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  1. shroom93

    xtarget TLO ME TLO

    can the XTarget TLO and the Me TLO get copied over from Live to RoF2 release please so that works correctly.
  2. shroom93

    pot in the US

    What do you guys think about the growing acceptance of marijuana in the united states for medicinal purposes? Several of the states have it completely legalized for recreational purposes also. I for one live in a state that has yet to legalize it for either. I have some health issues...
  3. shroom93

    eqplayers update

    I've noticed lately when I log in a bunch of characters that the eqplayers update tick is checked, even if I turned it off the last time I was logged in. not all of the characters that I login have it checked, its random. im just curious if maybe they are trying to check if folks are using third...
  4. shroom93

    connection issues to the site

    i cant connect to mmobugs site nor will the program log in unless i connect to my vpn first. then i can get to the site and login to the program. but using vpn, i cant connect to eq servers =( not sure whats up. everything was fine yesterday. nothing changed that i know of. ive tried changing...
  5. shroom93


    show of hands, how many folks have hit lvl 105 yet? I just did about 2 hours ago, lol. did progression up to tier 3, netted me 103, grinded some instances for final push. now back to progression.
  6. shroom93


    is this plugin not in test compile? just curious.
  7. shroom93

    Everquest Next......

    Well... I've searched the forums and I couldn't come up with anything on the subject.. I'm just going to go ahead and put it out there.. Have you guys thought about Everquest Next? LOL =P I know I'm a bit early on asking about EQN... but, would just like to see what everyone thinks...