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  1. Wizman61

    Guide How to play multiple copies of EQ on a single computer/truebox server

    Just contemplating returning to paid EQ status on 3 accounts if I can easily box them to do small stuff initially. I see this truebox thing mentioned and am confused as to what it exactly is and does, some kind of cheat detection I take it. I have successfully logged all 3 accounts at same time...
  2. Wizman61


    "You got a purdy mouf boy" roflmao I read recently that those who do download stuff illegally are also the ones that DO spend more actually purchasing music and movies, etc. I'm not sure if it was in a recent Wired mag or PC World. I know that I have well over 1k dvds I've copied in my...
  3. Wizman61

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    I haven't had time to read through this whole thread yet but came across a post on the desensitization aspect I wanted to comment about. I agree with the video games and TV shows and movies the kids are allowed to watch without Parental Guidance, this I feel is important, the parents should be...
  4. Wizman61

    Old, banned accounts

    Be the squeaky wheel...won't hurt to try talking to someone after all this time. Just explain again how it was stolen from you by your friend. Good luck :rolleyes:
  5. Wizman61

    Your opinion: Fastest way to get LAA's

    Don't think so...if I'm not mistaken when you have LAA on it takes a small percentage of your reg AA or XP
  6. Wizman61

    In case you still have a grudge against Codecompiler...

    hmmm...don't remember turning on that option....but I accept the answer ty much
  7. Wizman61

    In case you still have a grudge against Codecompiler...

    What I want to know is how this Dru Mundorf got hold of my e-mail address? I've received several e-mails from him and never recognized the name so I didn't think much of it. I believe they were something to do with Linkedin or whatever it is. Did he somehow obtain my e-mail through this site? I...
  8. Wizman61

    Fuckton of free Exp potions!

    Only 1 /3 of my accounts has it, just so happens its the only one with recurring sub setup on it. Actually, after a closer look it is my newest account, the other 2 have at least 10 yrs on them, the oldest from yr one.
  9. Wizman61

    Walmart cards

    I don't believe there's an expiration date on them since its a code you need to provide to use them. Some cards might not be used for years if they keep getting shoved to the back when new ones come into the store. And its not a taxable item since its for 'virtual" goods, hence I don't think the...
  10. Wizman61

    Worker's Compensation - Skeptical

    I was in an accident some 14 yrs ago, the other guy's fault. His insurance company started calling me right away to talk me into a settlement. My back was pretty messed up for a while and I needed PT. I went and talked to a lawyer I had dealt with on a small matter before. He agreed to take on...
  11. Wizman61

    Wierd deaths in the old guild hall

    I know someone that used to leave corpses all over so he could have extra "banking" room lol....I think he kept lore items on them too....he was so PO'd when they changed it so your equipment and inventory came with your toon after death.
  12. Wizman61

    How to Cope

    I usually work on my tradeskills or some skill I don't normally worry about when MQ2 is up. I've just started working up a couple new toons, a mage and an enchanter on different accounts. Not classes I normally play so its been fun learning them without the aid of MQ2. Only thing that sux is I...
  13. Wizman61

    The beginning of the end?

  14. Wizman61

    2.50 to under 4 bucks a month for Gold EQ

    The last two years the triple SC day has been in December, 12/17/2011 Triple SC, 12/16/2010 Triple SC....actually it might have even been the same day as I think they also had a Double SC day in December the last two years
  15. Wizman61

    2.50 to under 4 bucks a month for Gold EQ

    I'm waiting for the triple SC day in December this year...wasted 1 card before 12/17 last year when they had the triple SC day :mad:
  16. Wizman61

    2.50 to under 4 bucks a month for Gold EQ

    Don't know what you're doing different than me but I just used 4 $15 Walmart cards and got 4k SC for each one. Used 2 early after the double SC went live then not 2 hrs ago used 2 more and got the bonus 500 doubled on all of them
  17. Wizman61

    New Tribute?

    could you give a few examples please....Thanks much :rolleyes:
  18. Wizman61

    MMOBUGS sub prices during this risky time

    If I'm still at these boards in 2037....I'll probably have long forgotten just what the hell I was doing here in the first place...barring early onset Alzheimer's that is :eek:
  19. Wizman61

    EQ Tinkering sites?

    Sorry Kodi rofl. Stepson's name is Kody and he's kind of got that headbobbing attitude like you :rolleyes:
  20. Wizman61

    EQ Tinkering sites?

    Good catch Kodi.....I didn't see the link but if you deleted it, headbobbing Hitler lookalike that you are, I'm certain it was way innapropriate rofl