Repeat Task


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
i am trying to have a bot request a task and the hail for the turn in, but having a few issues. I am trying to make this as simple as possible. I have noticed i can have several task rewards and not claim them. so i figure i would claim all the task when i come back from afk, unless any know who to clam the reward. --Thanks for any and all insight offered--

Sub Main

/target Quest Giver
/delay 30s
/saytarget task key
/delay 30s

/goto :mainloop

what am i missing, it keeps ending the macro
a way to check that task

Is there maybe a way to check the task, rather than spam the quest giver perhaps?
Maybe some insight on the task...would help.
Quest info

Maybe some insight on the task...would help.

the quest is kill 3 types of creatures 5 times, then a hail.


Control The Pet Pouplation

Destroy longnecks 0/5
Destroy wingless 0/5
Destroy featherless 0/5
Speak with Taxidermist Mike

I hope this helps, i just don't want to giveaway a camp yet that is working for me, but without the extra task XP bump. Enough people already camp the zone.
#Event TaskUpdate "Your task 'Control the Population' has been updated."
#Event TaskComp "Your task 'Control the Population' has been completed."
Sub Main
/declare TaskUpdate int outer 0

/goto :loop

Sub Event_TaskComp
  /delay 10s (${Target.CleanName.Equal[Taxidermist Mike]})
  /delay 3s
  /reward 1

Sub Event_TaskUpdate
  /varcalc TaskUpdate ${TaskUpdate}+1
You can automate the reward selection process with MQ2Reward.
not working

You can automate the reward selection process with MQ2Reward.

i tired this, but i was having issues with it, because i 2 box and the rewards i need to claim are different
Then change the number in the macro...its not that hard dude. Hell when I started learning to macro I started gotta build up and LEARN how to do things, we wont spoon feed you everything.