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  1. H

    Possible to stop moving around mob with mq2melee?

    /stick set strafedelay on It will still sidestep every so often until it is determined safe to get back into position, but it will not spin in endless circles.
  2. H

    MQ2 command to click off a buff

    Recently start using WinEQ2 or change the way you swap sessions with alt-tab instead of mouse switching? Sounds like nomodkey: /uninvis=/noparse /bcaa //nomodkey /notify BuffWindow buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Group Perfected Invisibility].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup
  3. H

    mq2melee keeps stopping my attack

    You need to make a MQ2Melee attack key (it can be Q) and stop using the EQ attack key.
  4. H

    /stick behind hold

    Using MQ2Melee to attack with stickrange= set to something in the ini without stickcmd= set to something or set to a different command than behind hold?
  5. H

    /stick behind hold

    You can disable backward movement in stick with: /stick set useback off and also do not use "moveback" parameter in the stick command. if being snared is a big problem, might also want to disable walking: /stick set usewalk off /stick set strafewalk off
  6. H

    /stick behind hold

    Best place for detail on all that information is Brief summary is, toggle settings using the set parameter. for delay it would be /stick set delaystrafe on /stick set strafemindelay 2000 /stick set strafemaxdelay 4000 delay is useful...
  7. H

    /stick behind hold

    Are you aggro on the Health of Target's Target window? Behind doesn't work in that case. Either way, behind and hold are unrelated so the conflict is something else. Examples could be aggro (above), strafedelay enabled with delay values too high, custom behindarc values set too large, truehead...
  8. H

    Does Sony Track IPs?

    Look in your router configuration for a MAC address field. Usually there are options to input one manually (google for MAC address generator if you want to pick at random, but don't make numbers up), copy the MAC of your current pc's NIC, or use the router's real MAC. Some ISP's, the MAC isn't...
  9. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    If that were the case for the above posters, the wineq mode would have fixed the problem because it disables true heading.
  10. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    You can also increase the arc that is considered behind the mob with: /stick set behindarc # The default is 45, which may be too small for bard speed when using /stick behind there is also !frontarc for !front (default 135) Spam /calcangle while the strafing is moving too far until it...
  11. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    How about strafewalk on? /stick set strafewalk on
  12. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    Does turning off stucklogic help? ( /stick set stucklogic off )
  13. H

    /moveto id

    Use a combination of what villageidiot said with this, and it will stop as soon as aggro is gained issue: /moveto set breakonaggro on use: /moveto id :loop /if (${MoveTo.Broken} || ${MoveTo.Stopped}) { /moveto where_ever_you_came_from } else { /delay 1 /goto :loop } |other...
  14. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    Stick: Status(OFF) Dir(Normal) Dist(0.00) Mod(0.00) Mod%(1.00%) Head(True) Water(no) MoveBack(no) Hold(no) Always(OFF) This says stick status is OFF. If that is correct, this is not related to MoveUtils. Are you a running a macro? -- Also, wineq mode suggestion doesn't matter if you are using...
  15. H

    MQ2MoveUtils 9 Update Help Thread

    WinEq If you use WinEQ2, you need to enable the wineq setting with /stick set wineq on. WinEQ2 has been broken for years in that it leaves the alt key held down and right mouse button (mouselook) held in background sessions when alt tabbing or switching sessions with shortcut keys. Basically...
  16. H

    confirmation of hiding/sneaking?

    You can use multiple toons over EQBC. The parenthesis (.Invis) do not show to a third party unless hide is successful.
  17. H

    mouse losing focus

    EQDraw can cause this, if you use that.
  18. H

    mq2melee keeps stopping my attack

    INI Setting MQ2Melee.ini [Settings] SpawnType=10 SpawnType: 0 + all desired target type modifier: (+1 PC) (+2 NPC) (+4 PC PET) (+8 NPC PET) (+16 PC CORPSE) (+32 NPC CORPSE) default is 10 (0 for base + 2 for NPC and + 8 for NPC PET). change to 14 for player pets or 15 for player pets and...