need syntax plse

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Sep 22, 2006
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How would i make an if then statement that basicly does this.

If target npc race = orc : /gsay Done!
it would be something like this. Not sure the correct

${Target.Race.Equal[Orc]} / ${Target.Name.Equal[Orc]} / ${Target.Type.Equal[Orc]}

not 100% sure might you can give those a test.

/if (${Target.Name.Equal[Orc]}) /gsay Done!
Combination of both actually.

/if (${Target.Race.Equal[Orc]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /gsay Done!
Why have the npc check? you wont get any pcs to come back as orc
I wasn't going to originally, but then I thought about this
ahh yea guess that would mess something up. Figured he be doing a script/event that had orcs in it so wouldnt be using illusiouns. But the added check wouldnt slow it down so good call.
No such 'race' member 'Equal' is the error i get when i used this line.none of the others worked that were posted either =/ those did nothing at all. im putting this inside the main loop so i dont think it is a matter of where its how im asking it to define its target that isnt working properly.

/if (${Target.Race.Equal[Orc]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /gsay Done!
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