Recent content by dcolligan

  1. D

    Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

    High Risk? Hey guys... just coming back after about 6 months absense.... I noticed Mastermind is marked as a High Risk plugin..... anybody know if it's been a problem getting pinched using it?
  2. D


    New Baz mac feature A new feature I've been contemplating lately is the ability to exclude or match another trader as the lowest price... i.e., I run three accounts and they each have a mule. In the past I've just made sure my wares were divided so that no item was duplicated on two traders...
  3. D

    Monk AFK skiller

    Updated Version with /doability sneak change. Here's the updated file with the sneak ability updated as noted above.
  4. D

    Monk AFK skiller

    Status Also, as of 11pm MST, the revised macro has been running about 4 hours. It maxed out sneak, intimidation and mend are still very slow, and begging has not gained a single point. I'm in Kelethin targeting a guildmaster. So being in Guild Hall vs a real zone doesn't seem to affect the...
  5. D

    Monk AFK skiller

    Update YES, you do have to have someone targeted. I targeted the banker. Also, the sneak wasn't working as predictably as I thought. I changed line 41 to : /doability "Sneak" Doing this makes it cylce on and off every other iteration through the loop.
  6. D

    Monk AFK skiller

    I was really tired of trying to skill up my FD / Intimidate so I wrote a quick macro to do it for me in Guild Hall one night since I couldn't find anything to do it specifically. It did great on FD, slow on Mend, and even slower on Intimidate, but it did work. I'd added Begging to it as well...
  7. D

    Simple mac need help w attack sub

    Code question If it were possible to know less than NOTHING about rogues, I would be over qualified... however.... You're code does If (!${Me.Combat})) { /kill this } else { If (!${Me.Combat}) { /do ability 3 etc etc How does your code ever see the code inside the...
  8. D

    Code Question - Call Sub / Return Value

    Thanks HTW Thanks a bunch, that works great!!!
  9. D

    Code Question - Call Sub / Return Value

    Thanks Thanks HTW, I'll give that a go when I get home from work this evening. I'll repost with the results.
  10. D

    Code Question - Call Sub / Return Value

    I read the Wiki and found <quote>Sub without defined parameters Sub MySub /if (${Defined[Param0]}) /goto :DoThis . execute this code when /call MySub is executed. Parameters are not necessary. . /return [value|${varname}]</quote> to describe how to return a value from a sub routine, but it...