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  1. J

    Anyone have a basic assist macro?

    i use mq2melee for my melee bots. I dont use mq2bot because it uses all kinds of crap i only use for named. Does anyone have a very simple macro for assist.
  2. J

    New MQ2 release has chars running everywhere after assist/kill

    Has anyone had this issue. I just downloaded the newest installer and now my characters are running amuck after they assist/kill the mob. I dunno wtf they are doing now.
  3. J

    How to get rid of LDR label over Group Leaders Name.

    This is going to quite obvious to any guide or GM to someone running around with ur name with LDR behind it, how to get rid of it.
  4. J

    how to cast nukes using mq2cast?

    i am currently typing in /casting "kreig's bite" - kill It seems even with mq2cast loaded that this does not trigger the spell even though it is memmed. Is there something i am missing?
  5. J

    How to get rid over cursor hover over function?

    I am currently using the base setup with mq2melee and have the cursor always showing a pop up window with information. How do I disable this feature, i know the mobs i am clicking on haha.
  6. J

    How do you make rogue stick?

    I am new to these macros and am wondering how to make a rogue always stick to the back of mob when assisting? I am currently use the bot.mac plugin.
  7. J

    Anyone have EQ1 105 rogue/beastlord bot.mac ini?

    If anyone already has a good functional ini for the bot.mac for either of these everquest 1 characters I would definitely appreciate it. It would save me a lot of time and give me a good starting point for a few bots.
  8. J

    Anyone have 105 Rogue/Beastlord bot.mac ini

    If anyone already has a good functional ini for the bot.mac for either of these everquest 1 characters I would definitely appreciate it. It would save me a lot of time and give me a good starting point for a few bots.