Coming back from 3 year break


Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, I am playing on the Cazic server and I am coming back from a 3 year break. I currently have a 89 ranger 86 shadow knight, 85 cleric. My question is whether I should level the ranger and focus on him to get the sk ready for Swarming or if I should just jump into swarming?

Devs* Just realized I posted in wrong section, if you'll just move it to general chat for me. Thanks!! Sorry!
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In my opinion, and in my group make up, the tank is always the priority.

I box a full group and kill very traditionally (pull to group, tank and spank).

If you play differently, adjust accordingly.
Silver or Gold?
If Silver, focus on SK. If Gold, I would get the ranger his headshot AAs and then get as many AA as you can stomach. Get all the swarming AA on the SK while you do this.
Headshot is less gear intensive than swarming, but swarming goes faster. Use HS as the stepping stone.
Sk no contest. Sk will help you pl other toons, farm shit tons of plat quickly, and ofcourse can tank most things.
Silver on both, I was looking into it the SK is really close to being able to Swarm in Fort mech.. I can pull up to 35 mobs in thal and that seems to yield 17-25% AA a kill so I think im going to start there and farm as many aas as I can with this build then move to mech and start farmng levels. Thanks for the input guys I appreciate it. If anyone wants to group on cazic pm me.