Familiar Quests


New member
Feb 25, 2006
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get this from Malgen he is inside the caves to the east of Wizard spires. 1522 -132, 52.

get this from Pack Leader Orgak. he is inside orc fort. you need someone to train all the wolves and orcs away to get this quest or you will get aggro.
loc is 3000. 638. (make sure u get the meat for the quest)

quest's are self explanatory once u get them... but you the wolves are in the far west kobold caves to feed. (melee quest)

and the wolves to kill are by the orc fort (caster quest)

cast reward 6 mana regen per tick 20% increase dodge
melee 8% double attack 6hp regen
neither stack with the mana/hp regen clicks like maelin's methodical mind. or overhaste + hp regen.
6% double attack for melee one, also none of the mobs needed to complete the quests summon easy to kite them all, did both many times on my 65 necro with no real resist problems. All dots landed well, got maybe 1 resisit ever 15 or so casts of snare (embracing darkness) most tend to die within maybe 2-2.5 min solo.
Seems you have to have the faction to obtain these quests now, i'm wondering is there a docrack for sneak for classes that don't have that skill? or something else that will help me in getting the quest without killing a crapload of orcs =/
Rogue Shroud works for getting the task, just have to endure running from pok to icefall.
will this work?

I have been playing around with /saytarget will this work for getting the quests and possibly /ubertrade for any turn ins?
/saytarget won't work for getting some of the tasks since a box pops up to pick mission, and for the meat turn in, the cages have to be gone or you can't turn in meats at all. I believe the caster one from Malgen does not pop up a box, so should work, but with the new faction being needed and still having no clue where /saytarget puts you when you hail it is a bit tricky. Even with sneak on using /saytarget might not work cause it seems to like to warp you in front of mob to hail which negates sneak.
Just a fyi melee familiar doesnt stack with beastlord pet or caster one with wiz familiar except the foci ones.
The buffs stack but you won't see 2 pets.If you have a pet out already it will say you can't have 2 pets out at same time, but you will get the buff and it will work, only thing is if you click it off pet dies or if it wears off pet dies, pet dies buff poofs, but it is usable by all classes.
/saytarget doesnt work on caster version, gotta shroud up and be standing right behind the quest giver with sneak and use normal /say other wise he will just say mean things to you. :p
2 pets no problems

Someone posted that it doesnt stack with any other pets or familiars, true true, but that doesnt stop the beneficial effects. e.g. If you are a mage with your pet out and clicky your wolf familiar ( 5 mana and 20% dodge) you get the message you cannt have 2 pets... blah blah, BUT you still get the spell in your buff window. So you get the spell effects just not the stupid pet to follow you around. You can't ahve 2 pets, but you can get the effect from the clicky.
This does work both ways; don't summon the clicky pet first, if you have him and try to summon your real pet/familiar you get the same message and wont get your pet.
I am sure all of you all figured this out without my post, but since I saw the previous post about not allowing 2 pets thought I would break it down a little.

Worth the hassle

Hey is killing 20 wolves so bad for 20% dodge and 6 mana regen ? I've seen halfings do worse for cabbage