My events code that can watch/remote your toons through your cellphone


Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, my dear MMO community. I recently get back to the game as no one really "retired" from EQ. Here is some of my previous work on automated grinding.

I was in a situation that did not have a lot time actual playing my toon. So I automated my bots and did afk killing a lot, to make sure I can watch&remote all my army at anywhere and anytime by my cell, I developed some easy way to achieve this.

1. Download a IRC app in your APP Store if you using Iphone and /plugin mq2irc in EQ.

2. Connect to your IRC Server(normally I use our MMO Server.) and build a private channel. If you're not familiar with IRC, try google it and MQ2 even have a wiki for it.

3. Use the following events in your MQ2Events_ToonName.ini
trigger=#*#invites you to join a raid#*#
command=/multiline ; /beep; /timed 20 /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup

trigger=#*#/Ksk> lootall#*#
command=/multiline ; /moveto id; /timed 10 /loot; /timed 20 /notify LootWnd LW_LootAllButton leftmouseup; /timed 70 /notify LootWnd LW_DoneButton leftmouseup
trigger=#*#(msg)] lootall#*#
command=/multiline ; /moveto id; /timed 10 /loot; /timed 20 /notify LootWnd LW_LootAllButton leftmouseup; /timed 70 /notify LootWnd LW_DoneButton leftmouseup
trigger=#*#You have looted a #8#.--
command=/i say Kmag have looted --->[ ${EventArg8.Right[-57].Left[-1]} ]<----

trigger=#*#/Ksk> hideall#*#
command=/hidecorpse all
trigger=#*#(msg)] hideall#*#
command=/hidecorpse all

trigger=#*#/Ksk> navito/#3#
command=/multiline ; /timed 10 /navi name ${EventArg3}; /timed 70 /i say ${If[${Spawn[${EventArg3}].Distance3D}<=10,Navi Success!Now my distance to ${EventArg3} is ${Spawn[${EventArg3}].Distance3D},Navi Fail!]}
trigger=#*#(msg)] navito/#3#
command=/multiline ; /timed 10 /navi name ${EventArg3}; /timed 70 /i say ${If[${Spawn[${EventArg3}].Distance3D}<=10,Navi Success!Now my distance to ${EventArg3} is ${Spawn[${EventArg3}].Distance3D},Navi Fail!]}

trigger=#*#/Ksk> moveto/#3#
command=/moveto wp ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#(msg)] moveto/#3#
command=/moveto wp ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> castid/#3#
command=/casting ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#(msg)] castid/#3#
command=/casting ${EventArg3}

trigger=#*#No mobs up at camp, waiting#*#
command=/i say Oops, We kill too fast so Out of Mobs!
trigger=#*#(msg)] startcamp/#6#
command=/if (${Macro.Name.Equal[bot.mac]} && ${PullingMethod.Equal[nav]}) /multiline ; /startcamp ${EventArg6}; /timed 10 /i say Start Camp ${EventArg6} now!
trigger=#*#/Ksk> startcamp/#6#
command=/if (${Macro.Name.Equal[bot.mac]} && ${PullingMethod.Equal[nav]}) /multiline ; /startcamp ${EventArg6}; /timed 10 /i say Start Camp ${EventArg6} now!
trigger=#*#(msg)] navistop#*#
command=/multiline ; /navi stop; /timed 10 /i say Stopped Navi now!
trigger=#*#/Ksk> navistop#*#
command=/multiline ; /navi stop; /timed 10 /i say Stopped Navi now!

trigger=#*#<Ksk> Ksk has entered the Zone ---[ Guild Lobby#*#
command=/if (${Macro.Name.Equal[bot.mac]}) /multiline ; /timed 10 /mqp on; /timed 20 /i say I'm at Guild Lobby now, waiting 2mins for FS; /timed 1200 /stance reactive; /timed 1210 /casting 34023

trigger=#*#You are covered in viscous black shadows#*#
command=/multiline ; /bc i'm snared!; /timed 10 /i say I've been Snared with [Viscous Darkness]!
trigger=#*#The viscous shadows fade#*#
command=/multiline ; /bc snare cured; /timed 10 /i say Ohyeppy! Im cured from the damn snare!

trigger=#1# tells the guild, '#2#'
command=/i say ${EventArg1} told my guild that: -> ${EventArg2} <-
trigger=#1# tells the raid, '#2#'
command=/i say ${EventArg1} told my raid that:  ->[ ${EventArg2} ]<-

trigger=#*#(msg)] pause#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 10 /i say ${If[${Macro.Paused},I Paused my macro!,Macro didn't pause!]}
trigger=#*#(msg)] resume#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp off; /timed 10 /i say ${If[${Macro.Paused},Macro still Paused!,Macro Unpaused Getting back to work!]}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> pause#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 10 /i say ${If[${Macro.Paused},I Paused my macro!,Macro didn't pause!]}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> resume#*#
command=/multiline ; /mqp off; /timed 10 /i say ${If[${Macro.Paused},Macro still Paused!,Macro Unpaused Getting back to work!]}

trigger=#*#/Ksk> aaexp/#3#/#2#
command=/multiline ; /alternateadv ${EventArg3} ${EventArg2}; /timed 10 /i say AA exp has been turn to ${Window[AAWindow].Child[AAW_PercentCount].Text}!
trigger=#*#(msg)] aaexp/#3#/#2#
command=/multiline ; /alternateadv ${EventArg3} ${EventArg2}; /timed 10 /i say AA exp has been turn to ${Window[AAWindow].Child[AAW_PercentCount].Text}!
trigger=#*#> checkfs#*#
command=/i say  ${If[${FindItem[34023].TimerReady}==0,My FS clicky is ready,My FS left ${FindItem[34023].TimerReady} secs cooldown time on it]}. My Campfire currently at ${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_CampsiteViewer].Text}. ${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Lesson of the Devoted]},My Lesson is ready,My Lesson left ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Lesson of the Devoted].TimeHMS} secs cooldown time on it]}.

trigger=#7# is not online at this time#*#
command=/i say ${EventArg7} is not online now!
trigger=#*#> checkgroup#*#
command=/i say  My group has ${Me.GroupSize} players. My group leader is ---->${Group.Leader}<----. They are ${Group.Member[1]}(${Group.Member[1].Type},${Group.Member[1].Class.ShortName}), ${Group.Member[2]}(${Group.Member[2].Type},${Group.Member[2].Class.ShortName}), ${Group.Member[3]}(${Group.Member[3].Type},${Group.Member[3].Class.ShortName}), ${Group.Member[4]}(${Group.Member[4].Type},${Group.Member[4].Class.ShortName}), ${Group.Member[5]}(${Group.Member[5].Type},${Group.Member[5].Class.ShortName}). 
trigger=#*#/Ksk> kicktar/#2#
command=/keypress F${Math.Calc[${Select[${EventArg2},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}+1].Int}
trigger=#*#(msg)] kicktar/#2#
command=/keypress F${Math.Calc[${Select[${EventArg2},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}+1].Int}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> load/#3#
command=/plugin ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#(msg)] load/#4#
command=/plugin ${EventArg4}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> unload/#3#
command=/plugin ${EventArg3} unload
trigger=#*#(msg)] unload/#4#
command=/plugin ${EventArg4} unload
trigger=#*#/Ksk> disband/#1#
command=/multiline ; /notify ActionsWindow ACTW_ActionsSubwindows tabselect 1; /timed 10 /notify ActionsWindow AMP_DisbandButton leftmouseup; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Select[${EventArg1},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}==0,${EventArg1} already out of group,${EventArg1} still in the group]}
trigger=#*#(msg)] disband/#1#
command=/multiline ; /notify ActionsWindow ACTW_ActionsSubwindows tabselect 1; /timed 10 /notify ActionsWindow AMP_DisbandButton leftmouseup; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Select[${EventArg1},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}==0,${EventArg1} already out of group,${EventArg1} still in the group]}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> share#*#
command=/multiline ; /notify FellowshipWnd FP_Subwindows tabselect 1; /timed 10 /notify FellowshipWnd FP_Memberlist listselect ${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[=${Me.Name}]}; /timed 20 /notify FellowshipWnd FP_ToggleExpSharingButton leftmouseup; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[=${Me.Name}]},7].Equal[Sharing]},Share on!,Share off!]}
trigger=#*#(msg)] share#*#
command=/multiline ; /notify FellowshipWnd FP_Subwindows tabselect 1; /timed 10 /notify FellowshipWnd FP_Memberlist listselect ${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[=${Me.Name}]}; /timed 20 /notify FellowshipWnd FP_ToggleExpSharingButton leftmouseup; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[${Window[FellowshipWnd].Child[FP_Memberlist].List[=${Me.Name}]},7].Equal[Sharing]},Share on!,Share off!]}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> invite/#1#
command=/multiline ; /invite ${EventArg1}; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Select[${EventArg1},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}>=1,Invite Success,Invite fail!]}
trigger=#*#(msg)] invite/#1#
command=/multiline ; /invite ${EventArg1}; /timed 30 /i say ${If[${Select[${EventArg1},${Group.Member[1]},${Group.Member[2]},${Group.Member[3]},${Group.Member[4]},${Group.Member[5]}]}>=1,Invite Success,Invite fail!]}

trigger=#*#/Ksk> makeleader/#1#
command=/makeleader ${EventArg1}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> tar/#1#
command=/multiline ; /tar clear; /timed 10 /tar ${EventArg1}; /timed 20 /i say Now I'm targeting ${Target.Name}, Our Distance is -->${Target.Distance3D}<--.
trigger=#*#You regain some experience from resurrection#*#
command=/i say Ksk has been rezzed! The Fallen Will Rise Again!
trigger=#*#PullConditions not met#*#
command=/i say Somehow pull paused, maybe out of mobs, maybe other reason,just wait a little bit!
trigger=#*#you tell your party, '#4# left on corpse.'
command=/i say Loot Info: ---->[${EventArg4}] left on the corpse.

trigger=#*#Server error#*#
command=/fs Ksk going to LinkDead from IRC
trigger=#*#tells the fellowship, '#9#'
command=/i say FS Msg: ${EventArg9}
trigger=#*# tells you, 'iquit'
command=/i quit
trigger=#*# tells you, 'iconnect'
command=/iconnect 3122
command=/fs Connect to IRC Success!
trigger=#*# tells you, 'inick'
command=/i nick Ksk
trigger=#*# tells you, 'ijoin'
command=/i join #KASPAM mac123
trigger=#*# tells you, 'iidentify'
command=/i msg nickserv identify 123456
trigger=#*#Password Accepted#*#
command=/fs Get the nickname of Ksk success!
trigger=#*#Now speaking in#*#
command=/fs Ksk get in the channel success!
trigger=#*#Connection Closed#*#
command=/fs Ksk closed his connection to IRC!

trigger=#*#You have been slain by #5#!
command=/multiline ; /i say Shit, I'm dead, murder is ${EventArg5},RESPAWN and REVENGE!; /timed 10 /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#You died#*#
command=/multiline ; /i say I'm dead, prolly some DOT/AE thing killed me! Respawning; /timed 10 /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#You have gained an ability point#*#
command=/i say I've got a new AA, now I have ${Me.AAPoints} unspend AA.

trigger=#*#/Ksk> quit#*#
trigger=#*#/Ksk> end#*#
trigger=#*#/Ksk> ggh#*#
command=/casting 57851
trigger=#*#/Ksk> #6#:#9#
command=/tell ${EventArg6} ${EventArg9}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> stop#*#
command=/multiline ; /keypress duck; /timed 5 /stand
trigger=#*#/Ksk> autoaa#*#
command=/multiline ; /plugin mq2aaspend; /timed 5 /aaspend brute on; /timed 10 /aaspend minbrute 50

trigger=#*#/Ksk> nopull#*#
trigger=#*#/Ksk> r/#3#
command=/r ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#(msg)] r/#4#
command=/r ${EventArg4}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> sit#*#
command=/multiline ; /sit; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[SIT]},I'm sitted now,For some reason I'm not sitted]}.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allsit#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /sit; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[SIT]},I'm sitted now,For some reason I'm not sitted]}.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> stand#*#
command=/multiline ; /stand; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[STAND]},I'm standed now,For some reason I'm not standed]}.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allstand#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /stand; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[STAND]},I'm standed now,For some reason I'm not standed]}.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> FS#*#
command=/multiline ; /casting 34023; /timed 25 /i say back to FS now.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> kiss#*#
command=/multiline ; /end; /timed 5 /mac kissassist pullertank; /timed 5 /i say Restart Kissmac now.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> bot#*#
command=/multiline ; /end; /timed 5 /mac bot; /timed 5 /i say Restart bot now.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> skmac#*#
command=/multiline ; /end; /timed 5 /mac sk; /timed 5 /i say Restart skmac now.
trigger=#*#(msg)] skmac#*#
command=/multiline ; /end; /timed 5 /mac sk; /timed 5 /i say Restart skmac now.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> merc#*#
command=/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#/Ksk> gate#*#
command=/casting 96467
trigger=#*#/Ksk> respawn#*#
command=/notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allrespawn#*#
command=/bcaa //notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp

trigger=#*#/Ksk> allpause#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 10 /i say macro paused by your command.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allend#*#
command=/bcaa //end
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allquit#*#
command=/bcaa //quit
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allggh#*#
command=/bcaa //casting 57851
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allfs#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /casting 34023; /timed 25 /i say back to FS now.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allgate#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /casting 96467; /timed 5 /i say Gating Now!

trigger=#*#/Ksk> spell/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" gem12
trigger=#*#(msg)] spell/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" gem12
trigger=#*#/Ksk> item/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" item
trigger=#*#(msg)] item/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" item
trigger=#*#/Ksk> spendaa/#5#/#6#
command=/multiline ; /timed 10 /notify AAWindow AAW_Subwindows tabselect ${EventArg6}; /timed 20 /notify AAWindow List${EventArg6} listselect ${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${EventArg6}].List[=${EventArg5}]}; /timed 30 /notify AAWindow TrainButton leftmouseup
trigger=#*#(msg)] spendaa/#5#/#6#
command=/multiline ; /timed 10 /notify AAWindow AAW_Subwindows tabselect ${EventArg6}; /timed 20 /notify AAWindow List${EventArg6} listselect ${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${EventArg6}].List[=${EventArg5}]}; /timed 30 /notify AAWindow TrainButton leftmouseup
trigger=#*#/Ksk> confirm#*#
command=/notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
trigger=#*#(msg)] confirm#*#
command=/notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
trigger=#*#/Ksk> allconfirm#*#
command=/bcaa //notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
trigger=#*#(msg)] allconfirm#*#
command=/bcaa //notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
trigger=#*#/Ksk> clickoff/#5#
command=/multiline ; /notify BuffWindow buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${EventArg5}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup; /timed 10 /i say ${If[!${Me.Buff[${EventArg5}].ID},Buff-->[${EventArg5}]<--had been clicked off,I still have this buff!]}.
trigger=#*#(msg)] clickoff/#5#
command=/multiline ; /notify BuffWindow buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${EventArg5}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup; /timed 10 /i say ${If[!${Me.Buff[${EventArg5}].ID},Buff-->[${EventArg5}]<--had been clicked off,I still have this buff!]}.
trigger=#*#/Ksk> aa/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" alt
trigger=#*#(msg)] aa/#5#
command=/multiline ; /casting "${EventArg5}" alt

trigger=#*#You have entered #6#.
command=/i say Ksk has entered the Zone ---[ ${EventArg6} ]---. 
trigger=#*#You have improved #7# at a cost of #8# ability points#*#
command=/i say Ksk has improve the AA-->[${EventArg7}]<-- with ${EventArg8} AA points.
trigger=#*#You have gained the ability "#7#" at a cost of #8# ability points#*#
command=/i say Ksk has gained the AA-->[${EventArg7}]<-- with ${EventArg8} AA points.

trigger=#*#> checkinvis#*#
command=/i say  ${If[${Me.Invis},I'm invis now,I'm not invised!]}. 
trigger=#*#> checkbuff/#3#
command=/i say  ${If[(${Me.Buff[${EventArg3}].ID} || ${Me.Song[${EventArg3}].ID}),I have the Buff -->[${EventArg3}]<-- with ${Me.Buff[${EventArg3}].Duration.TimeHMS} time on it,I don't have this Buff!]}. 
trigger=#*#> checkzone#*#
command=/i say I'm currently in the zone ${Zone.Name}. ${If[${SpawnCount[Group]}==6,My group are alive in the zone,Only ${SpawnCount[Group]} in zone someone not here]}. There are ${SpawnCount[pc]} players in zone now.
trigger=#*#> checkme#*#
command=/i say My current HP/End/Mana are ${Me.PctHPs}/${Me.PctEndurance}/${Me.PctMana}. My state is ${Me.State},My combat state is ${Me.CombatState},I got ${Me.XTarget} on hatelist.I currently got ${Me.AAPoints} unspend AA.My Assigned AA points is ${Window[AAWindow].Child[AAW_AssignedCount].Text}. ${If[${Mercenary.State.Equal[Suspended]},My merc is suspended,]},${If[${Mercenary.State.Equal[Dead]},My merc is Dead,]},${If[${Mercenary.State.Equal[Active]},My merc is Live now!,]},${If[${Mercenary.State.Equal[Unknow]},My merc is dead,]}. I'm currently level ${Me.Level} at Experience ${Me.PctExp}. I'm running ${Macro.Name}. My current target is --->${Target.Name}<-----.
trigger=#*#> checkgm#*#
command=/i say  ${If[${SpawnCount[gm]}>=1,GM in zone,GM not in Zone]}

trigger=#7# says out of character, '#8#'
command=/i say ${EventArg7} just ooc said: ${EventArg8}
trigger=#*#/Ksk> ooc/#9#
command=/ooc ${EventArg9}

trigger=#*#(msg)] ooc/#9#
command=/ooc ${EventArg9}
trigger=#*#(msg)] makeleader/#1#
command=/makeleader ${EventArg1}
trigger=#*#(msg)] tar/#1#
command=/multiline ; /tar clear; /timed 10 /tar ${EventArg1}; /timed 20 /i say Now I'm targeting ${Target.Name}, Our Distance is -->${Target.Distance3D}<--.
trigger=#*#(msg)] quit#*#
trigger=#*#(msg)] end#*#
trigger=#*#(msg)] ggh#*#
command=/casting 57851
trigger=#*#(msg)] #6#:#9#
command=/tell ${EventArg6} ${EventArg9}
trigger=#*#(msg)] stop#*#
command=/multiline ; /keypress duck; /timed 5 /stand
trigger=#*#(msg)] autoaa#*#
command=/multiline ; /plugin mq2aaspend; /timed 5 /aaspend brute on; /timed 10 /aaspend minbrute 30
trigger=#*#(msg)] nopull#*#
trigger=#*#(msg)] r:#3#
command=/r ${EventArg3}
trigger=#*#(msg)] sit#*#
command=/multiline ; /sit; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[SIT]},I'm sitted now,For some reason I'm not sitted]}.
trigger=#*#(msg)] allsit#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /sit; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[SIT]},I'm siting now,For some reason I'm not siting]}.
trigger=#*#(msg)] stand#*#
command=/multiline ; /stand; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[STAND]},I'm standing now,For some reason I'm not standing]}.
trigger=#*#(msg)] allstand#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /stand; /timed 5 /i say ${If[${Me.State.Equal[STAND]},I'm standing now,For some reason I'm not standing]}.
trigger=#*#(msg)] FS#*#
command=/multiline ; /casting 34023; /timed 25 /i say back to FS now.
trigger=#*#(msg)] bot#*#
command=/multiline ; /end; /timed 5 /mac bot; /timed 5 /i say Restart bot now.
trigger=#*#(msg)] merc#*#
command=/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#(msg)] gate#*#
command=/casting 96467
trigger=#*#(msg)] respawn#*#
command=/notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#(msg)] allrespawn#*#
command=/bcaa //notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton LeftMouseUp
trigger=#*#(msg)] allpause#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 10 /i say macro paused by your command.
trigger=#*#(msg)] allend#*#
command=/bcaa //end
trigger=#*#(msg)] allquit#*#
command=/bcaa //quit
trigger=#*#(msg)] allggh#*#
command=/bcaa //casting 57851
trigger=#*#(msg)] allfs#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /casting 34023; /timed 25 /i say back to FS now.
trigger=#*#(msg)] allgate#*#
command=/bcaa //multiline ; /casting 96467; /timed 5 /i say Gating Now!

4. How to use such code to remote your toon on your cellphone?

Easy: Log into the IRC server, get in your private channel, get a nickname, either send your toon's IRC nickname a tell or just public speak in the channel, then ur cellphone is a simple functional remote of your EQ.

Examples: In my events, suppose your in-game toon is called Kody, and Ksk is his Nickname in your IRC private channel, then you can send msg to the channel where Ksk at such as:

1) Checkme--- Will return his status, sucha s HP/Mana/End, AApoints, Merc Stats, Macro Stats, Experience etc..
2) Checkbuff/BuffName--Will return if you have the buff or not, if you do, will also return the duration.

And checkgroup, checkfs, checkgm, checkzone, checkinvis, etc...a lot more, go digger yourself.

Or you can send msg to Ksk on your IRC, then you can remote him such as:

1) send msg said sit/stand/bot/invite/disband etc, he will follow your command and gives you the feedback
2) send some msg such as allend/allquit etc. will end the macro of all your boxes..
3) AnyToonName/TextYouWannaSend say I want to send a in-game tell through Kody to Pete, then I just send a tell to Ksk in IRC as following: Pete/hello you mofo... then the in-game toon Kody will send Pete a in-game tell with "hello you mofo"
4) spendaa/aaName, makeleader/toonName, ooc/content etc..alot more, go digger yourself.

And also, using all these events, your EQ toon will send tons of msg to the private channel that can tell what is he doing, what in-game tell he was receiving, what is he looting, which zone he been, and who killed him and how many AA he gained etc...

Not rockets science here, image and treat it as a simple EQ-Mud lol...These were just some simple codes which helped me alot and hope you guys enjoy it.
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