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  1. S

    Any Mage experts?

    Alright, so ive gotten back into live and have been levelling my group with necro, cleric, bst and rogue but its getting a bit boring rinsing and repeating DH HAs just now.... so.... i went and bought a 105 Mage with 14k AAs, and just bought the tbm expac Had an absolute blast running around...
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    Macro help for 3 boxing (shm sk bard)

    Hey guys, Ive had a look and im unsure just exactly what to use - the class macros look a bit outdated but also petesamprases its complicated (im quite a newb at this) Im looking to be levelling my 3 box group in Heroic Adventures - but its slow when im constantly switching around Just...
  3. S

    Levelling suggeastions? 85

    Hey guys, Ranger at level 86, 5k aas and got mostly T1 gear etc, is ther any decent places i can molo/solo for xp? I am generally quite new to HoT and obviously VoA - just wondering if anyone has any good suggestions for this as places like tosk seem kinda crappy! Cheers
  4. S

    Another RAF question thread!!

    Hey guys, dont post often so apologies for creating another thread about RAF Thing is, im looking for some advice, tips and tricks etc! I have a mage account which has a level 68 mage with roughly 50AAs , and im looking to recruit a new account to get bonus xp on both toons? Will this vastly...
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    Banned : MQ2 Detected on client (P1999)

    Hey guys, I've just been told this is why i was banned from P1999 I've never used anything other than the map (No speed, gate,warp etc) and they've managed to detect I've heard from a source that theyre able to scan and detect MQ2 being active client side somehow, anyone able to shed some...
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    WTB plat/gear on P1999

    As title says, Cleric - would like some plat and gear! gimme a shout what you got and a price
  7. S

    Double rewards (Elixer of Replenishment and refreshment)

    Ok this just happened to me, But it might prove useful to others if it can be recreated I recently moved my account to a new account ( EQ anniversary edition, comes with all reward claims possible) I claimed everyone individually, and one of the claims is a gem to hand into a guy in POK to get...