Get Merc Buffs, and buff stacking


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Dec 16, 2015
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Getting Merc Buffs

Just as the title suggests, I'm writing my own buffing macro for my shaman and was hoping there's a way to get the buffs on a merc, without targeting the merc. The targeting portion is really getting in the way.

Using targeting, I can do a ${Target.Buff[x]} search, but again, requires targeting. When buffing PCs I simply use ${NetBots[Bob].Buff} and I can parse the list of buffs.

So simply put, is there something equivalent for mercs?

Buff Stacking

Is there a way, again, without targeting, to check whether two buffs stack so I can do a bit of upfront calculation before wasting time? Or even better, whether an intended buff will land if I cast it, assuming there are no other greater strength spells on the character already?
Getting Merc Buffs

Just as the title suggests, I'm writing my own buffing macro for my shaman and was hoping there's a way to get the buffs on a merc, without targeting the merc. The targeting portion is really getting in the way.

Using targeting, I can do a ${Target.Buff[x]} search, but again, requires targeting. When buffing PCs I simply use ${NetBots[Bob].Buff} and I can parse the list of buffs.

So simply put, is there something equivalent for mercs?

Buff Stacking

Is there a way, again, without targeting, to check whether two buffs stack so I can do a bit of upfront calculation before wasting time? Or even better, whether an intended buff will land if I cast it, assuming there are no other greater strength spells on the character already?

Looked through TLO's and members of the TLO for both group and mercenary and found nothing that implies you would be able to get a buff without first having a target. Apparently, targeting someone is what tells the server to transmit the information to you, thus it is not available until you target the pc/npc in question. So while it would likely be a member that could be added to group, or mercenary TLO's, there would be no benefit to doing so as the information wouldn't be valid without first targeting first.

As for buff stacking, you still need a list of buffs on the target for comparison to the buff your automation is considering casting. Quite possibly, a better option would be to keep track of buffs casted on a target with a timer, and when the timer is close to expiring recast automatically. Then use events to determine if the buff did in fact land, or if the buff failed. Then if it failed take some other action, such as skip that target the next time you're trying to buff, or check for stacking on each of the buffs currently on the intended target and /echo SpellYou'reTryingToUse can't be cast on $Target.CleanName because it doesn't stack with Target.Buff.Name that way you get feedback. If that is the case you can try getting the time remaining on that buff and set a timer to try again only after it expires. Alternately you could use events to wait until their buff expires and you get the message informing you as much, then cast it based on who it wore off of.

Automation has so many options. Ultimately it is up to you how you handle things. But to answer your questions, No and No. Neither are doable in the fashion you're asking about.
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