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  1. Vladus2000

    Question about bugs in MQ2

    mq2rez does a /corpse as well, you do not need to do it. If your corpse got moved, you can manually /corpse.
  2. Vladus2000

    A Letter to CodeCompiler

    That describes most of the owners of these types of sites....its a sad statement.
  3. Vladus2000

    hmm how will this effect map?

    fucking awesome, so now we get realtime updates for the whole zone? wow...I feel bad for the slower bandwidth people.
  4. Vladus2000

    hmm how will this effect map?

    from initial looking at the exe, your client may no longer know about see invis mobs (or they changed the way that worked). Which means you might not be able to see those annoying fucking rouges on the map that come watch you bot :(
  5. Vladus2000

    Patch Notes April 17th 2008

    just /zwarp 5 a bunch of times :)
  6. Vladus2000

    $200 Reward

    I get the feeling a little more than $200 would be required for that, lol
  7. Vladus2000

    Auto Attacking

    Thats mq2melee. Only thing that I am aware of short of macros that can do it.
  8. Vladus2000

    Question about Rez

    Zone out and back in (or /fade). Client gets confused a lot about corpse location since SoF.
  9. Vladus2000

    Changes coming that might affect MQ

    Lol, yea I wasn't thinking either...long day :(
  10. Vladus2000

    Changes coming that might affect MQ

    Just because you have an issue with another person/site, doesn't mean you have to stoop to their level. It takes more than 5 lines of code to gk. Yes, if you have library functions to send packets and other various actions and you don't count them, alright the meat can be a few lines. Don't...
  11. Vladus2000

    Changes coming that might affect MQ

    Rooted mobs you know the location of. For some named you could guess/spam the area around where they should be, or put a char near the name and have it feed you the numbers....
  12. Vladus2000

    Anyone else starting to wonder why you continue to play?

    They have been banning people using gk for 5 years. Why it surprises you or sounds harsh escapes me. A really old and lame saying comes to mind....if you can't do the time, don't do the crime....or don't get caught :)
  13. Vladus2000


    They were probably happy you weren't bitching about getting banned like their other 5000 calls.
  14. Vladus2000


    I can offer you something that will get the accounts perma-banned. But there isn't much you can do that I am aware of short of scorched-earth.
  15. Vladus2000

    Auto Reply Plugin

    Works for getting you petitioned?
  16. Vladus2000

    NoShadowStep DoCrack still available?

    Thanks to Brainiac for the help with this [NoShadowStep] Description="No Shadow Step (thanks Brainiac)" Version="2008.02.21" Address0=41EB80 Normal0="83 EC 18" Crack0="C2 04 00"
  17. Vladus2000

    Question - MQ2ReachIt

    it hasn't been in the release for quite sometime. The easiest way currently to do this is to /stealth on, /warp target then loot.
  18. Vladus2000

    Lev No Bob

    Theirversion will be better, the MQ2 one prevents it from drawing the person bobbing, but I think it still eats almost the same CPU and network as it doesn't stop the forced redraw or the send to the server.
  19. Vladus2000

    Error trying to run MQ2EQBCS

    run the other version of it, MQ2EQBCSv1-2.exe or something along those lines.