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  1. B

    MQ2Targets sort

    I figured it adding a ${LastSpawn[1].ID} in my HUD However, /watch sort doesn't work, maybe it's because I'm using a Titanium compile :) On top of that, /watch add a mob trainer adds 'a mob trainer' AND 'mob trainer' to the list On the same topic, if there is 'a MobX' and 'a mobX' mq2targets...
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    MQ2Targets sort

    the position can be random so with none I need to make sure that my settings display enough mobs as it could be added at the bottom where I can't see it will try that
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    MQ2Targets sort

    in the cycle I'm trying to complete, I kill mob A and upon its death mob B pops, I kill B and upon its death mob C pops, etc etc until a named pops. so I got mob A B C and named in the ini of mq2targets. issue is that when I kill A there are like 20 mob B already in zone, and the one I need to...
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    MQ2Targets sort

    mq2pop did that, didn't it ? maybe I can use LastSpawn[-1] how people do to farm cycles ?
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    MQ2Targets sort

    I'd like to have MQ2Targets display the spawn by last spawned. In the wiki I see : /watch [sorttype|sortorder|hudsorttype|hudsortorder] [type|order] what should I enter to get the last spawned npc at the top of the hud ? thanks
  6. B

    mq2targets titanium

    watch is supposed to get a spawnsearch string but it seems to me that it doesnt work fully. /watch add pc range 10 18 never detects pc in that range /watch add pc 10 detects well the pc that is level 10 any idea ? goal is to make something like /watch pc range...
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    box on p99

    well i heard some had success requesting an IP exemption, I didn't so far but it may be an option later if this doesn't work. I have access to a friends IP over ssh, so I wondered if there were some windows application that could socksify a 2nd box on a computer already running eq. that way i...
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    Torrent Invite Begging

    anyone would share a invite please ? ;)
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    Favorite twink item

    Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher 4tw, u didnt say one that still drops !:)
  10. B

    EQ Emu for rookie could that help ?
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    Autologin Crash

    I have this problem for a long time and could never identify why sometimes it does it and why sometimes not here is my autologin debug file after a crash the only way I found is launching the sessions 1 by 1. Typically if I launch 6 I end up with 5 crashing and the last one login the 6th session...
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    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    what would really help for people searching for the plugin is having the right name :D
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    Rouge MAcro.. or INI

    it never ever worked the way you think it does (edit : at least for high level openings, up to 50 or 60ish maybe you had the chance to fire it after being not hidden) you can't do what you describe since as soon as there is a hit the disc poof the steps are : 1) sneak / hide (only hide req...
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    mageBot v3.10 - Fully automated mage - Updated: 08/08/2009

    you could also use that kind of check, should work for everyone : :ALlootlag /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} /delay 1s ${LootTotal}!=${Corpse.Items} /if (${LootTotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) /goto :ALlootlag
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    Rouge MAcro.. or INI

    this is just plain wrong unless you are a muppet rog who doesnt use his opening disc
  16. B

    Rouge MAcro.. or INI

    every rog I know and I did the same when I was playing a rog moves the way snaproll does, if you don't you are simply wasting your time, it's not only natural it's the best way to proceed. the unatural way indeed is to move in range then strafe around.
  17. B

    Rouge MAcro.. or INI

    I think MQ2moveUtilsb doesnt have it or that it's buggy doing your own compiles is just a matter of 1) getting access to the VIP boards which isnt complicate, 2) read the MQ2 wiki which isnt complicate 3) get the time to do it which takes 5 min
  18. B

    Rouge MAcro.. or INI

    it won't be in the modbot ini but in the mq2melee ini as for moving behind, I suggest you compile the MQ2MoveUtils from the VIP boards, there is a snaproll option that is simply amazing for rog
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    Group HoTT Window

    I use this in my zoned.cfg, I have the button page 10 of my 1st hotbutton in the 1st slot not perfect but good enough /if (${Me.GroupSize}>=3 && !${Window[TargetOfTargetWindow].Open}) { /notify HotButtonWnd HB_PageLeftButton leftmouseup /notify HotButtonWnd HB_Button1 leftmouseup /notify...
  20. B

    MQ2Melee HoT Requests

    I totally agree that you should have nothing set by default, good change