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  1. W

    The state of Everquest? Been away 10 years

    So ive been away for 10 years but previously i played since the beginning. Every expansion till rain of fear then decided to live life a bit. Was thinking about picking the game back up but what do you oldtimers think of the state of the game currently? Worth getting back into? And how is the...
  2. W

    Hud Target Buffs Editing Question

    i have been working on a overall hud for all my charcters... nothing too fancy and ran across this line of code in someone's hud so i decided to add it to mine TargetBuffLine=3,166,95,150,255,8,------------ Target Buffs ------------...
  3. W

    easy quick question

    Edit : Deleted due to lack of activity on post, Trash this thread
  4. W

    Couple things i would like to know if possible/help on

    ok... there is a couple things i would like to know first one is if this is possible and if so how is it possible to add in a line of code in the Modbot INI ( to each charcter ), or modbot itself, for it to check the zone at the start log the zone name and if the charcter enters anyother...
  5. W

    Help with Mac

    i got this macro off a friend and really like it but would like to add in a couple things, and ive tried and tried but cant seem to get it even close to right so here is the mac in question ( took out my changes and went back to fresh unchanged mac i was sent ) PullMac | Pull Macro |...
  6. W

    Complaint about autoafk

    first i want to say, you guys run a good site so this is not a bash and your compiles are always top of the line.... but why is there a afk message for auto afk.... wouldnt it make more sense to just be a blank afk message what is comes down to is thousands ( well i think you guys have over...