Looking for Cleric macro

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Not sure if that works well.. but I've heard good things about autobot.
I have used this macro for over a year and have alterd it to my own liking.


Run the macro with Main Tank targeted.   
   Usage: /mac AFCleric <%health> <Heal spell>
   Defaults to casting Complete Healing at 60%

This Cleric macro operates in 4 modes:

   autohealmode=0 will watch a single target's health
   relentlessly. The cleric will not heal self or group, only
   the specified Tankname at the specified %health.
   If the Tank takes dmg fast enough that HP is less than 70%
   of the specified %health, the patchspell will be cast.
   The Tank does not need to be in your group.
   autohealmode=1 will watch Tank as above, but also heal
   self and even attempt to cast DA if self HP get too low.
   autohealmode=2 will watch Tank, self, and also the rest of
   the group. Heals will go first to the person in group with
   lowest HP percentage. Healtypes for people other than Tank
   and self will be based on Class and HP percentage.
   autohealmode=3 is exactly the same as mode 2, except that
   Tank HP and self HP are double checked immediately before
   healing anyone else. If Tank or self HP are low enough to
   justify a heal, they get it first even if other group
   members have lower HP. IE: it tries not to let Tank or
   self die while healing that overnuking wizard. =)

05/29/2004 v1.0
06/05/2004 v1.01 Added autosit option. TIP: make a hotkey in
game to toggle autosit mode so you dont autosit while trying
to move: </varset autosit 0> will work from in game.
   autosit=0 never sits automatically
   autosit=1 will sit between heals only if no mobs are
      within (atack range + distancetosit). When any mob
      comes within (attack range + (distancetosit / 3)) it
      will stand. Adjust distancetosit up or down if needed
      depending on the zone, etc.
   autosit=2 will always sit between heals if nobody is hurt.
06/10/2004 v1.02 Bugfix for autosit=2 mode. Also more
   agressive healing self, no self hotspell.
06/11/2004 v1.03 Bugfix - Targeting problem if MT died
06/12/2004 v1.04 autosit=0 never makes cleric stand. Also
   fixed a syntax error.
06/17/2004 v1.05 casts Yaulp if you mem it, and need it.
   Also switched to Rusty's spell_routines.inc. Won't break
   invis to cast now.
06/25/2004 v1.06 major update. Added autointerrupt feature to
   check target HP while casting. If Target HPs go up before
   spell lands, it interrupts healing. Set autointerrupt
   variable to 0 if you don't like it. Also added chat
   commands. Set channel below, will respond to "Gbuff now!"
   "Follow me" "End follow" "buffme" "bor group" "sym" "V"
   "bor" "wog" and "rgc" in either the chat channel or a
   tell. Also distance check added so that it doesn't keep
   trying to heal someone out of range.
06/28/2004 v1.07 Added range check. Added self hp check while
   casting - if hp too low it interrupts casting on others
   and heals self instead. Toggle on/off and set threshold
   below. Added onlyhealfd option - if set to 1, it won't
   heal necros or monks unless they're FD. Lowered heal
   threshold for Necros and shamans to 60. Check for ornate
   B/P added, it will use that to cast BoR, spell gets memmed
   if not.
07/02/2004 v1.08 Added "TrickyDA" option: if you get low hp
   and cast DA, this will click off HP buffs in effort to get
   HP over low HP aggro threshold. It will then send tells
   to guildmembers near you to rebuff you as needed. Also
   Buffbeg routine added. Make a hotkey </varset buffbeg 1>
   to activate that in game.
07/04/2004 v1.09 Added some spam control for LoM + interrupt.
   Will use item to cast RGC if you have one, chat commands
   added: patch me (or heal me, heal plz, heal, and similar
   will trigger it), hot me, ch me, mana check.
07/10/2004 v1.10 Added variables to the beginning of the
   macro to allow tweaking heal percentages and buffs. Added
   check for mount before casting yaulp. Divine Arbitration
   and group heals added as per Draimen's suggestion.
07/24/2004 v1.11 Bugfix parenthesis error that prevented
   people from getting heals.

#include spell_routines.inc 
#include ChatParse.inc 
|#include mokaddon.inc 

#Event IRCchat "<#1#> #2#" 
#Chat Chat 
#Chat tell 
#chat group 

Sub Main 

|------------READ THIS SECTION AND EDIT IF NEEDED-----------| 

   /declare myhealchannel int outer Sheepheal
   /declare usegroupchat int outer 0 
   /declare useircchat int outer 0 
   /declare autohealmode int outer 3 
   /declare healspell string outer Complete Healing 
   /declare healspellrange int outer 100 
   /declare patchheal string outer Pious Remedy 
   /declare patchhealrange int outer 200 
   /declare hotspell string outer Pious Elixir 
   /declare hotspellrange int outer 100 
   /declare daspell string outer Divine Barrier 
   /declare yaulpspell string outer Yaulp VI 
   /declare usegroupheal int outer 1 
   /declare groupheal string outer Word of Vivification 
   /declare grouphealrange int outer 70 
   /declare announce int outer 1 
   /declare autosit int outer 2
   /declare distancetosit int outer 40 
   /declare autointerrupt int outer 0
   /declare onlyhealfd int outer 1 
   /declare interrupt2healself int outer 1 
   /declare interrupt2healselfhp int outer 50 
   /declare noInvis int outer 1 
   /declare defaultstophealpoint int outer 80 
   /declare acbuff string outer Ward of Valiance 
   /declare longhpbuff string outer Conviction 
   /declare singlesymbuff string outer Symbol of Balikor 
   /declare groupsymbuff string outer Balikor's Mark 
   /declare spellhastebuff string outer Blessing of Reverence 
   /declare groupspellhastebuff string outer Aura of Devotion 
   /declare rgcspell string outer Remove Greater Curse 
   /declare healpetmode int outer 0
   /declare pethealpoint int outer 65 
   /declare manatohealpet int outer 25 
   /declare pethealspell string outer Pious Remedy
   /declare pethealspellrange int outer 100 
   /declare nukeone string outer Ancient: Pious Conscience
   /declare nuketwo string outer Reproach 
   /declare stunone string outer Sound of Divinity 
   /declare stuntwo string outer Shock of Wonder 
|   /declare mokaddon int outer 1 
   /declare edbuffitem string outer Foresight Sash 

|** Tweak Heals Here - tankhealpoint is for War/Pal/SK other 
than MT, casterhotpoint and casterpatchpoint refer to 
wiz/mag/enc/dru, necshmpatchpoint refers to necros and 
shamans, defaultpatchpoint refers to all other classes.   **| 

   /declare selfhealpoint int outer 70 
   /declare dacastpoint int outer 29 
   /declare tankhealpoint int outer 65 
   /declare casterhotpoint int outer 85 
   /declare casterpatchpoint int outer 60 
   /declare necshmpatchpoint int outer 50 
   /declare defaultpatchpoint int outer 70 
   /declare healpotpoint int outer 15 

|**---------------Divine Arbitration Config-----------------| 
Fine tune div arb interruptions. interrupt2divarb is the 
threshold for interrupting other spells for target/self HP 
dropping below divarbpoint. interrupt2divarb is in 1/10th 
seconds, so if 16 is used, spells with more than 1.6 seconds 
left would be interrupted if divarbpoint HP is reached. **| 
   /declare usedivarb int outer 1 
   /declare divarbpoint int outer 25 
   /declare healafterdivarb int outer 1 
   /declare interrupt2divarb int outer 14 

|**---------------------TrickyDA Config---------------------| 
The following are HP buffs cleric will click off, in order, 
to get above 40% HP and avoid low HP aggro. Clr will then 
click off DA and resume duties, beg new buffs, etc. To 
enable, set trickyda to 1, 0 will disable **| 

   /declare trickyda int outer 1 
   /if (${trickyda}==1) { 
      /declare intcount int outer 0 
      /declare trickybuff[20] string outer 
      /varset trickybuff[1] Virtue 
      /varset trickybuff[2] Hand of Virtue 
      /varset trickybuff[3] Conviction 
      /varset trickybuff[4] Hand of Conviction 
      /varset trickybuff[5] Focus of Soul 
      /varset trickybuff[6] Focus of the Seventh 
      /varset trickybuff[7] Wunshi's Focusing 
      /varset trickybuff[8] Talisman of Wunshi 
      /varset trickybuff[9] Protection of the 9 
      /varset trickybuff[10] Blessing of the Nine 
      /varset trickybuff[11] Steeloak Skin 
      /varset trickybuff[12] Blessing of Steeloak 
      /varset trickybuff[13] Symbol of Kazad 
      /varset trickybuff[14] Kazad`s Mark 
      /varset trickybuff[15] Symbol of Balikor 
      /varset trickybuff[16] Balikor's Mark 
      /varset trickybuff[17] Brell's Stalwart Shield 
      /varset trickybuff[18] Brell's Brawny Bulwark 
      /varset trickybuff[19] Spiritual Vigor 
      /varset trickybuff[20] Spiritual Vitality 
|-------------------End TrickyDA Config---------------------| 

|------------------------END EDITING------------------------| 

   /declare healpct int outer 60 
   /declare tankname string outer ${Target} 
   /declare tanknameid int outer 
   /declare tankclass string outer 
   /declare minorhurt int outer 0 
   /declare majorhurt int outer 0 
   /declare worsthurt string outer NULL 
   /declare worsthurtid int outer 
   /declare worsthp int outer 100 
   /declare worstclass string outer NULL 
   /declare gmember int outer 
   /declare nohotforua string outer NULL 
   /declare nohotforub string outer NULL 
   /declare nohotforuc string outer NULL 
   /declare nohotforud string outer NULL 
   /declare rodwait int outer 0 
   /declare following int outer 0 
   /declare follname string outer NULL 
   /declare pallycount int outer 0 
   /declare stophealpoint int outer ${defaultstophealpoint} 
   /declare buffbeg int outer 0 
   /declare oomspam int outer 1 
   /declare lomspam int outer 1 
   /declare duckspam int outer 0 
   /declare duckfdspam int outer 0 
   /declare duckselfspam int outer 0
   /declare nomtspam int outer 1 
   /declare ghealhurtcount int outer 0 
   /declare divarboor int outer 0 
   /declare aetime int outer 0 
   /declare manastonecycle int outer 0 
   /declare olditem string outer 
   /declare oldprimary string outer 

   /if (${useircchat}==0) /join ${mychannel} 
   /if (${useircchat}==1) { 
      /iconnect 6667 #${mychannel} ${Me} 
      /i nick ${Me} 
      /timed 50 /i join #${mychannel} 

   /if (${FindItem[=Stone of Tainted Health].ID}) /call EquipItem "Stone of Tainted Health" 

   /if (!${Target.ID}) { 
      /echo Target the Tank when you run this macro to designate him as MT 
   } else { 
      /varset tanknameid ${Target.ID} 
      /varset tankclass ${Target.Class.Name} 

   /if (${Defined[Param0]}) {    
      /varset healpct ${Param0} 
   } else /echo No Heal% specified, defaulting to 60% 
   /if (!${Defined[Param1]}) {    
      /echo Usage: /mac AFCleric % healspell 
      /echo Example: /mac AFCleric 40 Complete Heal 
      /echo Defaulting to ${healspell} at ${healpct}% 
   } else {    
      /if (!${Defined[Param2]}) { 
         /varset healspell ${Param1} 
      } else /if (!${Defined[Param3]}) { 
         /varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2} 
      } else /if (!${Defined[Param4]}) { 
         /varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} 
      } else { 
         /varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4} 

   /echo AFCleric Active, running in Autohealmode ${autohealmode} 
   /echo Casting ${healspell} on ${tankname} at ${healpct}% HP 
   /if (${autohealmode}==0) /echo ONLY ${tankname} will be healed 
   /if (${autohealmode}==1) /echo ONLY ${tankname} and myself will be healed 
   /if (${autohealmode}==2) /echo ${tankname}, myself and my group will be healed 
   /if (${autohealmode}==3) /echo ${tankname} and myself will be healed before the rest of the group 
   /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].Name.NotEqual[${tankname}]}) /varset tanknameid 0 
   /if (!${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) /if (${Spawn[${tankname}].ID}) { 
      /if (${SpawnCount[${tankname} ${tankclass}]}==1) { 
         /varset tanknameid ${Spawn[${tankname} ${tankclass}].ID} 
         /echo ${Spawn[${tankname} ${tankclass}].Name} is the designated MT and has ID# ${tanknameid} 
      /if (${SpawnCount[${tankname} ${tankclass}]}>1) { 
         /if (${SpawnCount[pc ${tankname} ${tankclass}]}==1) { 
            /varset tanknameid ${Spawn[pc ${tankname} ${tankclass}].ID} 
            /echo Defaulting to PC ${Spawn[pc ${tankname} ${tankclass}].Name} as MT. If incorrect, please restart macro 
         } else { 
            /echo Need to restart macro to correctly identify the MT 
   /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].Type.Equal[Corpse]}) { 
      /if (${SpawnCount[pc ${tankname} ${tankclass}]}==1) { 
         /varset tanknameid ${Spawn[pc ${tankname ${tankclass}}].ID} 
         /echo ${Spawn[pc ${tankname} ${tankclass}].Name} is MT and has ID# ${tanknameid}. If incorrect, please restart macro 
   /if ((!${Target.ID})||(${Target.ID}!=${tanknameid})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].Type.NotEqual[Corpse]}) { 
         /target id ${tanknameid} 
         /delay 6 ${Target.ID}==${tanknameid} 
   /if (!${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) { 
      /if (${nomtspam}==1) { 
         /e Warning No Designated MT is available 
         /timed 300 /varset nomtspam 1 
         /varset nomtspam 0 
   /if ((${Me.PctMana}<=20)&&(${announce}==1)&&(${lomspam}==1)) { 
      /g ${Me.PctMana}m 
      /varset lomspam 0 
      /timed 300 /varset lomspam 1 
   /if ((${Me.PctMana}<=7)&&(${announce}==1)&&(${oomspam}==1)) { 
      /g oom 
      /varset oomspam 0 
      /timed 300 /varset oomspam 1 
      /call MedTime 
   /if (${GameState.Equal[CHARSELECT]}) /end 
   /if (${Target.ID}==${tanknameid}) { 
      /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${healpct}*1.1]} 
      /if ((${Target.Distance}<=${patchhealrange})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${Math.Calc[0.7*${healpct}]})&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=1)) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
         /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
      /if ((${Target.Distance}<=${healspellrange})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${healpct})&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=${Math.Calc[0.7*${healpct}]})) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${healspell} on %T 
         /call Cast "${healspell}" gem1 1s CheckHP 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${healspell}]} 
      /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
      /call CheckEvents 
   /if ((${autosit}>=1)&&(${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) { 
      /if ((${Me.PctMana}>98)||(${Me.PctHPs}<=90)) /stand 
   /if ((${autosit}==1)&&(${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) { 
      /if (${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${Math.Calc[${distancetosit}/3]}]}) /stand 
   /if (${autohealmode}==0) { 
      /call CheckEvents 
      /goto :tankwatchloop 
   /if ((${autohealmode}>=1)&&(${Me.PctHPs}<=${selfhealpoint})) /call Healself 
   /if (${autohealmode}>=2) { 
      /if ((${Target.PctHPs}>${healpct})||(${Target.Distance}>${healspellrange})||(${Target.PctHPs}<=1)||(!${Target.ID})||(${Target.ID}!=${tanknameid})) { 
         /call Healgroup 
   /if ((${autohealmode}<2)&&(${Me.PctHPs}>${selfhealpoint})&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)) /call MedTime 
   /call CheckEvents 
   /goto :tankwatchloop 

Sub Healself 
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${healpotpoint}) /call HealPotUse 
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}>${selfhealpoint}) /return 
   /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${selfhealpoint}+5]} 
   /if ((!${Target.ID})||(${Target.PctHPs}>=${Math.Calc[1.1*${healpct}]})||(${Target.PctHPs}<=1)||(${Target.ID}!=${tanknameid})) { 
      /if ((${Me.PctHPs}<=${selfhealpoint})&&(${Me.PctHPs}>${dacastpoint})) { 
         /target myself 
         /delay 6 ${Target.Name.Equal[${Me}]} 
         /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) { 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
            /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
            /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
      /if ((${Me.PctHPs}<=${dacastpoint})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${daspell}]})) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting DA!! <<WARNING>> DA!! No Heals for 18 SECONDS 
         /call Cast "${daspell}" 
         /delay 1 
         /if ((!${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${daspell}]})) /goto :retryda 
         /if ((${trickyda}==1)&&(${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID})) /call TrickyDA 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) { 
            /delay 1s !${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID} 
            /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
            /call CheckEvents 
            /goto :dawait 
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${Math.Calc[${selfhealpoint}*0.7]}) { 
      /target myself 
      /delay 6 ${Target.Name.Equal[${Me}]} 
      /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
         /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${selfhealpoint}+5]} 
         /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
   /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 

Sub Healgroup 
   /varset worsthurt NULL 
   /varset worsthp 100 
   /varset worstclass NULL 
   /varset minorhurt 0 
   /varset majorhurt 0 
   /varset ghealhurtcount 0 
   /for gmember 0 to ${Group} 
      /if (${onlyhealfd}==0) { 
         /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].Distance}<=${patchhealrange}) { 
            /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=${worsthp}) { 
               /varset worsthurt ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Name} 
               /varset worsthurtid ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
               /varset worsthp ${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs} 
               /varset worstclass ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name} 
      /if (${onlyhealfd}==1) { 
         /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].Distance}<=${patchhealrange}) { 
            /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name.NotEqual[Monk]})&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name.NotEqual[Necromancer]})&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=${worsthp})) { 
               /varset worsthurt ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Name} 
               /varset worsthurtid ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
               /varset worsthp ${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs} 
               /varset worstclass ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name} 
            /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name.Equal[Monk]})||(${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name.Equal[Necromancer]})) { 
               /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].State.Equal[feign]})&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=${worsthp})) { 
                  /varset worsthurt ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Name} 
                  /varset worsthurtid ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
                  /varset worsthp ${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs} 
                  /varset worstclass ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Class.Name} 
      /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].Distance}<=${grouphealrange})&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=85)) /varcalc ghealhurtcount ${ghealhurtcount}+1 
      /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=85)&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}>=60)) /varcalc minorhurt ${minorhurt}+1 
      /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}<=60)&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].PctHPs}>=1)) /varcalc majorhurt ${majorhurt}+1 
   /next gmember 
   /if (${autohealmode}==3) { 
      /if ((!${Target.ID})||(${Target.Name.NotEqual[${tankname}]})) /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) { 
         /target id ${tanknameid} 
         /delay 6 ${Target.ID}==${tanknameid} 
         /delay 1 
         /if ((${Target.ID}==${tanknameid})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${healpct})&&(${Target.Distance}<=${healspellrange})) /return 
      /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${selfhealpoint}) /return 
   /if ((${majorhurt}==0)&&(${minorhurt}==0)) { 
      /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) { 
         /target id ${tanknameid} 
         /delay 6 ${Target.ID}==${tanknameid} 
         /delay 1 
      /if (((${Target.ID}==${tanknameid})&&(${Target.PctHPs}>${healpct}))||(!${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID})||(${Spawn[${tanknameid}].Type.Equal[corpse]})) { 
         /if ((${healpetmode}>0)&&(${Me.PctMana}>=${manatohealpet})) /call HealPet 
|         /if (${mokaddon}==1) /if (${Target.ID}==${tanknameid}) /call AutoMOK 
         /if (${Me.PctMana}<=98) /call MedTime 
      /call CheckEvents 
   /if ((${usedivarb}==1)&&(${worsthp}<=${divarbpoint})&&(${Me.AltAbilityReady[divine arbitration]})) /call Divarbcast 
   /if ((${Math.Calc[${majorhurt}+${minorhurt}]}>=3)&&(${usegroupheal}==1)) { 
      /if (${announce}==1) /g Inc Grp Heal, get close 
      /call Cast "${groupheal}" gem4 1s 
      /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${groupheal}]} 
      /call CheckEvents 
   /if (${worsthurtid}==${tanknameid}) /return 
   /if (${worsthurtid}==${Me.ID}) { 
      /call Healself 
      /call CheckEvents 
   /if ((${worstclass.Equal[Warrior]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Paladin]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Shadow Knight]})) { 
      /if ((${worsthp}<=${tankhealpoint})&&(${worsthp}>=${Math.Calc[0.7*${tankhealpoint}]})&&(${majorhurt}<=1)&&(${minorhurt}<=1)) { 
         /target id ${worsthurtid} 
    /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
         /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
         /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
         /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${tankhealpoint}+5]} 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${healspell} on %T 
         /call Cast "${healspell}" gem1 1s CheckHP 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${healspell}]} 
         /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
         /call CheckEvents 
      /if (${worsthp}<=${tankhealpoint}) { 
         /target id ${worsthurtid} 
    /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
         /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
         /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
         /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${tankhealpoint}+5]} 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
         /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
         /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
         /call CheckEvents 
   } else /if ((${worstclass.Equal[Magician]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Wizard]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Enchanter]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Druid]})) { 
      /if ((${worsthp}<=${casterhotpoint})&&(${worsthp}>${casterpatchpoint})) { 
         /if ((${worsthurt.Equal[${nohotforua}]})||(${worsthurt.Equal[${nohotforub}]})||(${worsthurt.Equal[${nohotforuc}]})||(${worsthurt.Equal[${nohotforud}]})) /return 
         /if (${nohotforua.Equal[NULL]}) { 
            /target id ${worsthurtid} 
       /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
       /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
            /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
            /varset nohotforua ${Target.Name} 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
            /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${casterhotpoint}+5]} 
            /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem3 1s CheckHP 
            /timed 200 /varset nohotforua NULL 
            /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
         } else /if (${nohotforub.Equal[NULL]}) { 
            /target id ${worsthurtid} 
       /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
       /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
            /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
       /varset nohotforub ${Target.Name} 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
            /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${casterhotpoint}+5]} 
            /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem3 1s CheckHP 
            /timed 200 /varset nohotforub NULL 
            /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
         } else /if (${nohotforuc.Equal[NULL]}) { 
            /target id${worsthurtid} 
       /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
       /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
            /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
       /varset nohotforuc ${Target.Name} 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
            /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${casterhotpoint}+5]} 
            /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem3 1s CheckHP 
            /timed 200 /varset nohotforuc NULL 
            /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
         } else /if (${nohotforud.Equal[NULL]}) { 
            /target id ${worsthurtid} 
       /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
       /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
            /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
       /varset nohotforud ${Target.Name} 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
            /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${casterhotpoint}+5]} 
            /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem3 1s CheckHP 
            /timed 200 /varset nohotforud NULL 
            /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
         /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
         /call CheckEvents 
      /if ((${worsthp}<=${casterpatchpoint})&&(${worsthp}>=1)) { 
         /target id ${worsthurtid} 
    /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
    /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
         /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
         /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
         /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
         /call CheckEvents 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
      /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
   } else /if ((${worstclass.Equal[Necromancer]})||(${worstclass.Equal[Shaman]})) { 
      /if ((${worsthp}<=${necshmpatchpoint})&&(${worsthp}>=1)) { 
         /target id ${worsthurtid} 
    /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
    /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
         /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
         /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${necshmpatchpoint}+5]} 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
    /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
    /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
    /call CheckEvents 
    /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
   } else /if ((${worsthp}<=${defaultpatchpoint})&&(${worsthp}>=1)) { 
      /target id ${worsthurtid} 
      /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
      /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
      /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
      /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${defaultpatchpoint}+5]} 
      /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP 
      /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
      /call CheckEvents 
      /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
   /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
   /if ((${healpetmode}==2)&&(${Me.PctMana}>${manatohealpet})) /call HealPet 
|   /if (${mokaddon}==1) /if (${Target.ID}==${tanknameid}) /call AutoMOK 

Sub Divarbcast 
   /varset divarboor 0 
   /for gmember 0 to ${Group} 
      /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].Distance}>200) /varcalc divarboor ${divarboor}+1 
   /next gmember 
   /if (${Math.Calc[${Group}-${divarboor}]}>=2) { 
      /if (${announce}==1) /g Inc Divine Arbitration 
      /call Cast "Divine Arbitration" alt 2s 
      /if ((${healafterdivarb}==1)&&(${Me.PctMana}>40)) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Inc Grp Heal, get close 
         /call Cast "${groupheal}" gem4 2s 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${groupheal}]} 

Sub HealPet 
   /varset worsthurt NULL 
   /varset worsthp 100 
   /for gmember 0 to ${Group} 
      /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.ID}) { 
         /if (${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.Distance}<=${pethealspellrange}) { 
            /if ((${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.PctHPs}<=${worsthp})&&(${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.PctHPs}<=${pethealpoint})) { 
               /varset worsthurt ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.Name} 
               /varset worsthurtid ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.ID} 
               /varset worsthp ${Group.Member[${gmember}].Pet.PctHPs} 
   /next gmember 
   /if (${worsthurt.NotEqual[NULL]}) { 
      /target id ${worsthurtid} 
      /delay 5 ${Target.ID}==${worsthurtid} 
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return 
      /if (${Target.ID}!=${worsthurtid}) /return 
      /delay 3 
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${pethealpoint}) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${pethealspell} on %T 
         /varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${pethealpoint}+5]} 
         /call Cast "${pethealspell}" spell 1s CheckHP 
         /varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint} 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${pethealspell}]} 

Sub CheckEvents 
   /delay 1 
   /doevents IRCchat 
   /doevents Chat 
   /doevents tell 

Sub MedTime 
   /call CheckEvents 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Voice of Quellious].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Tranquility].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Koadic's Endless Intellect].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Clairvoyance].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Voice of Clairvoyance].ID})) { 
      /if ((!${Spawn[PC enchanter].ID})||(${NearestSpawn[PC enchanter].Distance}>200)) { 
         /call ClarPotUse 
   /If ((${FindItem["Rod of Mystical Transvergance"].InvSlot})&&(${Me.PctMana}<=70)&&(${Me.PctHPs}>=98)&&(${rodwait}==0)) { 
      /call Cast "Rod of Mystical Transvergance" item 
      /varset rodwait 1 
      /timed 3000 /varset rodwait 0 
   /if ((${autosit}==1)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)&&(!${Me.Casting.ID})) { 
      /if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}>=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${distancetosit}]})&&(${Me.PctHPs}>90)) /sit 
      /if ((${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})&&(${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${Math.Calc[${distancetosit}/3]}]})) /stand 
   /if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(${autosit}==2)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)&&(${Me.PctHPs}>90)&&(!${Me.Casting.ID})) /sit 
   /if ((${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(${autosit}>=1)&&(${Me.PctMana}>98)&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) /stand 
   /if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(!${Me.Mount.ID})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${yaulpspell}]})&&(!${Me.Buff[${yaulpspell}].ID})) { 
      /if ((!${Me.Buff[Vallon].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Vigor].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Strength of Tunare].ID})) /call Cast "${yaulpspell}" 
   /if (${buffbeg}==1) /call Buffbeg 
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${selfhealpoint}) /return 
   /if (${Me.PctMana}<=8) /goto :oomwait 

Sub CheckHP 
|  ${castEndTime} is variable to express time remaining, in deciseconds, from spell_routines.inc 
   /if (!${Window[CastingWindow].Open}) /return 
   /if ((${interrupt2healself}==1)&&(${Target.ID}==${tanknameid})) /if ((${Me.PctHPs}>=90)&&(${castEndTime}>=12)) /return 
   /if ((${interrupt2healself}==0)&&(${Target.ID}==${tanknameid})) /if (${castEndTime}>=12) /return 
   /if ((${autointerrupt}>=1)&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=${stophealpoint})) { 
      /if ((${announce}==1)&&(${duckspam}==1)) { 
         /g Ducking heal on %T 
         /e Ducking heal on ${Target.Name} 
         /varset duckspam 0 
         /timed 60 /varset duckspam 1 
      /call Interrupt 
   /if ((${interrupt2healself}==1)&&(${Target.Name.NotEqual[${Me}]})&&(${Me.PctHPs}<${interrupt2healselfhp})) { 
      /if ((${usedivarb}==1)&&(${Me.PctHPs}<=${divarbpoint})&&(${Me.AltAbilityReady[Divine Arbitration]})) { 
         /call Interrupt 
         /call Divarbcast 
      /if ((${announce}==1)&&(${duckselfspam}==1)) { 
         /g Ducking heal on %T so I can heal my (ChickenShit) self 
         /e Ducking heal on ${Target} so I can heal myself 
         /varset duckselfspam 0 
         /timed 60 /varset duckselfspam 1 
      /call Interrupt 
   /if (${onlyhealfd}==1) { 
      /if ((${Target.Class.Name.Equal[Necromancer]})||(${Target.Class.Name.Equal[Monk]})) { 
         /if (${Target.State.NotEqual[feign]}) { 
            /if ((${announce}==1)&&(${duckfdspam}==1)) { 
               /g Ducking heal on %T because he isn't staying FD 
               /e Ducking heal on ${Target.Name} because he isn't staying FD 
               /varset duckfdspam 0 
               /timed 40 /varset duckfdspam 1 
            /call Interrupt 
   /if ((${usedivarb}==1)&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${divarbpoint})&&(${Target.Distance}<=200)&&(${Me.AltAbilityReady[Divine Arbitration]})&&(${castEndTime}>=${interrupt2divarb})) { 
      /for gmember 0 to ${Group} 
         /if (${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID}) { 
            /call Interrupt 
            /call Divarbcast 
      /next gmember 

Sub TrickyDA 
   /for intcount 1 to 20 
      /if ((${Me.PctHPs}<40)&&(${Me.Buff[${trickybuff[${intcount}]}].ID})) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${trickybuff[${intcount}]}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
   /next intcount 
   /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) { 
      /delay 1s ${Me.Buff[${daspell}].Duration}<2 
      /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].Duration}>=2) /goto :waitalittle 
   /varset buffbeg 1 
   /call Buffbeg 

Sub Buffbeg 
   /if (${buffbeg}==0) /return 
   /echo Begging for buffs now 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Voice of Quellious].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Tranquility].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Koadic's Endless Intellect].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Clairvoyance].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Voice of Clairvoyance].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild enchanter].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild enchanter].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild enchanter]} need C plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Enchanter available for C5 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Protection of the Nine].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Blessing of the Nine].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Steeloak Skin].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Blessing of Steeloak].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Virtue].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Hand of Virtue].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild druid].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild druid].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild druid]} need dru crack plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Druid available for DRU crack 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Dominion].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Ascendance].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild beastlord].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild beastlord].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild beastlord]} need bst crack plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Beastlord available for BST crack 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Kazad`s Mark].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Symbol of Kazad].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Symbol of Balikor].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Balikor's Mark].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Virtue].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Hand of Virtue].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Conviction].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Hand of Conviction].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild cleric].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild cleric].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild cleric]} need sym plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Cleric available for Symbol 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Brell's Stalwart Shield].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Brell's Brawny Bulwark].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Vigor].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Vitality].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild paladin].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild paladin].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild paladin]} need BSS plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Paladin available for BSS 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Shield of Maelin].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Focus of the Seventh].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Focus of Soul].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Wunshi's Focusing].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Talisman of Wunshi].ID})) { 
      /if (${Spawn[pc guild shaman].ID}) /if (${NearestSpawn[PC guild shaman].Distance}<=100) { 
         /tell ${NearestSpawn[PC guild shaman]} need focus plz 
         /delay 20 
         /if (${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}) /notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${daspell}].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup 
      } else /e No guild Shaman available for Focus 
   /varset buffbeg 0 

Sub FindExactPC(string name) 
   /declare nameid int local 
   /declare counter int local 1 
   /if (!${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID}) /return NOT_FOUND 
   /varset nameid ${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID} 
   /if (${Spawn[${nameid}].CleanName.Equal[${name}]}) { 
      /target id ${nameid} 
      /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${nameid} 
      /if (${Target.ID}==${nameid}) /return TARGET_SUCCESS 
   /varcalc counter ${counter}+1 
   /if (${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID}) /goto :FindNext 
/return NOT_FOUND 

Sub HealPotUse 
|**  Call from a frequent subroutine. Use a variable to trigger it at a specific health 
Example of a call for this routine, for use at 15% health as a backup for normal heals: 
   /if (!${Defined[healpotpoint]}) /declare healpotpoint int outer 15 
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${healpotpoint}) /call HealPotUse 
   /if (!${Defined[healpottimer]}) /declare healpottimer int outer 1 
   /if (!${Defined[healpotname]}) /declare healpotname string outer NULL 
   /if (${healpottimer}==0) /return 
   /if (!${FindItem[Healing Potion].ID}) { 
      /varset healpotname NULL 
   /if (!${FindItem[=${healpotname}].ID}) /varset healpotname NULL 
   /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion X].ID}) { 
      /if (${announce}==1) /g WHEW -----> Healing Potion Used 
      /varset healpotname Healing Potion X 
      /goto :casthealpot 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion IX].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion IX 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion VIII].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion VIII 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion VII].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion VII 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion VI].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion VI 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion V].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion V 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion IV].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion IV 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion III].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion III 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion II].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion II 
   /if (${healpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Healing Potion I].ID}) /varset healpotname Healing Potion I 
   /call Cast "${healpotname}" item 
   /varset healpottimer 0 
   /timed 1200 /varset healpottimer 1 

Sub ClarPotUse 
|**  Call from the rebuff or buffbeg subroutine if no enc clarity effects are available 
Example of a call for this routine: 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Voice of Quellious].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Tranquility].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Koadic's Endless Intellect].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Clairvoyance].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Voice of Clairvoyance].ID})) { 
      /if ((!${Spawn[PC enchanter].ID})||(${NearestSpawn[PC enchanter].Distance}>200)) { 
         /call ClarPotUse 
   /if (!${Defined[clarpottimer]}) /declare clarpottimer int outer 1 
   /if (!${Defined[clarpotname]}) /declare clarpotname string outer NULL 
   /if (${clarpottimer}==0) /return 
   /if (!${FindItem[Elixir of Clarity].ID}) { 
      /varset clarpotname NULL 
   /if (!${FindItem[=${clarpotname}].ID}) /varset clarpotname NULL 
   /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity X].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity X 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity IX].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity IX 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity VIII].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity VIII 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity VII].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity VII 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity VI].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity VI 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity V].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity V 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity IV].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity IV 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity III].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity III 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity II].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity II 
   /if (${clarpotname.Equal[NULL]}) /if (${FindItem[=Elixir of Clarity I].ID}) /varset clarpotname Elixir of Clarity I 
   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity X].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity IX].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity VIII].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity VII].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity VI].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity V].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity IV].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity III].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity II].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Elixir of Clarity I].ID})) { 
      /call Cast "${clarpotname}" item 
      /varset clarpottimer 0 
      /timed 26700 /varset clarpottimer 1 

Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string Sender,string ChatText) 
   /if ((!${ChatType.Equal[${mychannel}]})&&(!${ChatType.Equal[TELL]})&&(!${ChatType.Equal[group]})) /return 
   /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /if (${ChatType.Equal[group]}) /return 
   /call ChatParse ${ChatType} ${Sender} "${ChatText}" 

Sub Event_IRCchat(string Line,string Sender,string ChatText) 
   /call ChatParse IRC ${Sender} "${ChatText}" 
Last edited by a moderator:
spell routines

| spell_routines.inc v2.4
| Originally Written by Rusty~
| Upkeep performed by A_Druid_00
| Includes MQ2Exchange integration for item swapping by BrainDeath
| Also includes FD fix that would cause an endless loop if you were hit by FD mid-cast by A_Druid_00
| Features:
| - Casts spells, clicks items, or uses AA abilities for you
| - Allows back to back casting without waiting on spell gems to pop all the way up
| - Will interrupt spell if target dies while casting. If on a mount, it will dismount and duck if the time left
|   is greater than 7 seconds, else it will move forward a bit to interrupt, then move you back
|    ** IMPORTANT: if you don't want to interrupt a spell while mounted, put this at the top of your macro: **
|    **   /declare noInterrupt int outer 1                                                                  **
| - Allows you to use items in bags. Equips item, clicks it, then returns it to its previous location
| - Lets you set how long you want to keep trying to cast the spell (defaults to 0)
|   If the spell is interrupted before the given time, it will recast, else it will return CAST_INTERRUPTED
| - Lets you call a custom subroutine while waiting for spell to finish casting
|   Try to keep custom subroutines very small. A common use would be to interrupt the spell if a certain condition is true
| - This file also includes a sub named Interrupt. You can call this to interrupt any spell you're casting instantly.
| - You can also use the SwapItem sub included in this to swap items to certain slots
| - Added EquipItem sub to easily equip items in your main Inventory slots.
| - Note: if you don't want this to cast spells while you're invis, in your main macro have this at the top:
|      /declare noInvis int outer 1
|   This will make it return CAST_INVIS if you're invis
|  Below is a list of outer scope variables you can access in your macros:
|      refreshTime        - How much time is left till you're done recovering from casting
|      castEndTime        - How much time left till you're done casting the current spell... usable in custom spell Subs
|      spellNotHold       - 1 if your last spell didn't take hold, 0 otherwise
|      spellRecastTime1-9 - How much time left till that spell is back up
|  EquipItem:  An easier way to equip items you have in bags ( useful for weapons or focus items )
|              slot name is optional. If not given, it will equip it in the first possible spot
|    Usage:
|        /call EquipItem "item name|slotname"
|        Returns: "old item name|slotname"
|    Examples:
|    To Equip Sharp Ended Broken Lever when you have Serpent of Vindication equiped:
|        /call EquipItem "Sharp Ended Broken Lever"
|    It will return "Staff of Vindication|mainhand"
|    To reequip the original item, you can save the return in a variable, and then use it later like this:
|       /varset oldPrimary ${Macro.Return}
|       | ... do stuff here with your new item equiped
|       /call EquipItem ${oldPrimary}
|  SwapItem:  a subroutine which is used in the Cast sub itself. You don't need to do this to cast an item in a bag
|             but you can call it in your macro to SwapItems (such as weapons or focus items)
|    Usage:
|        /call SwapItem "item name" slotname
|    Examples:
|    To swap Darkblade of the Warlord to your main hand:
|        /call SwapItem "Darkblade of the Warlord" mainhand
|    To swap stat food in one bag with other food in another bag:
|        /call SwapItem "Bristlebanes Party Platter" ${FindItem[halas 10lb meat pie].InvSlot}
|  Cast: the main subroutine that casts spells or items for you
|     Usage:
|        /call Cast "spellname|itemname|AAname|AA#" [item|alt|gem#] [give up time][s|m] [custom subroutine name] [Number of resist recasts]
|     Examples:
|     To cast Howl of Tashan and mem it in slot 3 if not memmed:
|       /call Cast "Howl of Tashan" gem3
|     To cast Arcane Rune and keep trying for 7 seconds, in case of interrupts.
|       /call Cast "Arcane Rune" gem5 7s
|     To click Grim Aura earring that's in a bag:
|       /call Cast "Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring" item
|     To use AA ability Eldritch Rune:
|       /call Cast "Eldritch Rune" alt
|         or
|       /call Cast "173" alt
|     To call a subroutine that interrupts CH if target gets healed before it lands:
|       /call Cast "Complete Healing" gem1 0 CheckHP
|     Then in your macro have somewhere:
|       Sub CheckHP
|          /if ( ${Target.PctHPs}>=80 ) /call Interrupt
|       /return
| Returns these values:
| CAST_CANCELLED       | Spell was cancelled by ducking (either manually or because mob died) |
| CAST_CANNOTSEE       | You can't see your target                                            |
| CAST_IMMUNE          | Target is immune to this spell                                       |
| CAST_INTERRUPTED     | Casting was interrupted and exceeded the given time limit            |
| CAST_INVIS           | You were invis, and noInvis is set to true                           |
| CAST_NOTARGET        | You don't have a target selected for this spell                      |
| CAST_NOTMEMMED       | Spell is not memmed and you gem to mem was not specified             |
| CAST_NOTREADY        | AA ability or spell is not ready yet                                 |
| CAST_OUTOFMANA       | You don't have enough mana for this spell!                           |
| CAST_OUTOFRANGE      | Target is out of range                                               |
| CAST_RESISTED        | Your spell was resisted!                                             |
| CAST_SUCCESS         | Your spell was cast successfully! (yay)                              |
| CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL    | Spell/Item/Ability was not found                                     |
#event BeginCast "You begin casting#*#"
#event Collapse "Your gate is too unstable, and collapses.#*#"
#event FDFail "#1# has fallen to the ground.#*#"
#event Fizzle "Your spell fizzles#*#"
#event Immune "Your target is immune to changes in its attack speed#*#"
#event Immune "Your target is immune to changes in its run speed#*#"
#event Immune "Your target cannot be mesmerized#*#"
#event Interrupt "Your casting has been interrupted#*#"
#event Interrupt "Your spell is interrupted#*#"
#event NoHold "Your spell did not take hold#*#"
#event NoHold "Your spell would not have taken hold#*#"
#event NoHold "You must first target a group member#*#"
#event NoHold "Your spell is too powerful for your intended target#*#"
#event NoLOS "You cannot see your target.#*#"
#event NoTarget "You must first select a target for this spell!#*#"
#event NotReady "Spell recast time not yet met.#*#"
#event OutOfMana "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!#*#"
#event OutOfRange "Your target is out of range, get closer!#*#"
#event Recover "You haven't recovered yet...#*#"
#event Recover "Spell recovery time not yet met#*#"
#event Resisted "Your target resisted the #1# spell#*#"
#event Resisted2 "You resist the #1# spell#*#"
#event Standing "You must be standing to cast a spell#*#"
#event Stunned "You are stunned#*#"
#event Stunned "You can't cast spells while stunned!#*#"
#event Stunned "You *CANNOT* cast spells, you have been silenced!#*#"

Sub Cast(spellName,spellType,giveUpValue,mySub,int ResistTotal)
/declare castTime float local
/if (!${Defined[castReturn]}) /declare castReturn string outer CAST_CANCELLED
/if (${Me.Invis} && ${noInvis}) /return
/if (${spellType.Equal[item]}) {
  /if (!${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}) /return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL
  /varset castTime ${FindItem[${spellName}].CastTime}
} else /if (${spellType.Equal[alt]}) {
  /if (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[${spellName}]}) /return CAST_NOTREADY
  /varset castTime ${Me.AltAbility[${spellName}].Spell.MyCastTime}
} else {
  /if (!${Me.Book[${spellName}]}) /return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL
  /declare spellID int local ${Me.Book[${Me.Book[${spellName}]}].ID}
  /varset castTime ${Spell[${spellName}].MyCastTime}
  /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${spellID}].Mana}) /return CAST_OUTOFMANA
/if (${castTime}>0.1) {
  /if (${Stick.Status.Equal[ON]}) /stick pause
  /if (${FollowFlag}) /call PauseFunction
  /if (${Me.Moving}) /keypress back
/if (!${Defined[spellType]}) /declare spellType string local spell
/if (!${Defined[spellRecastTime1]}) {
  /if (!${Defined[noInterrupt]}) /declare noInterrupt int outer 0
  /declare ResistCounter int outer
  /declare moveBack bool outer false
  /declare selfResist int outer
  /declare selfResistSpell string outer
  /declare giveUpTimer timer outer
  /declare castEndTime timer outer
  /declare refreshTime timer outer
  /declare itemRefreshTime float outer
  /declare i int local
  /declare spellNotHold int outer
  /delay 5
  /for i 1 to 9
  /declare spellRecastTime${i} timer outer
  /if (${Me.SpellReady[${i}]}) {
    /varset spellRecastTime${i} 0
  } else {
    /varcalc spellRecastTime${i} 10*${Me.Gem[${i}].RecastTime}
  /next i
/if (${Defined[giveUpValue]}) /varset giveUpTimer ${giveUpValue}
/if (${Defined[ResistTotal]}) /varset ResistCounter ${ResistTotal}
/varset spellNotHold 0
/varset selfResist 0
/if (${Me.Casting.ID} || (${Me.Moving} && ${castTime}>0.1)) {
  /if (${Bool[${mySub}]}) /call ${mySub} ${spellID}
  /goto :wait_for_stop
/if (${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open}) /keypress spellbook
/if (${Me.Ducking}) /keypress duck
/call DoCastingEvents
/varset castReturn X
/if (${spellType.Equal[item]}) /call ItemCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
/if (${spellType.Equal[alt]}) /call AltCast "${spellName}" "${mySub}"
/if (${spellType.NotEqual[item]} && ${spellType.NotEqual[alt]}) /call SpellCast "${spellType}" "${spellName}" "${mySub}" "${spellID}" "${giveUpValue}"
/if (${Stick.Status.Equal[PAUSED]}) /squelch /stick unpause
/if (${PauseFlag}) /call PauseFunction
/varset giveUpTimer 0
/varset ResistCounter 0
/return ${castReturn}

Sub SpellCast(spellType,spellName,mySub,int spellID,giveUpValue)
/if (!${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}) {
  /if (${Cursor.ID}) /call ClearCursor
  /if (${spellType.Left[3].Equal[gem]}) {
    /memspell ${spellType.Right[1]} "${spellName}"
  } else {
    /return CAST_NOTMEMMED
  /if (${Bool[${mySub}]}) /call ${mySub} ${spellID}
  /delay 6s ${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}
  /if (${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}) /varcalc spellRecastTime${Me.Gem[${spellName}]} 10*${Spell[${spellID}].RecastTime}
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}) /return CAST_INTERRUPTED
  /if (${Bool[${mySub}]}) /call ${mySub} ${spellID}
  /delay 15s ${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]}
  /if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]}) {
    /if (${giveUpTimer}) /goto :wait_for_mem
    /return CAST_NOTREADY
/varset spellType spell
/if (${spellName.Find[illusion: ]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[project illusion]}) /call Cast "project illusion" alt
/varset giveUpTimer ${giveUpValue}
/declare recoverWaitTime timer local 30
/if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]} && (${spellRecastTime${Me.Gem[${spellName}]}}<${giveUpTimer} || ${refreshTime}>0 || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]})) {
  /if (${Bool[${mySub}]}) /call ${mySub} ${spellID}
  /goto :cast_spell_loop
} else {
  /if (!${Me.SpellReady[${spellName}]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]}) /return CAST_NOTREADY
/cast "${spellName}"
/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) {
  /varset spellID ${Me.Casting.ID}
  /varcalc castEndTime ${Me.Casting.MyCastTime}*10
  /if (${castEndTime}<${Math.Calc[${Me.Casting.CastTime}*5]}) /varcalc castEndTime ${Me.Casting.CastTime}*5
/varset moveBack false
/call WaitCast ${mySub} ${spellID}
/if (${moveBack}) {
  /keypress back hold
  /delay 4
  /keypress back
  /delay 15 !${Me.Moving}
/if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANCELLED]}) /return CAST_CANCELLED
/call DoCastingEvents
/if (!${castReturn.Equal[CAST_SUCCESS]}) {
  /if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RECOVER]}) {
    /if (!${recoverWaitTime}) {
      /varcalc spellRecastTime${Me.Gem[${spellName}]} 10*${Spell[${spellID}].RecastTime}
      /if (!${giveUpTimer}) /return CAST_NOTREADY
    /goto :cast_spell_loop
  /if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESTART]} || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_STUNNED]} || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_FIZZLE]} || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_COLLAPSE]} || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_INTERRUPTED]} && ${giveUpTimer}) || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]} && ${ResistCounter})) /goto :cast_spell_loop
/if (!${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANNOTSEE]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_OUTOFRANGE]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_OUTOFMANA]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_NOTARGET]} && !${castReturn.Equal[CAST_INTERRUPTED]}) {
  /varcalc refreshTime 10*${Spell[${spellID}].RecoveryTime}
  /varcalc spellRecastTime${Me.Gem[${spellName}]} 10*${Spell[${spellID}].RecastTime}

Sub ItemCast(spellName,mySub)
/declare charges int local
/declare oldItemName string local
/declare slotName string local
/declare swapItemBack bool local false
/if (${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}>21) {
  /varset swapItemBack true
  /if (${FindItem[${spellName}].WornSlot[1]} && ${FindItem[${spellName}].EffectType.Find[worn]}) {
    /varset slotName ${FindItem[${spellName}].WornSlot[1].Name}
  } else /if (${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot}>29) {
    /varset slotName pack8
  } else {
    /varset slotName ${FindItem[${spellName}].InvSlot.Name}
  /varset oldItemName ${InvSlot[${slotName}].Item.Name}
  /call SwapItem "${spellName}" ${slotName}
/if (${itemRefreshTime}>${MacroQuest.Running}) /goto :wait_item_loop
/varset itemRefreshTime ${Math.Calc[${MacroQuest.Running}+000]}
/varset charges ${FindItem[${spellName}].Charges}
/cast item "${spellName}"
/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) /varcalc castEndTime ${FindItem[${spellName}].CastTime}*10
/if (${charges}) /delay 1s ${FindItem[${spellName}].Charges}!=${charges}
/call WaitCast ${mySub}
/if (${FindItem[${spellName}].CastTime}<0.5) /delay 5
/if (${swapItemBack} && ${FindItem[${oldItemName}].ID}) /call SwapItem "${oldItemName}" ${slotName}
/if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANCELLED]}) /return CAST_CANCELLED
/call DoCastingEvents
/if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESTART]} || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_STUNNED]} || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_INTERRUPTED]} && ${giveUpTimer}) || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_COLLAPSE]} || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]} && ${ResistCounter})) /goto :cast_item

Sub AltCast(spellName,mySub)
/alt activate ${Me.AltAbility[${spellName}].ID}
/delay 5 ${Me.Casting.ID}
/call WaitCast ${mySub}
/if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_CANCELLED]}) /return CAST_CANCELLED
/call DoCastingEvents
/if (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESTART]} || ${castReturn.Equal[CAST_STUNNED]} || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_INTERRUPTED]} && ${giveUpTimer}) || (${castReturn.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]} && ${ResistCounter})) /goto :cast_alt

Sub ClearCursor
/declare i int local
/if (${Cursor.ID}) {
  /if (${Cursor.Container}) {
    /for i 1 to 8
    /if (!${InvSlot[pack${i}].Item.Container}) /nomodkey /itemnotify pack${i} leftmouseup
    /next i
  } else {
    /timed 5 /autoinventory
  /goto :auto_inv

Sub DoCastingEvents
/doevents Recover
/doevents BeginCast
/doevents Fizzle
/doevents Interrupt
/doevents Standing
/doevents FDFail
/doevents OutOfRange
/doevents OutOfMana
/doevents NoLOS
/doevents Resisted2
/doevents Resisted
/doevents Immune
/doevents Stunned
/doevents Collapse
/doevents NoTarget
/doevents NotReady
/doevents NoHold

Sub EquipItem(WhatWhere)
/declare DestName string local
/declare ItemName string local ${WhatWhere.Arg[1,|]}
/declare SlotName string local ${WhatWhere.Arg[2,|]}
/if (${SlotName.Equal[NULL]}) /varset SlotName ${InvSlot[${FindItem[=${ItemName}].WornSlot[1]}].Name}
/if (${FindItem[=${ItemName}].InvSlot}<22 || !${FindItem[=${ItemName}].WornSlot[${SlotName}]}) /return
/if (!${InvSlot[${SlotName}].Item.Name.Equal[NULL]}) /varset DestName "${InvSlot[${SlotName}].Item.Name}|${SlotName}"
/call SwapItem "${ItemName}" "${SlotName}"
/return ${DestName}

Sub Interrupt
/if (${Me.Mount.ID}) /dismount
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_CANCELLED
/return ${castReturn}

Sub SwapItem(itemName,slotName)
/declare i int local
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /call ClearCursor
/exchange "${itemName}" ${slotName}
/delay 5s ${InvSlot[${slotName}].Item.Name.Equal[${itemName}]}
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /call ClearCursor

Sub WaitCast(mySub,int spellID)
/declare currentTarget int local ${Target.ID}
/declare currentTargetType string local ${Target.Type}
/if (${Bool[${mySub}]}) /call ${mySub} ${spellID}
/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) {
  /if (${currentTarget} && !${Spawn[${currentTarget}].Type.Equal[${currentTargetType}]}) {
    /if (!${Me.Casting.TargetType.Equal[PB AE]} && !${Me.Casting.TargetType.Equal[self]} && !${moveBack} && (!${Me.Mount.ID} || !${noInterrupt})) {
      /if (!${Me.Mount.ID} || ${castEndTime}>70) {
        /call Interrupt
      } else /if (${Me.Casting.RecastTime}>3) {
        /varset castReturn CAST_CANCELLED
        /keypress forward hold
        /delay 6
        /keypress forward
        /varset moveBack true
  /if (${Me.State.Equal[DUCK]}) /varset castReturn CAST_CANCELLED
  /goto :wait_cast_loop

Sub Event_BeginCast
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_SUCCESS

Sub Event_Collapse
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_COLLAPSE
/varset giveUpTimer 200

Sub Event_FDFail(line,name)
/if (${name.Equal[${Me.Name}]} && ${Defined[castReturn]}) {
  /if (!${Me.Standing}) /stand
  /varset castReturn CAST_RESTART

Sub Event_Fizzle
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_FIZZLE

Sub Event_Immune
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_IMMUNE

Sub Event_Interrupt
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_INTERRUPTED

Sub Event_NoHold
/if (${Defined[spellNotHold]}) /varset spellNotHold 1

Sub Event_NoLOS
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_CANNOTSEE

Sub Event_NoTarget
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_NOTARGET

Sub Event_NotReady
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_NOTREADY

Sub Event_OutOfMana
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_OUTOFMANA

Sub Event_OutOfRange
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_OUTOFRANGE

Sub Event_Recover
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_RECOVER

Sub Event_Resisted(line,name)
/if (${selfResist} && ${name.Equal[${selfResistSpell}]}) /varset selfResist 0
/if (${ResistCounter}) /varcalc ResistCounter ${ResistCounter}-1
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_RESISTED

Sub Event_Resisted2(line,name)
/if (${Defined[selfResist]}) {
  /varset selfResist 1
  /varset selfResistSpell ${name}

Sub Event_Standing
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_RESTART

Sub Event_Stunned
/if (${Me.Stunned}) {
  /delay 3s !${Me.Stunned}
} else {
  /delay 7
/if (${Defined[castReturn]}) /varset castReturn CAST_STUNNED
Last edited by a moderator:

+|  ChatParse.inc for AFCleric by Fantum409 

Sub ChatParse(string ChatType,string Sender,string ChatText) 
   /e ChatType<${ChatType}>, Sender<${Sender}>, ChatText<${ChatText}> 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[rezzme]}) { 
      /keypress back 
      /target ${Sender}'s Corpse 
      /delay 3 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]}) { 
         /delay 3 
         /call Cast "Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh" item 
   /if (${Sender.Equal[${Me}]}) /return 
   /if (!${Spawn[${Sender}].ID}) { 
      /e ${Sender} is not in the zone 
   /if ((${ChatText.Equal[Follow me]})&&(${Sender.NotEqual[${Me}]})) { 
      /delay 5 
      /if (!${Spawn[${Sender}].ID}) { 
         /e ${Sender} is not in zone for me to follow! 
      /varset follname ${Sender} 
      /varset following 1 
      /target pc ${follname} 
      /delay 1s ${Target.Name.Equal[${follname}]} 
      /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${follname}]}) { 
         /goto :Loop 
      } else /goto :targetfoll 
      /face fast 
      /if (${Target.Distance}>10) /keypress forward hold 
      /if (${Target.Distance}<9) /keypress back 
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /varset following 0 
      /call CheckEvents 
      /if ((${Target.Name.Equal[${follname}]})&&(${following}>0)) { 
         /goto :Loop 
      } else { 
         /keypress forward 
         /keypress back 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[End follow]}) { 
      /varset following 0 
      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 
      /timed 50 /face pc ${follname} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[Gbuff]}) { 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /varset pallycount 0 
      /target myself 
      /if (${groupspellhastebuff.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call Cast "${groupspellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /call Cast "${acbuff}" gem6 7s 
      /if (${groupspellhastebuff.Equal[NULL]}) { 
         /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
         /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /for gmember 1 to ${Group} 
         /target id ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
         /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
         /if (${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID}) { 
            /if (${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Paladin]}) /call Cast "${acbuff}" gem5 7s 
            /if (${Target.Class.Name.Equal[Paladin]}) { 
               /call Cast "${longhpbuff}" gem5 10s 
               /varcalc pallycount ${pallycount}+1 
            /if (${groupspellhastebuff.Equal[NULL]}) /if ((${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Warrior]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Monk]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Rogue]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Berserker]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Bard]})) { 
               /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
               /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /next gmember 
      /if ((${Math.Calc[${Group}-${pallycount}]}>=2)&&(${groupsymbuff.NotEqual[NULL]})) /call Cast "${groupsymbuff}" gem5 10s 
      /if ((${Math.Calc[${Group}-${pallycount}]}<2)||(${groupsymbuff.Equal[NULL]})) { 
         /for gmember 0 to ${Group} 
            /target id ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
            /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
            /if (${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Paladin]}) /call Cast "${singlesymbuff}" gem5 7s 
         /next gmember 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[BoR now!]}) { 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /target myself 
      /delay 5 ${Target.Name.Equal[${Me}]} 
      /if (${groupspellhastebuff.Equal[NULL]}) { 
         /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
         /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
         /for gmember 1 to ${Group} 
            /target id ${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
            /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID} 
            /if (${Target.ID}==${Group.Member[${gmember}].ID}) { 
               /if ((${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Warrior]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Monk]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Rogue]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Berserker]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Bard]})) { 
                  /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
                  /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
         /next gmember 
      /if (${groupspellhastebuff.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call Cast "${groupspellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[nuke]}) { 
      /if (${Me.PctMana}<30) { 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}%, holding on nukes! 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}%, holding on nukes! 
      } else { 
         /assist ${Sender} 
         /delay 5 
         /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) { 
            /assist ${Sender} 
            /delay 5 ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} 
         /if ((${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=90)) { 
            /if (${Me.SpellReady[${nukeone}]}) { 
               /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${nukeone} on %T 
               /call Cast "${nukeone}" spell 3s 
            } else /if (${Me.SpellReady[${nuketwo}]}) { 
               /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${nuketwo} on %T 
               /call Cast "${nuketwo}" spell 3s 
            } else { 
               /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say nukes not ready 
               /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g nukes not ready 
            /if (${Me.PctMana}<=60) { 
               /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say FYI Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}% 
               /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g FYI Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}% 
         } else { 
            /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say wrong target (${Target.Type} at ${Target.PctHPs}% HP) 
            /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g wrong target (${Target.Type} at ${Target.PctHPs}% HP) 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[stun]}) { 
      /assist ${Sender} 
      /delay 5 
      /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) { 
         /assist ${Sender} 
         /delay 5 ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} 
      /if ((${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=90)) { 
         /if (${Me.SpellReady[${stunone}]}) { 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${stunone} on %T 
            /call Cast "${stunone}" spell 3s 
         } else /if (${Me.SpellReady[${stuntwo}]}) { 
            /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${stuntwo} on %T 
            /call Cast "${stuntwo}" spell 3s 
         } else { 
            /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say stuns not ready 
            /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g stuns not ready 
      } else { 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say wrong target (${Target.Type} at ${Target.PctHPs}% HP) 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g wrong target (${Target.Type} at ${Target.PctHPs}% HP) 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[buffme]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /if (${Target.Class.Name.Equal[Paladin]}) { 
         /call Cast "${longhpbuff}" gem5 10s 
         /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
         /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /if ((${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Warrior]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Monk]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Rogue]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Berserker]})&&(${Target.Class.Name.NotEqual[Bard]})) { 
         /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
         /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /call Cast "${acbuff}" gem6 7s 
      /call Cast "${singlesymbuff}" gem5 7s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[sym]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /call Cast "${singlesymbuff}" gem5 7s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[wog]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /call Cast "${acbuff}" gem6 7s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if ((${ChatText.Equal[Conv]})||(${ChatText.Equal[conv]})) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /call Cast "${longhpbuff}" gem5 10s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[bor]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /if (${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "Breastplate of Vengeful Fury" item 
      /if (!${FindItem[Breastplate of Vengeful Fury].ID}) /call Cast "${spellhastebuff}" gem8 5s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[rgc]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${FindItem[Blackflame Sphere].ID}) { 
         /call Cast "Blackflame Sphere" item 
      } else /if (${FindItem[Wand of Casual Blessings].ID}) { 
         /call Cast "Wand of Casual Blessings" item 
      } else /call Cast "${rgcspell}" gem8 5s 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[di]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /call Cast "Divine Intervention" gem8 3s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[vie]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /call Cast "Panoply of Vie" gem6 5s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[pb]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /call Cast "Pure Blood" gem6 10s 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[hot me]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${Target.Distance}<=${hotspellrange}) { 
         /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
         /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
         /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem2 2s 
         /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
      } else /tell ${Sender} your OOR 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[ch me]}) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${Target.Distance}<=100) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting Complete Healing on %T 
         /call Cast "Complete Healing" gem2 5s 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
      } else /tell ${Sender} your OOR 
   /if ((${ChatText.Equal[patch me]})||(${ChatText.Equal[heal]})||(${ChatText.Equal[heal me]})||(${ChatText.Equal[heal plz]})||(${ChatText.Equal[heal me plz]})||(${ChatText.Equal[need heal]})) { 
      /call FindExactPC ${Sender} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[TARGET_SUCCESS]}) /return 
      /if (${Target.Distance}<=${patchhealrange}) { 
         /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${patchheal} on %T 
         /call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 2s 
         /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]} 
      } else /tell ${Sender} your OOR 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[buff pet]}) { 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /delay 8 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /call Cast "${acbuff}" gem6 7s 
      /call Cast "${singlesymbuff}" gem5 7s 
      /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[da pet]}) { 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /delay 6 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[39]}) /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet.Name}]}) { 
         /call Cast "39" alt 
      } else { 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say Bestow Divine Aura is not ready, or Target (%T) OOR or wrong target 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g Bestow Divine Aura is not ready, or Target (%T) OOR or wrong target 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[hot pet]}) { 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /delay 6 
      /target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet} 
      /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].Pet.Name}]}) { 
         /if (${Target.Distance}<=${hotspellrange}) { 
       /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem "${edbuffitem}" 
       /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset olditem ${Macro.Return} 
       /if (${announce}==1) /g Casting ${hotspell} on %T 
       /call Cast "${hotspell}" gem2 2s 
       /if (${edbuffItem.Name.NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EquipItem ${olditem} 
       /delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${hotspell}]} 
         } else /tell ${Sender} your pet is OOR 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[mana check]}) { 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}% 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g Cleric Mana ${Me.PctMana}% 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[manapoll]}) { 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say ${Me.PctMana}% 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g ${Me.PctMana}% 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[slowcamp]}) { 
      /if (${Me.Standing}) /sit 
      /delay 5m ${Me.PctMana}>=98 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[AE-time]}) { 
      /varset aetime 1 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say AE activated! 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g AE activated! 
      /if (${NearestSpawn[4, npc].Distance}<35) { 
         /if (${Me.SpellReady[Catastrophe]}) /call Cast "Catastrophe" spell 3s 
         /if (${Me.SpellReady[Upheaval]}) /call Cast "Upheaval" spell 3s 
         /if (${Me.SpellReady[The Unspoken Word]}) /call Cast "The Unspoken Word" spell 3s 
      /call CheckEvents 
      /if (${Me.PctHPs}<60) { 
         /varset aetime 0 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say Stopping AE due to low HP 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g Stopping AE due to low HP 
      /if (${NearestSpawn[4, npc].Distance}>100) { 
         /varset aetime 0 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say Stopping AE since not enough mobs in range 
         /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g Stopping AE since not enough mobs in range 
      /if (${aetime}==1) /goto :aeloop 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[stop AE]}) { 
      /varset aetime 0 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==0) /i say AE DE-activated 
      /if (${usegroupchat}==1) /g AE DE-activated 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[manastone time]}) { 
      /varset manastonecycle 1 
      /call EquipItem "Manastone|mainhand" 
      /varset oldprimary ${Macro.Return} 
      /if ((${Me.PctHPs}>=50)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)&&(${manastonecycle}==1)) { 
         /call Cast "Manastone" item 
         /call Cast "Manastone" item 
         /call Cast "Manastone" item 
      /delay 1 
      /if (${manastonecycle}==1) /goto :manastoneuse 
      /call EquipItem ${oldprimary} 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[manastone stop]}) { 
      /varset manastonecycle 0 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[rc]}) { 
      /if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[390]}) /call Cast "390" alt 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[silence fewls]}) { 
      /varset announce 0 
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[speak up]}) { 
      /varset announce 1 
Last edited by a moderator:
thats all

Thats all you should need, make sure you get all 3 parts and save them as proper things. I use it with forms of grouping, just target your tank and

/mac afcleric 80 (or whatever you want to heal at)

it uses tells for buffs, conv, sym, buff me, selfbuff and such like that.
sorry real newb didnt realise there was a way to do it right above where im typing
Can we get these posted in a link...everytime i try to copy and past .inc files it messes them up.

Also is there a spellset that you use maybe you could define

Gem1=Pious Light
gem2= Complete Heal
gem3= Holy Elixer

etc etc etc
gladimus said:
Can we get these posted in a link...everytime i try to copy and past .inc files it messes them up.


  • afcleric.mac
    42.6 KB · Views: 79
  • chatparse.inc
    17.9 KB · Views: 69
  • spell_routines.inc
    19.5 KB · Views: 63
hey thank u for the east to do .mac but the afcleric is not workin when i click link the others downloaded fine thx
paste errors

Use word pad as it has a word wrap feature.
YAH Microshaft.
I was trying to run this macro this morning and the CH kept cancelling on me. Anyone know what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Iam haveing trouble with AFcleric not helaing the person in the last slot in group. Will heal everyone else but the 5th person in the group window.
Newguy said:
I was trying to run this macro this morning and the CH kept cancelling on me. Anyone know what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance for your help.

What did it do right after canceling the cast? Did it do it to div. arb maybe? or is it just canceling and standing there doing nothing?

Smason said:
Will heal everyone else but the 5th person in the group window.

Couple questions: is it always 6th grp member or was it in just one group. If so, what class was that person. What is your threshold settings for your healing IE:

/declare selfhealpoint int outer 65
/declare dacastpoint int outer 28
/declare divarbpoint int outer 31
/declare interrupt2divarb int outer 22
/declare tankhealpoint int outer 65
/declare casterhotpoint int outer 10
/declare casterpatchpoint int outer 60
/declare necshmpatchpoint int outer 58
/declare defaultpatchpoint int outer 70

and how low in health is the person getting but not being healed?
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