Fish anywhere


Premium Member
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
i edited this code by adding from the fishing mac in under tradeskills bot

not sure if this one works but


#event BrokenPole "#*#You can't fish without a fishing pole, go buy one.#*#"
#event NoBait "#*#You can't fish without fishing bait, go buy some.#*#"

Sub Main
        /call CheckPole 
        /doability Fishing
        /delay 65 

        /if (!${Cursor.ID}) /goto :Fish

        /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Tattered Cloth Sandal]}) {
            /delay 1s
        } else {
            /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rusty Dagger]}) {
                /delay 1s
            } else {
                /call KeepItem
   /goto :Fish

Sub KeepItem
   /if (${Cursor.Name.NotEqual[Fish Scales]}) /echo Caught ${Cursor.Name}
   /notify InventoryWindow IW_CharacterView leftmouseup

Sub CheckPole
   /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Fishing Pole]}) /return
   /echo  You need to put your fishing pole in your primary hand.

Sub Event_BrokenPole

Sub Event_NoBait

but this is what i came up with i have fishermans compaion it wont summon and put the pole into my bag though but will fish as long as you have enough bait and your pole doesnt break


#event BrokenPole "#*#You can't fish without a fishing pole, go buy one.#*#"
#Event BrokenPole "#*#You need to put your fishing pole#*#"
#event NoBait "#*#You can't fish without fishing bait, go buy some.#*#"
#Event Holding "#*#can't fish while holding#*#"

#include common/
#include common/
#include common/
#include common/
#include common/

Sub Main
        /call CheckPole 
        /doability Fishing
        /delay 65 

        /if (!${Cursor.ID}) /goto :Fish

        /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Tattered Cloth Sandal]}) {
            /delay 1s
        } else {
            /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rusty Dagger]}) {
                /delay 1s
            } else {
                /call KeepItem
   /goto :Fish

Sub KeepItem
/if (${Cursor.Name.NotEqual[Fish Scales]}) /echo Caught ${Cursor.Name}
   /notify InventoryWindow IW_CharacterView leftmouseup

Sub CheckPole
   /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Brell's Fishin' Pole]}) /return
   /echo  You need to put your fishing pole in your primary hand.

Sub Event_BrokenPole
   /if (${FindItemCount[=Fishing Pole]}>0) {
		/call OpenPacks
		/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*1]}s
		/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Fishing Pole].InvSlot} leftmouseup
		/delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
		/nomodkey /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
		/delay 1s
		/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*2]}s
		/call ClearCursor
		/call ClosePacks
	} else {
		/if (${FindItemCount[=Fisherman's Companion]}>0) {    
			/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Fisherman's Companion].InvSlot} Rightmouseup
			/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*10]}s
			/delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
			/nomodkey /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
			/delay 1s
			/call ClearCursor

Sub Event_Holding
	/call ClearCursor

Sub Event_NoBait

also couldnt get scales to destroy without messing up the macro
any suggestions welcome
Here's my code for using the Fishing companion.
If the Brell's pole is in your inventory it will equip it into main hand.
If you don't have a Brell's pole it will summon one and equip in main hand.
If you don't have a pole or a Fishing Companion it will end macro when the equiped pole breaks.
Haven't set it up for summoning beer yet.....

Sub CheckPole
   /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Brell's Fishin' Pole]}) /return

   	/if (${FindItemCount[Brell's Fishin' Pole]} >= 1) {
		/exchange "Brell's Fishin' Pole" mainhand
		/echo Equiping new Fishing Pole. Carry on.
	/if (${FindItemCount[=Fisherman's Companion]}>0) { 
			/echo Using handy Fisherman's Companion to summon you a new pole.. wait for it...
			/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Fisherman's Companion].InvSlot} Rightmouseup
			/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*10]}s
			/delay 10s ${Cursor.ID}
			/nomodkey /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
			/delay 1s
   /echo  You need to buy more fishing poles.
Last edited:
Thanks so much your awesome.
Hey guys, thank you for the macro. I am a newb to this stuff so I don't know how to incorporate wolfborn's macro to playa's. Also wondering if it might be easier to make a bandolier with the brell's fishing pole and add that into the macro. Thank you in advance,


Thank you both for the mac scripts, it's working perfectly!