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  1. M

    MQ2HoverInfo not working

    Poof. I didn't change anything, but Hoverinfo is not working properly. When I zone, I see my pets or others level if I happen to be pointing at them, but as soon as I move the curser to another target, nothing. It is "checked" in the plugin config like normal. Any ideas?
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    What epics are worth the time

    I play it as a game. But I also don't want to waste time on something that I will immediately put in the bank and never have a use for. Everyones version of fun is different I suppose. For example I've spoken to some who think having a program run 3 of 4 characters with a person only really...
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    What epics are worth the time

    to get in todays EQ? My ranger has his epics, but only earthcaller is worthwhile for the slow, and not very often. That's the only epic I have on any character and I'm curious as to what epics you think are worth getting, as in useful, in todays EQ. Opinions? EDIT!::::: Ya, I meant 2.0...
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    The perils of not knowing how to use your mac.

    Awesome Job Tree. I don't sell in bazaar anymore and had no idea how this mac worked. On Bert we have the 100k Darkened, and other lowbie junk, idiots too. Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to put a few of my items up for like 6k and see what happens to their prices and hopefully buy their...
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    Anyone play on Project1999?

    I wish I could take my 85 there and make everyone worship me. Sort of like going to a primative society with a lighter.
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    Enchanter pulling

    What do you Enchanter experts think of Enchanter pulling. Good puller overall? Reason I ask is I'm going to get with Dev, now that my 3 box are all 85, and get 2 macros, maybe more. I plan on running a warrior/EM8 mage/Enchanter/2 cleric mercs/1 dps merc. I'm planning on running the...
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    What to do if someone asks if you're hacking?

    This. I got asked a few months ago, when I was still in a guild, and I just said habit from pvp days. Then just started turning anon on when I would chain, which I very seldom did and never do now. No real reason too I don't think. I zone, wait maybe 5 seconds then /zone again. Don't know...
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    Maybe no merc upgrades?

    For next xpac. Retron posted this on EQ forums under the subject: "Digging in the spells file - new mercs, new expansion takes shape." Today's patch - as usual - saw a new spells file pushed out. The devs don't really like it (for various reasons), but here goes - some new bits and pieces...
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    Patch to the patch

    05/12/2010 19:27:32 Subject: Re:Update Bugs 05/12/10 SKlug Developer Joined: Aug 21, 2007 Messages: 2458 Offline We will be patching tonight to hopefully fix the zone crashing issues. Apologies for the extra downtime. It'll be 2am-6am which is when we have the lowest server...
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    Goodbye, Riposite Immunity!

    Latest and greatest from Eli. Looks like good news: 05/10/2010 17:32:58 Subject: Re:Riposte immunity bug Elidroth Developer Joined: Jul 16, 2007 Messages: 1285 Location: Halas Offline There is now no plan to remove the immunity from those who have it. The only discussion we're...
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    3 box class question

    I was wondering about this combo Vin. Would the warr do better tanking than the EM8 pet? From what I read the EM8 pets are really good tanks. I was thinking of having the EM8 one taunting and the EM2 as dps. The T5/T6 geared warrior still might be a better choice though? (Warrior will only...
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    3 box class question

    Ok. Here are the options I'm going to do. Which do you think will be funnest, best, whatever. All will be 85 1. Mage w/EM8 pet + Mage w/EM2 + Enchanter 2. Mage w/EM8 pet + Mage w/EM2 + Shaman 3. Mage w/EM8 pet + Void E Warrior (full boomerang gear) + Enchanter 4. Mage w/EM8 pet + Void E...
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    I am retarded

    Yes I am. :) This should actually go with MissTerious's post on not being a newb when using MQ2, but I want to use it see if I can make a friend if he/she is a cheater here too, heh. We were in a SoD zone. I was on my ranger/shammie. We were bs'ing for like an hour, just bs'ing have fun...
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    How to tell if someone uses MQ?

    Just offer to race to a zone 4 or more zones away. If you win by 5 or more minutes by chainzoning, he's not a user probably. If he wins say "Omg, hacker PoShit! I hate u fking cheaters! /petition. Then run your boomerang mac while you get much needed rest.
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    What not to do when using MQ2 aka, how not to look like a newb.

    I can't even bring myself to log in until the compile is done. I did maybe 3 times since early 2009. I know you can still play, technically, but just the tedious junk, hitting taunt/kick, running across zones, no map, etc. makes it a 'chore' to play. Kind of like being Superman and losing...
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    tells in MMs

    I have no idea what causes this apparent bug, if it is one, but it sounds just like the problem I had a few days ago while trying to taskadd a level 78 into a group that had 2 85's and an 81 (was doing SoD progression). Got that same insufficient message. After 10 minutes of failing to fix it...
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    Surfing the Boards

    I would train him because his warrior's name makes my brain angry. And you don't want to make my brain angry. /inc
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    I never used the exploit. I moved 3 characters around to different accounts. I had 6 years on one and 3 on the other 2. 1.5 months after moving them I lost all vet rewards on the 6 year one and one of the 3 year ones. When I type /veteran it says something to the effect that "I have already...
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    Safe Passage - Pet Pulling

    Map was gone, but the loc's they give are spot on. I went to the loc's ahead of time, put them in my ingame map and tried it. Just takes a couple of minutes.
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    EverQuest 11th Anniversary Is Looking Lame

    Not surprising with the unpopularity of UF. They can shove that xpac up their backsides.