Recent content by Tempest

  1. T

    DON Faction -- Any Fast Way to Get It?

    I think that the Raids give the biggest faction hits, so if you have some decent mains/boxes that are flagged for the raids and can get min numbers required you can do some of those and skip over the pre task crap.
  2. T


    Nuff Said
  3. T

    VPN / Anonymizers recomendations

    Plus your ISP doesn't give a fuck what you download and in fact they like that everyone is blowing through 100+GB a month because of torrents since you are going to need a higher plan. The issues arise when a company like Sony knocks on their door with details about on of their customers using...
  4. T

    Logging Missed Emotes

    Alternatively if it does work, you could post the working version for anyone else that is looking for something, like you were... Sharing is caring!
  5. T

    Database program recommendations?

    Hi all and thanks so far for all the replies! You are right of course I haven't given much detail, I think I still may not know the right questions to ask of info to provide as I am still doing a bit of reading into it and I don't know yet, what I don't know :) Essentially I need something...
  6. T

    Database program recommendations?

    Hi guys, I am currently looking at options or possibilities of programs that help build a database type program... To be honest I know little to nothing at all about the subject but have been told that Alpha 5 will do what I am looking for, but the recommender is no expert either... So way...
  7. T

    Do we have a good loot macro?

    MQ2AdvLoot is a plugin that facilitates the looting of corpses including INI support fro what to loot/ignore/destroy and some of the commands will warp/stealth (which are the big ones that will get you banned) IF (and only if) you have warp/stealth enabled. If you don't have those enabled it is...
  8. T

    SOE Weekend bitz

    Well finally working, but they have taken the Bags out... Fucking lame.
  9. T

    Do we have a good loot macro?

    Yes there is delays in there for latency, just reduce or remove some of the delays to speed it up. Also it isn't just looting everything it is using the INI to destroy, loot or leave. So it does pause for a split second while deciding what to loot, or to loot and destroy. If you just wanted a...
  10. T

    Do we have a good loot macro?

    Never mind I think I got everything I wanted to work, to work! So it will not only loot, but it will use MQ2AdvLoot (WIKI With instructions and details HERE) which is awesome and allows a INI (example below), that will allow you to Keep (loot), ignore (not loot) or Destroy (loot and destroy...
  11. T

    MQ2 on the Test Server.

    I would suspect they would have the same detection, if for no other reason then because they woukd want to keep the test environment the same as live... But who knows... Of course if it helped MMOBUGS be ready for some patchs straight away (or was a lot faster ) because of it it, that would be...
  12. T

    Do we have a good loot macro?

    I do have a good one that is almost ready - it uses mq2advloot which is passive only using my Mac. Will post it when I get home with a request for help with the small amount of code I am having trouble getting to work (echos amount of actual play looted just or something funky) but it loots...
  13. T

    in game bags on sale again

    Yeah you are right. The boards do need a few "I just got banned " Threads /wink And cudacuf, the Player made are 32 slot trade skill only bags IIRC.
  14. T

    Fuckton of free Exp potions!

    No we wont!