Shaman Wolf Illusion bug


New member
May 21, 2006
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Hey, Not sure if this is the right place to post it, and lots might already know but when i was in GH i got bored, Casted my Wood Elf Crown Illusion then I casted my Pact of Wolf AA it turned me into the Wolf but the Wood Elf illusion was still in the buff box so i clicked of the Wood Elf Illusion and then the wolf illusion became a Human Illusion,

I tried this with a Gukta potion just gave me default Human model =( this also works with Amulet of Necropotence, Cast AON then Wolf AA then Click AON off and your now a red Skellie, A friend said if u do the same with the Fairy Illusion (Reward from Beta) it turns u into a White wolf, Nothing special just a Fun little bug, Can be a Diffrent Illusion and still get the Stats from Wolf AA.

General bug at the moment..

For example if you're acquainted with the Gargoyle DT thing you see in DK and DP, you'll know the DT is easily spotted by just seeing the player being in gargoyle form. However, if that player had another illusion, regardless of what illusion, prior to getting the DT gargoyle illusion, that player would/will stay in gargoyle form untill they click off whatever illusions they have no matter how many cures they get.
Ahh, ok =) fun lil bugg, running atound as a red Skellie =D