
New member
Oct 7, 2008
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i was wondering if anyone could show me or maybe add a loot.ini to this i use it in my camp works great but ther is so much junk that i dont want to keep would be awsome if i could add a ini to this


Sub Main

/target corpse radius 100
/delay 0s
/face fast
/delay 0s
/moveto id
/delay 0s
/nomodkey /shiftkey /click right target
/delay 0s
/target a clockwork soother DXX
/delay 10s
/delay 0s
/target clear
/goto :mainloop

i dont rember what post i grabed it from i searched for a while and i found this one so thank you to the writer and sorry i dont rember who it is
mq2advloot with mq2stealth pretty much rules for this.

you can make a hotkey to loot corpses superfast and no one knows.
yeah i no that one but iam only wanting my kills in my area i do alot of afk merc killing but i would like to loot the corpse
Take a look at hunternowarp for the loot portion.
These are the guts to what I used for my looting for years. You will need to change the /cloot all to your /nomodeky /shift command or use cloot(prefered Cloot) Other then that should work
#Event LoreItem           "#*#You cannot loot this Lore Item.  You already have one.#*#"
#Event ALCantLoot         "#*#may not loot this corpse#*#"
#Event Cloot              "#*#Use Move Packets - OFF#*#"

|--- General Declares
  /declare  StartZone            int        outer   ${Zone.ID}  
  /declare  gn                   int        outer  
|--- Loot Declares  
  /declare LOOT		         bool       outer   TRUE
  /declare ALDontLoot            int        outer
  /declare CorpseRotTimer        timer      outer   
  /declare bag                   int        outer  
  /declare slot                  int        outer 
  /declare CurrentItemID         int        outer
  /declare i                     int        outer
  /declare b                     int        outer  
  /declare TrashReport           bool       outer   FALSE
  /call ALLoadVar Settings LootMobs      TRUE  bool
  /call ALLoadVar Settings CorpseRotTime 1440s  string  

|- INI Stuff
Sub ALLoadVar(IniSection,IniVar,IniValue,VarType)
  /if (!${Defined[${IniVar}]} && ${Defined[VarType]}) /declare ${IniVar} ${VarType} outer
  /declare IniString string local ${Ini[Loot.ini,${IniSection},${IniVar},NOTFOUND]}
  /varset ${IniVar} ${IniString}   
  /if (${IniString.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
    /if (${IniString.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) /varset ${IniVar} ${IniValue}
    /ini "Loot.ini" "${IniSection}" "${IniVar}" "${${IniVar}}"


Sub LootUp
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Start Looting
  /alert clear 25
  /keypress open_inv_bags 
  /doevents flush
  /doevent LoreItem
  /doevents flush
  /call KeepOrDestroy
  /if (${SpawnCount[corpse  noalert 25]} && ${Zone.ID}==${StartZone} && ${LOOT}) {
    /squelch /target corpse noalert 25
    /delay 1s ${Target.ID}
    /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Deity.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
      /alert add 25 id ${Target.ID}
      /squelch /target clear
      /delay 2s !${Target.ID}
    /if (${Target.ID} && !${Target.Deity.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
      /varset LastID ${Target.ID}
      /cloot all
      /doevents LoreItem
      /doevents flush
      /if (${Target.ID}==${ALDontLoot} && ${Spawn[${ALDontLoot}].ID}) /alert add 25 id ${ALDontLoot}
    /if (!${CorpseRotTimer}) /varset CorpseRotTimer ${CorpseRotTime}   
    /if (!${CorpseRotTimer}) /alert clear 25 
    /call KeepOrDestroy
  /if (${SpawnCount[corpse noalert 25]} && ${Zone.ID}==${StartZone} && ${LOOT}) /goto :Loot
  /call KeepOrDestroy
  /keypress close_inv_bags
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo End Looting
Sub KeepOrDestroy  
  /if (${DEBUG2}) /echo KeeporDestroy
  /for bag 1 to 8 
  /for slot 1 to ${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Container}    
  /if (${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].ID} && !${Select[${Ini[Loot.ini,"${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].Name.Left[1]}","${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}]}"]},Ignore,Keep,Destroy,Lore]}) {
    /if (${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].NoDrop}) /ini "loot.ini" "${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].Name.Left[1]}" "${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}]}" Ignore
    /if (!${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].NoDrop}) /ini "loot.ini" "${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].Name.Left[1]}" "${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}]}" Keep
  /if (${Ini[Loot.ini,"${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].Name.Left[1]}","${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}]}"].Equal[Destroy]}) {
    /varset CurrentItemID ${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}].ID}
    /delay 1
    /if (${TrashReport}) /echo Destroying ${InvSlot[pack${bag}].Item.Item[${slot}]} from Bag pack${bag} slot ${slot}
    /shift /itemnotify in pack${bag} ${slot} leftmouseup
    /delay 3s (${Cursor.ID}==${CurrentItemID})
    /if (${Cursor.ID}==${CurrentItemID}) /destroy
    /delay 1s !${Cursor.ID}
  /next slot
  /next bag  

Sub Event_ALCantLoot
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Event ALCantLoot
  /varset ALDontLoot ${LastID}

Sub Event_LoreItem
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Event LoreItem
  /alert add 25 id ${LastID}
  /varset ALDontLoot ${LastID}
i tried that macro i couldnt get it to do much i will pay someone to just add the lines or make the macro over to add in a loot.ini for it follow i know for yall it is probly realy easy but i no enough about this stuff to cause more harm then good plz help if you dont want your work out the PM me or give me a price iam willing to pay for me being an idot
thank you all for your input i put one together that is working great for me