when guys on the Sony Forums say cheaters demean their accomplishments. Oh gimme a fucking break. Sony already did that to those of us who remember when Kunark came out.

Best raid ever was Fear, and so apropos, cause I was so scared I was about to pee my pants every time I zoned in there. My brother dinged 60 the day our guild had a Fear raid scheduled, and he was so stoked cause he could finally cast KEI. By the end of the raid, he was 58, and just weren't getting those corpses back because it was morning and we were all heading to work. Freaking graveyards and guild lobbies. Bah.

P.S. Freaking Vengefuls, damn them, accounted for half my early deaths. Trying to do a CR in Blackburrow as a blind barb lost me some gear, too. I still kill the damn vengefuls every time I go back to EF to adjust my tribute, and it still feels good every time.
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