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  1. G

    Very simple SoD macro request.

    I'm wondering if someone would be willing to create a very simply macro for SoD for me. What I'm looking for is a macro that will allow my 2-boxing to be more efficient. I'd like the macro to target my other groupmate (the other toon I'm 2-boxing) or the groupmate's pet, use /assist, and send in...
  2. G

    Is minimal warping detectable?

    I have used /warp dir 1 and occasionally up through /warp dir 5 before in order to bypass the "invisible walls" that block off the edges of zones or the high, mountainous areas between valleys in order to shortcut my way to my destination. Is this detectable? I was sort of thinking that it...
  3. G

    Looks like the yoke is on us!

    SoE just posted some new patch notes and implemented some LOVELY new character models! The patch notes should come up next time you repatch the client. :) Here's a screenshot of the new April Fool's models:
  4. G

    Requesting a very simple macro.

    I'm in need of a certain faction of late, and have found the perfect spot to gain it. I've been killing a specific NPC every time he pops in front of me (he has a relatively fast spawn time) by meleeing him (he takes typically two hits to go down). I'm wondering if there's any way to macro this...
  5. G

    Looking for a very simple turn-in quest macro.

    I'm looking for a very simple macro code which will turn in a stackable item 4 at a time to an NPC. There's no reward for the quest but faction, so receiving items isn't going to be an issue. I'd greatly appreciate anyone's help. :)
  6. G

    Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting Fableds!

    Fabled season is here, everyone! Share any sort of fun stories you have about your encounters with these critters. Last night once I heard Fableds had started to pop, I ran to Qeynos and hit everything I saw (punching, so I wouldn't kill them). Then, I ran to the gates and trained the guards...
  7. G

    I am curious what has this graphic.

    I saw this screenshot earlier and am dying to know what item has this graphic! Any leads?
  8. G

    Kind of a newbish question, but...

    Would someone be willing to explain to me exactly how Fabled mobs work? I quit EQ shortly before they introduced them for the first time, and have since been on and off with EQ over the last few years, always missing the anniversary events. How often do they spawn? Do they always take place of...
  9. G

    The Alchemy Macro

    As I was using the alchemy macro for the first time yesterday, I noticed it kept on crashing shortly after being initiated. I'm wondering if it's been broken and never repaired since the last big patch? Or do I just need to find a more recent version? Thanks!
  10. G

    Auto-activate hotkeys.

    Is there a command or macro to auto-activate certain hotkeys? I'm looking for a way to, for example, always have sense heading or the berserker summon axes ability activated when the button pops up for use. Thanks!
  11. G

    Routine Crashing Upon Moving Containers...

    My client crashes every time I try to pick up or loot a container (i.e. a trader satchel or a large box). This is particularly annoying in that I cannot adjust things in my bank, and my shared bank is nearly useless. Further, it's impossible to loot my corpse without doing an /unload and reboot...
  12. G


    Just curious if there are any plans to resurrect the NPCWho crack...?
  13. G

    How does one bypass the patcher?

    How does one bypass the patcher? I just tried the run command: "C:\Program Files\EverQuest\everquest.exe" patchme and the patcher just popped up and started. Do I have the command wrong? Or is there any alternate way?
  14. G

    Anyone recognize this shield graphic?

    Anyone recognize the shield graphic on the female Gnome in this picture from Allakhazam? Which shield(s) might have this appearance? It's got a familiar look to it but the name escapes me. (Pretty crummy graphic, huh? :o)...
  15. G

    Is /merch still around?

    Is /merch still around?
  16. G

    What ever happened to NoInterrupt?

    What ever happened to NoInterrupt? Is there a current version of it? I was thinking of starting a wizard or druid for when I can't find groups on my main toon, and this would be a great item to use for soloing. :) Btw, if there is indeed an active, compatible version of NoInterrupt, how risky...
  17. G

    Proc Influences

    I've heard that a slowed character will proc more often than a hasted or normal-speed character. Is there any verisimilitude to this?
  18. G

    Begging Macro...?

    I'm curious if there's a way to program MQ2 to repeatedly use the Beg skill on a given target in order to get skill raises. If so, what is the command? Also, has anyone ever found this skill to be a significant source of platinum? I doubt that it is very useful or fruitful, but it could be...
  19. G

    Bard Offset Idea

    I think it would be handy if there were an offset or something of the sort which allowed bards to begin singing a song while sitting. Is this a possibility, since songs likely do not have the same checks as actual spells do? Thanks in advance!
  20. G

    MQ window and typing...

    I have noticed ever since I started using MQ2 that on some occasions, I'll be typing something and it won't show up on the Main Chat window's text bar. Instead, I find that it's been put into the MQ window (which I usually keep minimized). Why is this? Am I pushing something without consciously...