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  1. W

    EQ Subscriptions

    I think the one feature I love about MQ2 is the '/stick I hate hate hate when the mobs moving everywhere and having to constant follow it due to push '/stick was the bomb but seeing the suspensions I'm not sure I want to load MQ2 till all this stuff is sorted out and see where the cookie crumbles
  2. W

    Vanilla Plugin in Loader Option

    so basically no move utils, reachit etc etc anything that would make the character move wierd and not '/stick to the mob turn all that off and you pretty much ok just using map and the melee stuff suck as fieldoutfitter commanding voice taunt disarm that kind of stuff?
  3. W

    inventory clickables

    yea basically took a bag out of my inventory for the time being till its fixed, but didn't know if anyone else had that issue was just letting folks know
  4. W

    inventory clickables

    ok for those of you who are like me and carry a ton of invis pots cause they fall all the time you can no longer click them via the potion belt, if they are in a bag if you do not own the VOA expac. you have to have an empty inventory slot no bag to be able to put invis pots, or whatever potion...
  5. W

    All EverQuest Servers Down

    wow guess someone wanted to exact revenge on SOE for some reason sad that it is down but hopefully they will compensate us well for the downtime.
  6. W

    Zone List with all short names=longnames

    did a /zone oot and it says zone unavailable and thenkicks to server select ocean of tears that is.
  7. W


    thanks will do that soon as I get back in game
  8. W


    ok just out of curiosity I was messing around with the runspeed in game and I did /set runspeed 10 well now I run slower than I did with my AA run 5 anway to set it back to the default not sure how to do it, because I am not sure what the default runspeed was set to before can anyone help?