Recent content by MyEmQueTwo

  1. M

    Question Anyone having UI issues with text/alignments?

    Yeah, that seems to be it. Thanks for the heads up :)
  2. M

    Melee not recognizing kb break

    Having an issue since the last couple updates. Either moveutils or melee is causing /stick to be very stiff. I'm not able to break stick unless I type /stick break on every mob. Has only just recently become an issue. ini [MQ2Melee] aggro=1 ancestral=20 bash=1 enrage=1 enragingkick=25 facing=1...
  3. M

    Question Anyone having UI issues with text/alignments?

    Using the default UI. A lot of the times text will be missing from boxes, as well as box headers, etc. Example: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet I don't seem to have any of these issues with MQ2 unloaded, anyone else?
  4. M


    It's stopped working again it seems
  5. M

    Can't get past Char Select with latest update

    Originally posted in the installation issues thread but it's not really an installation issue. After updating today about 10 minutes ago I am no longer able to get past Character Select with MQ2 running. Trying to log into a Bard on Ragefire in GFay. Without MQ2 loaded I log into the...
  6. M

    Error after latest update

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet With mq2 loaded and after hitting start button on eq launcher that error comes up
  7. M


    Working for me now (but ->). How do you reload the bardswap ini in game? And add mainhand/offhand on the same line? It won't swap back to my weapon once it puts the drum on offhand and I need both because the lute in mainhand only [Settings] Horn=/exchange "Horn" offhand Drum=/exchange...
  8. M

    Macro Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

    It causes extremely fast target switching if you don't have enough mana as it will constantly target your buff target and the kill target rapidly till you have enough mana to cast
  9. M

    Question MQ2Melee - turn off moving behind target?

    Is there a setting to turn off moving behind target and just engage regardless of positioning around mob? I'm not seeing an option in the wiki but maybe I'm blind
  10. M

    Macro Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

    One more thing, is there supposed to be a check on if there is enough mana to cast something? When doing buffs, if there is not enough mana, it will just completely spam the buff in the mq2 window
  11. M

    Macro Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

    Is there any way to prevent auto-self targeting when bot is casting canni? It's super annoying when trying to semi-hand-assist and he just constantly auto targets self to canni :)
  12. M

    Question Question about buffing with different level buffs

    Can someone give me a quick example of an if statement that will take character level into consideration when buffing with bot.mac? ie BuffUse1=TRUE BuffSpellName1=Focus of Spirit/Harness of Spirit BuffSpellIcon1=Focus of Spirit/Harness of Spirit...
  13. M


    Not working for me either. Manually typing /exchange works but bardswap will not automatically do it. This is on Ragefire.
  14. M

    MQ2Melee holyshit aggro

    Are you mainly using it for if you're main tank dies? A custom event should work if you're looking to start it for when your main tank dies. Have it watch for "xxx has been slain" then have a /melee aggro=on call.
  15. M

    Macro Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

    You da man, 40oz :) You need a donation button somewhere :)