Slam/Intimidation plugins?

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Jun 17, 2006
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I noticed that there's a plugin to use the /shield command on any class. Also, I noticed that there is a similar plugin for taunt. Would it be possible to get one for intimidation or slam? Or is there some distinction why they can't be made into a plugin? Also, what about hide/sneak?
For Hide/Sneak in RH.mac if you use /autohs you turn that on.

As far as Intimidation and Slam with MQ2Combat do /combat ability <#> <Ability>

You need to have the buttons under your actions window made <#> = 1 through 0 IIRC maybe 9 (not like you will use them all) <Ability> would be slam intimidate taunt disarm etc.... it will try to use that skill everytime the button pops while in combat.

to turn them off /combat ability <#> off

to make sure they stick around after death and crap also do /combat save after each change or group of changes.
antld0te said:
I noticed that there's a plugin to use the /shield command on any class. Also, I noticed that there is a similar plugin for taunt. Would it be possible to get one for intimidation or slam? Or is there some distinction why they can't be made into a plugin? Also, what about hide/sneak?

I haven't looked at Intimidation or slam. Are those normal abilities, or AA's?

I've tried Hide/Sneak... It works client side, but there server still thinks your visible..
Psycotic said:
I haven't looked at Intimidation or slam. Are those normal abilities, or AA's?

I've tried Hide/Sneak... It works client side, but there server still thinks your visible..

I have the OFFSETS posted that switch them around. Basically they are in a sort of case statement, but maybe we can make a plugin that utilizes them better.
I don't have a toon with those skills.. Can ya capture a couple packets of them? (With a couple of target packets for you and your victim?) :)
Troll said:
For Hide/Sneak in RH.mac if you use /autohs you turn that on.

As far as Intimidation and Slam with MQ2Combat do /combat ability <#> <Ability>

You need to have the buttons under your actions window made <#> = 1 through 0 IIRC maybe 9 (not like you will use them all) <Ability> would be slam intimidate taunt disarm etc.... it will try to use that skill everytime the button pops while in combat.

to turn them off /combat ability <#> off

to make sure they stick around after death and crap also do /combat save after each change or group of changes.

Thanks for the info, all! Troll, would you be able to provide a link to this so-called RH.mac and MQ2Comat? I'd be very interested in seeing my enchanter using intimidation or kick or what not. :)
MQ2Combat is part of the compile as a plugin. Just have to load it if it isn't already but I think it is. Granted it doesn't allow you to do things your class can't do like... you won't see a Paladin using Intimidation because they don't get it.

RH.mac is Rogue Helper. It is a macro for Rogues BUT if you use autoenc you can't have both at once and once again if your class (ENC in this case I presume) it won't help you either. You can find Rogue Helper on this site and Macroquests site aswell.
Oh, so even though the MMOBugs program allows me to use /shield, MQ2Combat won't allow me to use kick or intimidation or the like?
Doh! Does that mean /shield is a unique case? Or are they any other abilities like this that can overlap to other classes?
antld0te said:
Doh! Does that mean /shield is a unique case? Or are they any other abilities like this that can overlap to other classes?

Description="Turns the Intimidation skill into Taunt"
normal0="1C 14 43 00"
crack0="B2 12 43 00"

Description="Turns the Taunt skill into Intimidation"
normal0="B2 12 43 00"
crack0="1C 14 43 00"


Maybe this is a DEFINE?

.text:00430F80 EQ_Character__UseSkill

This is the JUMP area :

.text:004311AD                 jmp     ds:off_432D74[edx*4] ; Indirect Near Jump

These are the offsets that can possibly be remapped? I looked briefly at them but looks like they can be manipulated like I did in the offsets. So you could probably swap one of another, but not sure if they will work correctly or not.

.text:00432D74 off_432D74      dd offset loc_432222    ; DATA XREF: EQ_Character__UseSkill+22Dr
.text:00432D78                 dd offset loc_431875
.text:00432D7C                 dd offset loc_4311F7
.text:00432D80                 dd offset loc_4313B2
.text:00432D84                 dd offset loc_4324E5
.text:00432D88                 dd offset loc_431D29
.text:00432D8C                 dd offset loc_431854
.text:00432D90                 dd offset loc_4311B4
.text:00432D94                 dd offset loc_431F7B
.text:00432D98                 dd offset loc_431C5C //sneak?
.text:00432D9C                 dd offset loc_43161F //pickpocket?
.text:00432DA0                 dd offset loc_431C18 //tracking?
.text:00432DA4                 dd offset loc_432598 //fishing?
.text:00432DA8                 dd offset loc_432201 //Friend? weird.
.text:00432DAC                 dd offset loc_43150B //Beg
.text:00432DB0                 dd offset loc_43141C //Intimidate
.text:00432DB4                 dd offset loc_4312B2 //Taunt
.text:00432DB8                 dd offset loc_43123A
.text:00432DBC                 dd offset loc_432CFC
Perhaps since /shield is a level 30+ warrior only ability that is able to be breached by anyone with MQ2, wouldn't that mean that other class-specific abilities (i.e. disciplines) should be able to be used with an MQ2 override? :confused:
Boy i wish my dwarf could land a flying kick!
gladimus said:
Boy i wish my dwarf could land a flying kick!

Probably most of these are server side. Will have to test them. But you could substitute one ability for another and perhaps it will work (provided that the offsets above work right). Not sure about flying kick whether it falls under the same thing as these do, but yeah if I can find it later I'll set up an offset and you can test it.
Wonder if these would work.....

Hmm, there is another place that stores these, filled in a few of them....

.text:00467AD8 off_467AD8      dd offset loc_46631F    ; DATA XREF: sub_466190+92r
.text:00467ADC                 dd offset loc_466327  //1 hand slash
.text:00467AE0                 dd offset loc_466348  //2 hand blunt
.text:00467AE4                 dd offset loc_466350  //2 hand slashing
.text:00467AE8                 dd offset loc_466371  //Abjuration
.text:00467AEC                 dd offset loc_466452  //Alteration
.text:00467AF0                 dd offset loc_46645D  //Apply Poison
.text:00467AF4                 dd offset loc_466496  //Archery
.text:00467AF8                 dd offset loc_4664D5  //Backstab
.text:00467AFC                 dd offset loc_46652F  //Bind Wound
.text:00467B00                 dd offset loc_4665CB  //Bash
.text:00467B04                 dd offset loc_4666B2  //Block
.text:00467B08                 dd offset loc_4666D5  //Brass Instruments
.text:00467B0C                 dd offset loc_466750
.text:00467B10                 dd offset loc_4667B1
.text:00467B14                 dd offset loc_4667BC
.text:00467B18                 dd offset loc_4667DE
.text:00467B1C                 dd offset loc_46687A
.text:00467B20                 dd offset loc_46690D
.text:00467B24                 dd offset loc_466918
.text:00467B28                 dd offset loc_466923  //Double Attack
.text:00467B2C                 dd offset loc_466974  //Dragon Punch
.text:00467B30                 dd offset loc_4669AF  //Dual Wield
.text:00467B34                 dd offset loc_466A39  //Eagle Strike
.text:00467B38                 dd offset loc_466A6E  //Evocation
.text:00467B3C                 dd offset loc_466AFE  //1 hand blunt
.text:00467B40                 dd offset loc_466BAA  //Flying Kick
.text:00467B44                 dd offset loc_466C59
.text:00467B48                 dd offset loc_466CF0
.text:00467B4C                 dd offset loc_466DA2
.text:00467B50                 dd offset loc_466E44
.text:00467B54                 dd offset loc_466EF3
.text:00467B58                 dd offset loc_466F6F
.text:00467B5C                 dd offset loc_467006
.text:00467B60                 dd offset loc_467086
.text:00467B64                 dd offset loc_467108
.text:00467B68                 dd offset loc_4671A9
.text:00467B6C                 dd offset loc_4672F6
.text:00467B70                 dd offset loc_467306
.text:00467B74                 dd offset loc_467374
.text:00467B78                 dd offset loc_467384
.text:00467B7C                 dd offset loc_46743F
.text:00467B80                 dd offset loc_46744A
.text:00467B84                 dd offset loc_4674E1
.text:00467B88                 dd offset loc_4674F1
.text:00467B8C                 dd offset loc_467501
.text:00467B90                 dd offset loc_467511
.text:00467B94                 dd offset loc_467521
.text:00467B98                 dd offset loc_467531
.text:00467B9C                 dd offset loc_4675C4
.text:00467BA0                 dd offset loc_4675CF
.text:00467BA4                 dd offset loc_4676A9
.text:00467BA8                 dd offset loc_46772F
.text:00467BAC                 dd offset loc_467799
.text:00467BB0                 dd offset loc_467880
.text:00467BB4                 dd offset loc_466300
.text:00467BB8                 dd offset loc_4662E4
.text:00467BBC                 dd offset loc_4662D2
.text:00467BC0                 dd offset loc_466294
.text:00467BC4                 dd offset loc_46627C
.text:00467BC8                 dd offset loc_466524
.text:00467BCC                 dd offset loc_46760F
.text:00467BD0                 dd offset loc_4673E3
.text:00467BD4                 dd offset loc_4666A7
.text:00467BD8                 dd offset loc_466B9F
.text:00467BDC                 dd offset loc_4666F2
.text:00467BE0                 dd offset loc_466401  //Alcohol Tolerance
.text:00467BE4                 dd offset loc_46660E
.text:00467BE8                 dd offset loc_466E39
.text:00467BEC                 dd offset loc_4671CA
.text:00467BF0                 dd offset loc_4670FD
.text:00467BF4                 dd offset loc_4677F5
.text:00467BF8                 dd offset loc_46666A
.text:00467BFC                 dd offset loc_46725F
.text:00467C00                 dd offset loc_466241
.text:00467C04                 dd offset loc_466229

So change BASH into FLYING KICK? SO an Ogre in theory could now do a monk only FLYING KICK. That would be funny if it worked, but I have doubt.

Description="Turns BASH into FLYING KICK   -- TOTALLY UNTESTED"
normal0="CB 65 46 00"
crack0="AA 6B 46 00"
Doesn't seem to work for me.
I didn't mean hot-button based things like this... although that would be awesome, I was more interested in, since /shield works for non-warriors below level 30, maybe something such as resistant or stonewall?
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