PL spot from 60ish


New member
Jul 12, 2009
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PL'ing my Wizard with a decent 85 Druid I just bought. Got my Wizard to 59 with a bunch of AA...

Did it like this:
1-20 - Quest turn ins
20-30 - Permafrost
30-42 - Tower of Frozen Shadow
43-59 and 400ish AA's - Velketor

I now need a place for 60-65 ish and for AA's. Are there any zones for these levels, like above, where I can pull massive trains and let my Damage Shield do all the work (my wiz comes in an AE's a few times then leaves).

Some zones they hit a lot harder than others or have a lot more health than others. Any reccomendations to make this go smooth?
how long did it take you to get to 59/400? :)
Actually, it was 325

Level 59 and 325 AA's in 5.5 hours.

All with a 85 Druid PL'n a Mage...nothing more
using any macros or just AE?

and it's only PBAE that hits all of the mobs in an area, right? i always get confused about the mechanics of AoE in EQ after they nerfed it whilst I was gone..
nerfed it???

AoE was NEVER was corrected to work like an PBAoE's were changed on bards to work like they should have from the beginning of the game. AoE has always been only 4 targets at a time and hit from the spot of the target, PBAoE's hit EVERYTHING around yourself no matter how many there are.
AoE was NEVER was corrected to work like an PBAoE's were changed on bards to work like they should have from the beginning of the game. AoE has always been only 4 targets at a time and hit from the spot of the target, PBAoE's hit EVERYTHING around yourself no matter how many there are.


In Velks I pulled everything in the zone to one spot (1/2 one pull, other 1/2 pull 2)... threw on thorns, healed myself to get good aggro anf then brought my PL toon in there and cast one PBAoE spell then back out and let thorns do their work. Would get like 15 AA's per pull roughly.

I would keep the 85 Cleric Merc on passive until I healed myself a few times to make sure I kept all the aggro.. then put her on balanced and never had a prob.
my apologies; fixed rather than nerfed.

i just didn't understand the mechanic and now i do! whee!
What kind of gear does your Druid have? Pretty rockin' it sounds like?
Yea, good stuff but not incredible.

You need to turn on nostun2 and and nomeleepush.... both very important
Yes. My favorite use for pbaoes is for tradeskill farming. Pull half of Toxulia zone spiders, stop to let them all catch up, cast a good PBAoE and watch the corpses pile up for spiderling silk. Likewise with Lavastorm basilisks for eggs. Although I don't really do TS anymore.

For anyone with an insta clicky like the Staff of temperate flux. Set a key to "Target next npc", set a hot key to your insta aggro device, and punch numlock. Now all you have to do is zig-zag through groups of mobs alternating between the 2 keys---clicka, clicka, clicka. No need to manually target and pull each one.
my wiz used to do this in EK back in the day .. the spiders there would drop 1-6 silks each, then i would make them into swatches myself then sell those..
back then swatches were selling well and i could actually make a profit buying silks and making swatches to sell.
i liked paw just group them with your main and go to town. RSS is ok also