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  1. F

    surplus computer upgrades?

    So my local Radio Shack had a going out of business sale and I wandered in to take a look and noticed a picture of what looked like a computer on the wall that said $50. Turns out it was the store server - IBM X3200, so I figured what the hell? I won't take possession of it until tomorrow, so...
  2. F

    Returning to EQ

    So, after being away from really playing the game routinely for the past few years I have once again found some interest in playing again. However, I no longer want to pay for several subscription; although I prefer to box my own group. My thoughts are to pay for one account and use some...
  3. F

    Patch notes 3/12/2009

    March 12, 2009 _____________________ *** Highlights *** - Guild Creation Tool: Players can now get their guilds created in-game by using the Guild Management window. When opening the Guild Management Window (Alt + G) when you are not in a guild, you will be asked if you would like to create...