Statistics-what do they do?


New member
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
str - ?
sta - ?
agi - ?
dex - ?
Wis - ?
Int - ?
Cha - ?

we get obvious out of way that we all know is just the way it is. (most of these vary by classes but any additional info would be awesome)

STR will increase total weight character can carry, increase dmg cap up to a point.

STA will increase max hitpoints.
^ proven fact

AGI will increase AC to an extent and ability to ??dodge??
^ proven fact on ac

Dex will increase ??weapon proc?? and ??crit chance??
^ nothing solid to go by, weapon procs seem to go by weapon delay like WoW. Crit Chance unable to provide proof either.

WIS will raise mana for wis casters
^ proven fact

INT will raise mana for int casters (no shit really?!)
^ the way it is!

CHA will decrease buy price and increase sell price, to an extent and ??something to do with mez/charm??
^ first is proven, second kinda iffy

Ok that's what i gathered from my own knowledge and what i've seen the world wide web say, what you folks got to add in on it? i'm very interrested to see what really does what- now that Heroic stats are starting to get ridiculous!
STR - Correct

STA - Correct

DEX - Although not proven, common word says that this does increase procs. I believe this also might help classes like rogues with backstabs and whatnot

AGI - Correct

WIS - Correct

INT - Correct

CHA - First part correct, and your charms/mezzes are more likely to hold/hold longer
DEX - Although not proven, common word says that this does increase procs. I believe this also might help classes like rogues with backstabs and whatnot

ahh, i was curious on that as well, thinking maybe means they'll land for higher numbers consistently or land more overall backstabs? anyone ever seen parses on difference on these?

p.s thanks for confirming on those Dragonthorne, glad to see i'm not the only early bird going after , well we'll use another word instead of worm... >_<

the boob!
CHA - First part correct, and your charms/mezzes are more likely to hold/hold longer

CHA 120 or 121 will get you best prices from vendors
as for charms mezzes, it has very little effect anymore. it was changed, I wanna say with PoR expantion that these chanter spells became more reliant on magic resistance then CHA. I have played with this a little in that I used a few items such as trophies to max my CHA at 385 (I didn't have all the PP AA's) and had charms breaking less then a min, same was true with my usual gear that has my CHA at 260. This doesn't come from a Sony Dev but from a friend that does end game raids with a chanter and has been managed to get in to beta testing since GoD and been in a guild that automatically get into beta since PoR. So not the word of a Dev, but IMO very reliable.
DEX - Although not proven, common word says that this does increase procs. I believe this also might help classes like rogues with backstabs and whatnot

Dex also helped with channeling when hit

The stats initially played roles in tradeskills but I think that has been changed so your highest primary stat effects tradeskill gains.

I think best price from vendors is CHA 118 but it might be 120/121. Only thing still effected by CHA is DI and I think some pacification spells.
didnt dex help with melee skillups? wis/int help with casting skillups?
and what is the true affects of heroic stats beyond allowing you to have higher than what would otherwise be your cap? have heard int/wis was also mana regen , heroic cha helps with faction hits ... all just hearsay please confirm any of these if you can.
the boob continues....

appears after some parses, dex also does affect for more consistant high dmg backstabs instead of the low high range that had been going, though it's not much it is a boost in dps over a period of time.

i myself never heard about the cha increase (heroic) giving increased faction hits, this would be nice to have known if true though.

str heroic - obvious more dmg, more wt. to carry.

heroic int, i haven't noticed better mana regen samw with wis, but i have noticed larger mana pool.

i do remember that dex also use to help with channeling, large reason as to why there were so many dark elf and gnome casters, the int was decent and the dex was good to (refering to old school, pre kunark toons)
snatch-n-paste from Allakhazam :

EQ:Heroic Stats
- Heroic Intelligence: Increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen an int-based caster can have. It requires +25 heroic intel to gain a single point of +mana regeneration.

- Heroic Wisdom: Increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen a wis-based caster can have.

- Heroic Strength: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by melee attacks and improves the bonus granted to armor class while using a shield.

- Heroic Stamina: Increases hit point pool, hit point regen, and the maximum amount of hit point regen a character can have. Also increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have.

- Heroic Agility: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases the chance to dodge an attack, grants a bonus to defense skill, and reduces falling damage.

- Heroic Dexterity: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by ranged attacks, improves chance to successfully assassinate or headshot, and improves the chance to riposte, block, and parry incoming attacks.

- Heroic Charisma: Improves reaction rolls with some NPCs and increases the amount of faction you gain or lose when faction is adjusted.
DEX is also factored into the crit modifier if I remember correctly. You also might crit more often...