Swarm killing VoA groupable named?


Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
North West Europe
Can anyone give me an "idiot's guide" on how this is acheivable.

I have tried with both my 95 Necro and 95 Mage (even both together) but i seem to always get aggro.

Both are group geared to about T3 standard (circa 60k buffed) so i`m pretty sure it`s just my technique sucks.

Do i need specfic focus items to do this successfully or does it only require certain aa`s?

Should i keep up a healer merc? (It seems to be getting me aggro)
With either necro or mage, there are a couple ways to do it:

1. Swarm pets (necro) and/or rage pets (mage)
For tough mobs that aren't traditionally tankable or with funky mechanics (e.g., the belly caster in Pillars). Just send pets in and stay back. You shouldn't get aggro if you don't cast anything besides the swarm pets. This method takes forever and leaves you vulnerable to wanderers but it definitely works. I don't play a mage, but for necros, just load up the latest 3 skeleton swarm pets and cast them repeatedly.

2. Pet tanking (either)
This is feasible for T1-T3 nameds if you have the group-gear focus. T4 can easily be pet tanked if you have a raid focus. Obviously requires a healer. It is sometimes helpful to have some pet buffs memorized so that you can refresh them (aegis of kildrukaun, cascading bloodshield, etc.). If aggro is an issue, try Silent Casting when you burn.
there is an AA that makes it so mobs notice your casting less by 20% per rank or something x5. You cast that then you wont pull agro and you burn everything you have.
Spell Casting Subtly, Silent Casting is an active ability for nuke all you can for zero agro generated.