Account Characters for sale on Ragefire


Premium Member
Aug 26, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all,

Selling some characters on Ragefire - feel free to shoot me a PM. I'm on as well where I've got a lot of feedback/verified.

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Hi all,

*Updated 8/31*

All are Tacvi + Anguish Flagged and have all their level 70/Ancient spells.

10% discount on total order if you buy 6+ characters

Feel free to send a PM with an offer!


Bard #1: $150 - 12917Hp/10150 Mana - 655 AA (14 Unspent) - 2160 DB Cash - Thunderclap + Edge of Chaos

Bard #2: $150 - 12703Hp/9925 Mana - 373 AA (13 Unspent) - 1500 DB Cash - Soulskive + Songblade of the Eternal - 6 Vet AA

Beastlord #1: $150 - 13430Hp/10915 Mana/1495Attack - 373 AA (12 Unspent) - 775 DB Cash - Mace of Grim Tidings + Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos - 6 Vet AA

Beastlord #2: $150 - 13356Hp/10420 Mana/1497Attack - 369 AA (12 Unspent) - 1275 DB Cash - Fangs of the Serpent + Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos - 6 Vet AA

Berserker: $240 - 13982Hp/728AC/1504Attack - 385 AA (4 Unspent) - 500 DB Cash - 2.0 with 5 dmg Aug - 6 Vet AA

Cleric #1: $150 - 13754Hp/13337Mana - 404 AA (6 Unspent) - 910 DB Cash - Has 2.0 ORB - 3 Vet AA

Cleric #2: $150 - 13287Hp/13178Mana - 385 AA (8 Unspent) - 0 DB Cash - Has 2.0 ORB

Druid: $135 - 12735Hp/11802Mana - 370 AA (14 Unspent) - 1500 DB Cash - Kelp-Covered Hammer - 6 Vet AA

Enchanter #1: $200 - 13669Hp/13010Mana - 402 AA (8 Unspent) - 3000 DB Cash - Serpent of Vindication + Hammer of Delusions

Enchanter #2: $175 - 13394Hp/12437Mana - 397 AA (7 Unspent) - 2038 DB Cash - Serpent of Vindication + Hammer of Delusions

Monk: $250 - 14225Hp/713AC/1580Attack - 510 AA (7 Unspent) - 1500 DB Cash - 2.0 w/ 1 dmg Aug + Mindreaper Club w/ 2dmg Aug + Serrated Dart of Energy

Rogue #1: $200 - 13793Hp/728AC/1567Attack - 506 AA (13 Unspent) - 2000 DB Cash - Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging w/ 2 dmg Aug + Discordant Dagger of Night - Serrated Dart of Energy

Rogue #2: $200 - 13979Hp/734AC/1569Attack - 535 AA (13 Unspent) - 1000 DB Cash - Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging w/ 2 dmg Aug + Discordant Dagger of Night

Shadow Knight #1: $400 - 19584Hp/1266AC - 1194 AA (3 Unspent) - 169 DB Cash - Morguecaller + Shield of the Lightning Lord - Has 2.0 ORB - 5 Vet AA

Shadow Knight #2: $300 - 19043Hp/1195AC - 536 AA (6 Unspent) - 4 DB Cash - Jagged Pureblade + Shield of the Lightning Lord - Greatsword of Mortification

Warrior: $400 - Full set of Gladiator - 20453Hp/1285AC - 539 AA (11 Unspent) - 504 DB Cash - BBoB/Thunderclap + Aegis of Midnight. Has 2.0 ORB + Symbol of the Planesmasters


Wizard: $125 - 12734Hp/12510Mana - 489 AA (12 Unspent) - 230 DB Cash - Scepter of Incantations - Concussion Legs
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