Crystalos - Solteris - Info


New member
Oct 10, 2009
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What size crew would you possibly need to raid these targets?

I know with the level increases and new spells etc.

I just wouldnt mind hitting a few of these targets for their clickies.

Just know the crew all uses toys and i know they'd be interested.

Any ideas on numbers and class mix be awesome.

This be Emarr, if anyone else on that server wanna give it a go send me a tell and we could possibly join up and smash it together.

Currently have bout 12 - 16 in our crew
i'll just move this over to the correct forum

EverQuest General Chat, Requests & Questions
Solteris with 12-16 I dont really see as a problem assuming y'all are on the ball for the first event, not exactly sure what kind of gear you are working with though.

Cryst would def be pushin your luck, a few of the minis maybe...

I'd say go test it out, or learn the events front and back because Solt 1 for instance, 1 wrong item and ya have an unkillable bitch beatin everyone up
Solteris Event #3: Stalwart Defenders (Balreth) doesn't scale well due to the requirement to balance low HP mobs for the last wave. Last time my guild tried it was a year or so ago, and we found out that SKs couldn't be used to tank the golems on the last wave because their self-procs simply did too much damage to keep them balanced.

So you'll need some tanks/hybrids without self-procs to reliably get past that one, and probably be ready to do non-damage tanking as well.
Hey yeah I am keen for som solt raiding etc.

Always up for a challenge :)
just simply dont use self procs or the effects that trigger them.
woot thanks for the help.

If anyone on Emarr wants to come and have a stab at a few of these shoot me a PM and we can try organise it one day.

The few times we did it after SoD came out, even after taking off the SK self buff procs, crits on Touch of the Cursed were making balanced golems unbalanced. Not every time of course but enough to be mildly irritating.

Of course, your mileage may vary.
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or you could be cool and have two geared sk's and a bard and a healer in a group, let the bard pump ds song, let the sk's sit and ae aggro 4 each with attack off and all their self buff stuff going, and they'll kill themselves.
Just don't do anything that might cause an innate proc to trigger, as crits there will unbalance the mobs.

Maybe sitting/non-damage tanking with non-DS would work...have someone else ready to step in and do some damage if it looks as thought mobs aren't wearing down evenly...but a couple (unlucky) quick crits on innate proc will unbalance a previously balanced event.
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The few times we did it after SoD came out, even after taking off the SK self buff procs, crits on Touch of the Cursed were making balanced golems unbalanced. Not every time of course but enough to be mildly irritating.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

Just dont use touch of the cursed then, the sks tanking do not NEED to attack they just need to hold aggro. Well at least back when people actually RAID RAIDed this event.
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That is what I was thinking... Sic a mage pet onto each of them and then just pet tank/DS them down.
Just dont use touch of the cursed then, the sks tanking do not NEED to attack they just need to hold aggro. Well at least back when people actually RAID RAIDed this event.

Touch of the cursed is innate proc. You cant turn it off.
Again your SKs dont need to be attacking unless thats all that are doing the dps. they just need to hold aggro
Deathknell should be a walk in the park then i take it?

Im only really after the clickie with the Cirle of Mana III and we can get that in deathknell.

Is there any zone req's for Deathknell?
Touch of the cursed is innate proc. You cant turn it off.

As Jim says, don't attack - it's an innate proc based on your attacks, so if you are just being hit then it won't go off.

[When I was doing this I was part of DPS - at least until final wave - but the crew being discussed should have a lot better options than the guild I was in then.]

I'm a bit leary of the idea of 'DS them down' get a bad steak where one of the weak golems hims you every time (gets hit by the DS) and another golem misses 12-15 times in a row (they avoid the DS then, right?), you could still end up with golems going out of balance - and with 16 or however many golems it is, that starts raising the odds that you'll get a bad streak. But if you have someone else DPSing them as well so they make sure the golems stay balanced, it should work.
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