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  1. S

    Custom Characters Progression Chase Items Kronos COV T3 Gear

    Great service, faster than I expected and was kept updated along the way. Great service.
  2. S


    You have some crazy ideas about how many lines of code that change took (I don't know exactly either, but hundreds of thousands is certainly no where in the realm of possibility). Also, there is nothing implicitly wrong with a program just because its source is "a couple hundred thousand lines...
  3. S

    Beta don't have to enable them all >.>
  4. S

    RAF question

    I'm interested in this answer also, I suspect it might.
  5. S

    Mount in any zone

    Is this something that could be done?
  6. S

    AFK macro in Murdunks?

    So what zone/instance/task gets the vote for the best afk spot?
  7. S


    Make sure you saved bazaar.ini in the macros folder along with bazaar.mac. Make sure it is saved as "all files" and not a ".txt" file. Make sure you are following the syntax in the comments of the macro. Price minimum/maximums have always worked for me.
  8. S


    I have been running this for several days now and not undercutting myself. I am not sure what would be different for other users. @Sum1 I also want to add a random update interval as well. I'll look into doing that tomorrow. I'm using a version that now responds to tells from my main...
  9. S


    /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Name.Equal[${itemname}]}&&!${Me.Name.Equal[${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Trader}]}) { Is the line I changed. What other things do you guys have in your bazaar macros? Looking to expand this one to include some other nice things.
  10. S


    Reposting the bazaar.mac that was posted by VI in Fixed so it no longer undercuts itself. Haven't verified the buyer mode is working, however I plan on adding some additional functionality to this...