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  1. M

    MQ2HoverInfo not working

    Poof. I didn't change anything, but Hoverinfo is not working properly. When I zone, I see my pets or others level if I happen to be pointing at them, but as soon as I move the curser to another target, nothing. It is "checked" in the plugin config like normal. Any ideas?
  2. M

    What epics are worth the time

    to get in todays EQ? My ranger has his epics, but only earthcaller is worthwhile for the slow, and not very often. That's the only epic I have on any character and I'm curious as to what epics you think are worth getting, as in useful, in todays EQ. Opinions? EDIT!::::: Ya, I meant 2.0...
  3. M

    Enchanter pulling

    What do you Enchanter experts think of Enchanter pulling. Good puller overall? Reason I ask is I'm going to get with Dev, now that my 3 box are all 85, and get 2 macros, maybe more. I plan on running a warrior/EM8 mage/Enchanter/2 cleric mercs/1 dps merc. I'm planning on running the...
  4. M

    Maybe no merc upgrades?

    For next xpac. Retron posted this on EQ forums under the subject: "Digging in the spells file - new mercs, new expansion takes shape." Today's patch - as usual - saw a new spells file pushed out. The devs don't really like it (for various reasons), but here goes - some new bits and pieces...
  5. M

    Patch to the patch

    05/12/2010 19:27:32 Subject: Re:Update Bugs 05/12/10 SKlug Developer Joined: Aug 21, 2007 Messages: 2458 Offline We will be patching tonight to hopefully fix the zone crashing issues. Apologies for the extra downtime. It'll be 2am-6am which is when we have the lowest server...
  6. M

    3 box class question

    Ok. Here are the options I'm going to do. Which do you think will be funnest, best, whatever. All will be 85 1. Mage w/EM8 pet + Mage w/EM2 + Enchanter 2. Mage w/EM8 pet + Mage w/EM2 + Shaman 3. Mage w/EM8 pet + Void E Warrior (full boomerang gear) + Enchanter 4. Mage w/EM8 pet + Void E...
  7. M

    I am retarded

    Yes I am. :) This should actually go with MissTerious's post on not being a newb when using MQ2, but I want to use it see if I can make a friend if he/she is a cheater here too, heh. We were in a SoD zone. I was on my ranger/shammie. We were bs'ing for like an hour, just bs'ing have fun...
  8. M

    Best 3 box UF combo?

    Looking for veteran boxers advice. What do you think the best 3 box combo would be for trying to do UF? Thinking mostly of going after named/xp'ing, not really for progression purposes. I have a tower geared ranger/shaman atm ready to go, but mostly looking for the "perfect" 3 box combo. I'm...
  9. M

    Would you quit?

    If SoE 'fixed it' so MQ would not work, nor would ever work again, with Everquest. I've heard various people make mention of this before and thought it might be interesting to see what people think about it. My answer is I would most definately quit. After using MQ the game would really...
  10. M

    MQ2melee not working?

    Did I miss a post about this? I have it checked off like normal in the plugins, but it gives the message "This is not a valid command. Please use /help." when I type in /melee stickrange=0
  11. M

    GM stealing plat

    Two days ago a RL friend of mine had a gm pop in on him and basically said "Your plat has been removed from you account. You violated the EULA due to purchasing plat" Then the GM logged. My friend said he was polite enough at least. He said he told no one (not even me so I believe him!) but...
  12. M

    Kick Macro?

    There probably is already a command or macro for this already, but I can't find it (macro retarded btw). I don't like using the fullblown melee plugin due to perfectly circling, sticking to the mobs--too much of a giveaway for my tastes, but I really love the autokick that comes with it. Is...
  13. M

    Easy noob questions

    I've read and re-read most of the forums. I have a few easy, for most of you guys, questions though. 1. Just how dangerous is /gate to use? I know you shouldn't just /gate right in front of God and everybody, but is it fairly safe to use if you are alone? 2. What exactly does /fade do...