Simple Berserker Skill Macro


Lifetime Member
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I wrote this to automate my skills, I could never get melee to stop acting funny and didn't trust it to use around people. All this does is activate skills automatically while you are in combat, it checks to see if the ability is ready to use, then triggers it for you. You can easily add or remove skills from the lists, this is setup for what my berzerker uses.

I kept this simple, just pushing the normal combat skills, and leaving full control of burn discs and movement up to me, it just makes it 1000 times easier to get max non burn dps from the toon.

#Turbo 10

Sub Main

/popup Ready For Battle!


   /if (${Me.Combat}) {

      /call Abilities

         /delay 2

      /call AltAbilities

         /delay 2

      /call Disciplins

         /delay 2


    /goto :loop

Sub Abilities

      /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Frenzy]}) /doability Frenzy

         /delay 2

      /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Disarm]}) /doability Disarm

        /delay 2

      /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Intimidation]}) /doability Intimidation

        /delay 2


Sub AltAbilities

   /if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Stomping Leap]}) /alt activate 960

   /delay 2


Sub Disciplins

      /if (!${Me.Song[Cry Havoc].ID}) /disc Cry Havoc

         /delay 2

      /if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Decimator's Volley]}) /disc Decimator

         /delay 2

      /if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Vigorous Axe Throw Rk. II]}) /disc Vigorous Axe Throw

        /delay 2

      /if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Overpowering Frenzy Rk. II]}) /disc Overpowering Frenzy

        /delay 2

      /if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Throw Stone]}) /disc Throw Stone

        /delay 2
