Recent content by reformed2hacker

  1. reformed2hacker

    Six Word Memoir

    No you don't, Fuck me damnit
  2. reformed2hacker

    Liar Liar Big Fat Liar

    I've done that to. I don't report people if they promise not to be dumb anymore, but if they don't..... /petition, /report, /feedback.....mmmmmm r2h
  3. reformed2hacker

    Six Word Memoir

    hah, @ Kodi :rolleyes:
  4. reformed2hacker

    Six Word Memoir

    Wanted to see if I could get an interesting thread started. I know we got some good stuff in here, lets see it. Post your six word memoir. "I still make coffee for one." r2h
  5. reformed2hacker

    anyone got

    "9. Use the search feature before you ask a question and chances are you will get a better response. Nothing frustrates people more than having to answer the same question 18 different times when a simple search could have saved everyone time." r2h
  6. reformed2hacker

    Fun in IRC

    IDA for the win. :D
  7. reformed2hacker


    Kinda. I just releated it to redcents because you can use it to get free access for a month or other stuff. I only ever got 1, so I wasn't too worried about it. :cool: r2h
  8. reformed2hacker


    like Redcents 2.0
  9. reformed2hacker

    How to Double you PP/items

    IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!
  10. reformed2hacker


    Well, open up PM, cry into it, and send it to Fry.
  11. reformed2hacker


    At this point all of Norrath knows about it.
  12. reformed2hacker

    Linux Questions

    I just setup an Ubuntu LAMP server, lemmy tell you that was fun. Sadly I can't answer any of your questions, cause I only know how to do it in the deb stuff. But as for the gui part, I guess I can atleast tell you what I did. apt-get install desktop-ubunutuThat installs the GUI packages...
  13. reformed2hacker


    I'll admit, I did not go see the movie. Wasn't really interested at all. 300 was different. That movie was awesome. :D "WE ARE SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" r2h
  14. reformed2hacker

    Todays Patch - March 14, 2007 - Patch Notes

    With all these crack addicts....I think not!