MQ2Rez - MMOBugs Wiki

Plugin Info
Name MQ2Rez
Author Thez
Commands /rez
Source Available Yes
Uses INI File Yes


MQ2Rez is a plugin created to automate the "wait for rez and loot corpse" procedure. Simply activate your preferences, and you will be good to go.


/rez               -> displays settings
/rez accept on|off -> Toggle auto-accepting rezbox
/rez spawn  on|off -> Toggles going to bind point after death
/rez pct # -> Autoaccepts rezes only if they are higher than # percent
/rez loot on|off -> Toggle looting corpse when opened and when rezzed
/rez command on|off -> Toggle use of a command after looting out corpse
/rez setcommand "mycommand" -> Set the command that you want to be activated after you are rezzed. 
/rez help

Example Usage

/rez accept on
/rez pct 96
/rez loot on
/rez command on
/rez setcommand "/multiline ; /memset myspells ; /sit"


This plugin is included with the MMOBugs Compile.