Librarian's Nightmare

little tough raid, zone in loot some books click books stories apear kill those until u loot another item think words of opening once u have that move raid to door before the spiral stairs hand words to guy there then u say somethign i forget what event starts u get some books that silence u taunt is ur friend by spreading the dmg.

u need to get past 3 stories while kiting controling the libarian necro snare ftw
Just use HoT's and taunt of the books to kill them?
what i meant was that by having all knights and warriors taunt since raid is silenced u spread the dmg helping u stay alive long enouhg to kill books and loose silence heal and repeat
Kiting is a toughish part but really not that bad once your kiters know the zone well enough for when she warps you all over the place.
If your a kiter keep your map open so you can see where you land as soon as you get warped away and start running like hell back to the upstairs kite room.

If you are getting more than one story active and on you at a time you are doing soemthing wrong.
We found lurch works on her to solve kiting issues. Problem is when she warps takes all on aggro with her and they all wind up on top of her in range to be hit. We are still working on dealing with the nonstop stream of books while pulling in piper without to many rat adds. But usually librarian getting loose is what kills us. Do you need to kill the rats on the way to the piper or is it possible to pull him away from the rats and get him solo?
Pull everything to the spiral staircase room. The pyper will come and so will the adds. mez the rats. the nonstop chain of books stops once you kill one story.
Hmm didnt think the rats were mezzable. Will have chanters try again. Are ones he spawns different from the ones up automatically? Good to know that the books stop.

If piper always the first real story?
Unsure about mezability of the rats. We kill them.