Help with mage weap sub for VoA spells


Feb 6, 2009
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I am wondering if anyone can help fix this so it will summon the new mage weapon spells properly since the change to the new "red" spells (single target type). The old style was the yellow self only. Here is the following sub i pulled from the mac. So basically it will need to have mage target self then cast and then click the unopened bag called folded pack of manaforged armaments. then it will need to open the pouch of quellious and pick the best weapons for a water type pet. I am thinking one Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade and maybe one Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade. I chose the iceblade for the ice proc since the mage is casting fire anyway. Just gives a diff type of dmg. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Sub SumWeps
    /if (${Me.State.Equal[Hover]} || ${Me.Dead} ) /call Wait4Rez
       /if ( ${Target.Pet.ID} ) /target id ${Target.Pet.ID}
       /if ( !${Target.Type.Equal[pet]} ) /return
        /if ( !${UseSummonWeps} ) /return
         /if ( ${UseSummonWeps} && !${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} && ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} || ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
       /call Cast "${summonedWepSpell}" ${summonedWepType} 3s
       /delay 3s
       /delay 3s
       /if ( !${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} ) /return
       /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
       /delay 2s
       /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Winterbane].InvSlot} leftmouseup
       /delay 1s
       /call GiveToPet
       /delay 2s
       /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind].InvSlot} leftmouseup
       /delay 1s
       /call GiveToPet
       /delay 2s
       /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
       } else {
          /if ( ${UseSummonWeps} && ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} && ${FindItem[Summoned: Winterbane].InvSlot} && ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} ) ) {
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
          /delay 2s
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Winterbane].InvSlot} leftmouseup
          /delay 1s
          /call GiveToPet
          /delay 2s
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind].InvSlot} leftmouseup
          /delay 1s
          /call GiveToPet
          /delay 2s
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
       } else {
        /if ${UseSummonWeps} && ( ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
                 /declare i int local
            /call Cast "${summonedWepSpell}" ${summonedWepType} 3s
             /delay 3s
             /delay 2s
             /if ( !${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} ) /return
             /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
           /for i 1 to 2
          /delay 1s
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Jagged Ragesword].InvSlot} leftmouseup
          /delay 1s
          /call GiveToPet
          /delay 2s
            /next i
          /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} rightmouseup
if it changed to a target, rather than self, and you want to still target self, just add this before every "/call Cast" line:

/delay 3 ${Me.ID}==${Target.ID}
Cool that makes sense for that line and function. So how do you handle the unfolded pack? how would you make the mage put it in like slot 12 and right click it to unfold. I figure the lines that have phantom satchel could still be used but change the name to the pouch of quellious and change the name of the weaps.
this is what i use to summon pet and weapons..originally written by treehuggindruid i just removed the rest of the gear from it.

Sub SummonWeapons

/memspellset ${PetSpellSet}

	   |-- Load Pet Weapon spell and give it x2	
	   /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellPetWep}]}) {
	       /echo Attempting to load ${SpellPetWep} spell in slot ${SpellPetWepGem}.  
	       /memspell ${SpellPetWepGem} ${SpellPetWep}
	       /delay 1s
	       /if (!${Me.SpellReady[${SpellPetWep}]}) /goto :PetWepSpellWait

	   /varcalc CastDelay 2*${Spell[${SpellPetWep}].RecoveryTime}
	   /echo  Summoning pet weapons for ${Me.Pet.CleanName}.
 	   /target ${Me.CleanName}
 	   /delay 10	   
	   /call Cast ${SpellPetWep} ${CastRetryTime} 
	   /delay ${CastDelay}s
           /itemnotify ${InvSlot[9]} leftmouseup
           /delay 2s
 	   /if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinventory
 	   /delay 2s 	    	   
           /itemnotify ${InvSlot[9]} rightmouseup
 	   /delay 4s
 	   /if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinventory
 	   /delay 5
           |/if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /keypress Inventory 	
           |/delay 20 ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}
           /call GetInvSlotID "Pouch of Quellious"
           /varset bag ${invSlotName}           	 
           |/itemnotify ${Me.Inventory[${bag}].InvSlot} rightmouseup 
           |/delay 5  	   
	   /target ${Me.Pet.CleanName}	   
	   /delay 10          

 	   /for ival 1 to 2
              /varset slot ${FindItem[${PetWep${ival}}].InvSlot}
              /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${slot}]} leftmouseup 
              /delay 5 
              /echo - Giving (${Cursor.Name}) to (${Target.CleanName}).
              /nomodkey /click left target
              /delay 3s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}   	  
              /if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenGiveWindowA   
           /next ival 	   
	   /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup 
	   /delay 5           
           /itemnotify ${Me.Inventory[${bag}].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
           /delay 5                       
           /if (${Cursor.ID}) /destroy             

	   /echo Closing inventory.
	   /keypress I
	   /delay 5
           /memspellset ${NormalSpellSet}
	   /call PetBuffs
|SUB: GetInvSlotID
Sub GetInvSlotID(itemName)

/declare eqLoop			int 	local 	0
/declare equippedArray[33]	string 	local

	/varset equippedArray[1] head
	/varset equippedArray[2] face
	/varset equippedArray[3] neck
	/varset equippedArray[4] rightear
	/varset equippedArray[5] leftear
	/varset equippedArray[6] arms
	/varset equippedArray[7] hands
	/varset equippedArray[8] rightwrist
	/varset equippedArray[9] leftwrist
	/varset equippedArray[10] rightfinger
	/varset equippedArray[11] leftfinger
	/varset equippedArray[12] shoulder
	/varset equippedArray[13] back
	/varset equippedArray[14] chest
	/varset equippedArray[15] waist
	/varset equippedArray[16] legs
	/varset equippedArray[17] feet
	/varset equippedArray[18] mainhand
	/varset equippedArray[19] offhand
	/varset equippedArray[20] ranged
	/varset equippedArray[21] ammo
	/varset equippedArray[22] charm
	/varset equippedArray[23] powersource
	/varset equippedArray[24] pack1
	/varset equippedArray[25] pack2
	/varset equippedArray[26] pack3
	/varset equippedArray[27] pack4
	/varset equippedArray[28] pack5
	/varset equippedArray[29] pack6
	/varset equippedArray[30] pack7
	/varset equippedArray[31] pack8
	/varset equippedArray[32] pack9
	/varset equippedArray[33] pack10

/for eqLoop 1 to 33
     /if (${Me.Inventory[${equippedArray[${eqLoop}]}].ID}==${FindItem[${itemName}].ID}) {
	 /varset invSlotName ${equippedArray[${eqLoop}]}
/next eqLoop

|Weapons End
Ok. Added that part in and tried to modify the steps for you having to click the unfolded pouch then click it again to open it with its new name. Can you look it all over and see if you see any errors or ways to streamline it?

I do not really know how to write this stuff well, but can read it a little bit and get the general idea of what it is trying to do. Guess you have to start somewhere right. Maybe the more i see the syntax and commands used then I can learn to write my own.

The modified sub is below:
Sub SumWeps 
 /if (${Me.State.Equal[Hover]} || ${Me.Dead} ) /call Wait4Rez
   /if ( ${Target.Pet.ID} ) /target id ${Target.Pet.ID} 
   /if ( !${Target.Type.Equal[pet]} ) /return 
    /if ( !${UseSummonWeps} ) /return
     /if ( ${UseSummonWeps} && !${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} && ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} || ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
   /delay 3 ${Me.ID}==${Target.ID} 
   /call Cast "${summonedWepSpell}" ${summonedWepType} 3s 
   /delay 3s
   /delay 3s 
   /if ( !${FindItem[[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} ) /return
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   /delay 2s
   /delay 3s
   /if ( !${FindItem[[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} ) /return
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   /delay 2s
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup
   /delay 1s 
   /call GiveToPet 
   /delay 2s 
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
   /delay 1s
   /call GiveToPet
   /delay 2s
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   } else { 
		/if ( ${UseSummonWeps} && ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} && ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade].InvSlot} && ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} ) ) {
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
		/delay 2s
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup
		/delay 1s 
		/call GiveToPet 
		/delay 2s 
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
		/delay 1s
		/call GiveToPet
		/delay 2s
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   } else {
    /if ${UseSummonWeps} && ( ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
	          /declare i int local
	          /delay 3 ${Me.ID}==${Target.ID} 
	     /call Cast "${summonedWepSpell}" ${summonedWepType} 3s 
         /delay 3s
         /delay 2s
         /if ( !${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} ) /return
	   	/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} rightmouseup
                /delay 3s
          /if ( !${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} ) /return
                /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
		/for i 1 to 2
		/delay 1s
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword].InvSlot} leftmouseup
		/delay 1s 
		/call GiveToPet 
		/delay 2s 
		  /next i
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
Chewie this looks nice too. I think it looks pretty clean. Only thing i am not following is the weapon type. Do you get to choose which one the pet gets? I tested the one out below that I was working on and got it to cast the spell and auto-inventory it, but It did not unfold the bag or give weapons to pet. I will have to figure out what is wrong there.
Alright i have it targetting mage and casting the spell. It will also click the bag and make the pouch of quellious. Then it gets the ice weapon out and puts it on the cursor. Then it crashes so my guess is there is a problem with the next part or sub called GiveToPet. Can someone please tell me what might be wrong with it. I have that part below:

Sub GiveToPet 
/varset MacroState GiveToPet
/if (${Me.State.Equal[Hover]} || ${Me.Dead} ) /call Wait4Rez
   /declare i int local 
   /varset i 1 
/target id ${Me.Pet.ID}
   /delay 5 ${Cursor.ID} 
   /if ( ${Cursor.ID} && !${InvSlot[trade4].Item.ID} ) { 
      /if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[summoned:]} ) { 
         /click left target 
         /delay 1s ${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.ID} 
      } else { 
      /goto :give_item 
   /for i 1 to 4 
      /if ( ${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.ID} && !${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.Name.Find[summoned:]} ) /notify GiveWnd GVW_Cancel_Button leftmouseup 
   /next i 
   /if ( ${Window[GiveWnd].Open} ) { 
      /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup 
      /delay 5s !${Window[GiveWnd].Open} 
   /if ( ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open} ) /keypress inventory 
usually if it crashes without an error message, it is because you used a TLO incorrectly.

but i have no idea what atm. ive never used trade4 as an invslot before. thats the only thing that i am even iffy on, everything looks coded correctly. so it must be another section or else i am just missing it.

you have a few [[, ie:
   /if ( !${FindItem[[COLOR=Yellow][[/COLOR]Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} ) /return
i imagine that will fix it.
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I have it casting the spell and opening the bag to make the pouch. I even see it putting the first sword on the cursor. it is when it goes to give that weapon to the pet that it crashes. I even tried some echo lines for it to say entering give to pet and I see that. i suspect it has something to do with that invslot trade4 stuff. I can understand most of what the subs are saying and trying to do but i get lost at that point. There is something funky about that part.
I took that line out totally and got it open the give window and place the first sword in it but then it crashes again. Somehow i messed up the loop i guess. I get confused at this point. I will put both subs below and show you what i changed. I have some /echo messages in there too. I did that to try and give me an idea of where it is crashing. I am getting
entering give to pet window
giving (Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade) to (Jebab)
giving (NULL) to (Jebab).

Here are the subs that have been modified (probably screwed up lol),
Well i say that but i have it doing better than before lol.
Sub SumWeps 
/varset MacroState SumWeps
/echo Entering SumWeps
 /if (${Me.State.Equal[Hover]} || ${Me.Dead} ) /call Wait4Rez
   /if ( !${Target.Pet.ID} ) /target id ${Me.Pet.ID} 
   /if ( !${Target.Type.Equal[pet]} ) /return 
   /if ( !${UseSummonWeps} ) /return
   /if ( ${UseSummonWeps} && !${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} && ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} || ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
	 /target ${Me}
   /delay 3 ${Me.ID}==${Target.ID} 
   /call Cast "${summonedWepSpell}" ${summonedWepType} 4s 
   /delay 4s ${Cursor.ID}
   /delay 1s
   /exchange "Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments" pack9
   /delay 1s 
   /if ( ${Cursor.ID} ) /autoinventory
   /if ( !${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} ) /delay 1s
   /if ( !${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} ) /return
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   /delay 1s
   /delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
   /delay 10s ${Cursor.ID}
   /delay 4s ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot}
   /if ( ${PetType.Find[wat]} || ${PetType.Find[water]} ) {
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
   /delay 1s
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup
	/echo Giving Manaforged Iceblade to pet
   /delay 3s 
   /call GiveToPet 
   /delay 2s 
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
   /delay 1s
   /call GiveToPet
   /delay 2s
   /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} leftmouseup
   /delay 1s
   /if ( ${Cursor.Name.Equal[Pouch of Quellious]} ) /destroy
   } else {
    /if ${UseSummonWeps} && ( ${PetType.Find[ear]} || ${PetType.Find[earth]} ) ) {
	          /declare i int local
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} rightmouseup
		 /for i 1 to 2
		/delay 1s
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword].InvSlot} leftmouseup
		/delay 1s 
		/call GiveToPet 
		/delay 2s 
		  /next i
		/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} leftmouseup
		/delay 1s
		/if ( ${Cursor.Name.Equal[Pouch of Quellious]} ) /destroy

Then the give to pet sub
Sub GiveToPet
/echo entering give to pet window
/delay 3s
/varset MacroState GiveToPet 
/if (${Me.State.Equal[Hover]} || ${Me.Dead} ) /call Wait4Rez
   /declare i int local 
   /varset i 1 
   /target  ${Me.Pet.CleanName}
   /echo Giving (${Cursor.Name}) to (${Target.CleanName}). 
   /delay 5 ${Cursor.ID} 
   /if ( ${Cursor.ID}) { 
      /if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[summoned:]} ) { 
      /nomodkey  /click left target 
         /delay 1s ${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.ID} 
      } else { 
      /goto :give_item 
   /for i 1 to 4 
      /if ( ${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.ID} && !${InvSlot[trade${i}].Item.Name.Find[summoned:]} ) /notify GiveWnd GVW_Cancel_Button leftmouseup 
   /next i 
   /if ( ${Window[GiveWnd].Open} ) { 
      /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup 
      /delay 5s !${Window[GiveWnd].Open} 
   /if ( ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open} ) /keypress inventory 

Sub Event_RageOn(string line) 
   /declare tempID int local ${Target.ID} 
   /if ( ${Spawn[${mobID}].ID} ) /varset tempID ${mobID} 
   /if ( ${line.Find[${Spawn[${tempID}].DisplayName}]} && ${Me.Pet.ID} ) { 
      /echo calling off pet... 
      /pet back off 
Sub Weapons

/declare ival              	int    outer
/declare bag               	string outer  
/declare slot              	string outer  
/declare invSlotName 	   	string outer
/declare CastDelay         	int    outer 
/declare CastRetryTime     	int    outer  6
/declare NormalSpellSet    	string outer  Trio
/declare PetSpellSet       	string outer  Pet

/declare SpellPetWep       	string outer  "Grant Manaforged Armaments"
/declare SpellPetWepGem    	int    outer  2
/declare PetWeaponPack	   	string outer  "Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments"

/declare PetWep1            	string outer  "Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade"
/declare PetWep2            	string outer  "Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade"
| --- Bypass all settings and config pet type. ---

/if (${Defined[Param1]}) {
    /if (${Param1.Equal[wind]}) {
        /varset PetWep1 "Summoned: Manaforged Shortsword "
    } else /if (${Param1.Equal[fire]}) {
        /varset PetWep1 "Summoned: Manaforged Fireblade"
    } else /if (${Param1.Equal[ice]}) {
        /varset PetWep1 "Summoned:  Manaforged Iceblade"
    } else /if (${Param1.Equal[taunt]}) {
        /varset PetWep1 "Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword"
    } else /if (${Param1.Equal[detaunt]}) {
        /varset PetWep1 "Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade"        

/if (${Defined[Param2]}) {
    /if (${Param2.Equal[wind]}) {
        /varset PetWep2 "Summoned: Manaforged Shortsword"
    } else /if (${Param2.Equal[fire]}) {
        /varset PetWep2 "Summoned: Manaforged Fireblade"
    } else /if (${Param2.Equal[ice]}) {
        /varset PetWep2 "Summoned:  Manaforged Iceblade"
    } else /if (${Param2.Equal[taunt]}) {
        /varset PetWep2 "Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword"
    } else /if (${Param2.Equal[detaunt]}) {
        /varset PetWep2 "Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade"        

/call SummonWeapons
Chewie2536 can you post me a copy of that mac you are using? And, does it have a burn mode for named mobs and raid mobs and such?
It is Pete's Bot macro with some adds from other macros to handle things that I wanted it to do. to use it would need to use his macroload to build your ini


  • bot.mac
    200.8 KB · Views: 2
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Thank a ton. I will have to get Pete's and run it to make the ini. Unless it will use my current one in the format Auto_(name).
It won't because the sections are formatted differently and Pete's has some things that aren't in the older macs. Link is on the first page of this thread, wraith.
I'm going to guess your crashing has to do with ${InvSlot[trade4].Item.ID} as when I had my pet give window open and typed /echo ${InvSlot[trade4].Item.ID} I CTD. Besides the Give window slots are numbered 0 to 3. So I'm guessing
/if ( ${Cursor.ID} && !${InvSlot[trade4].Item.ID} )
should really look like
/if ( ${Cursor.ID} && !${Window[GiveWnd].Child[GVW_MyItemSlot3].Tooltip.Length}>0)
As for your loop I think this should work
/for i 0 to 3
/if (${Window[GiveWnd].Child[GVW_MyItemSlot${i}].Tooltip.Length}>0) && !${Window[GiveWnd].Child[GVW_MyItemSlot${i}].Tooltip.Find[Summoned:]}) /notify GiveWnd GVW_Cancel_Button leftmouseup
/next i
Last edited:
I tried replacing those but still crashing. I want to keep working on that. If any solutions please let me know. I am also going to play around with that macro that Pete made. I got one off the last page of the other thread that Rettus1 poseted up on page 25. I was wondering where to place the sub that Chewie2536 posted on here. He posted two parts but i want to make sure i place them in the proper places.

Also, I am not sure if the macro has the function like my old one to have an events master or person they take commands from. On the current macro I am using I can tell the mage (and other toons) to follow, clear target, etc.. If it does not is there a way we can maybe add that as an include that is called Pete? I would be happy to post you my complete mac that i am using at the moment if you get time one day.
myu last post has the complete bot with all the parts included all you need is to type /mac bot load to build your ini then can use the version i posted and be good and if you want one that follows on command and summons food for whole group on command i can post that one too
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After doing /MAC bot load, hisdo you start the MAC..?
Ok got it to run, but all he cast is fickle and servant... Is it suppouse to cast other spells as well..?