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  1. R


    Thats messed up lol
  2. R

    MQ2 after server update

    Be careful there are alot of assholes that love to report people botting cause they just dont like it, the game is left with a few die hard people and there is a congestion of snitches/whiners/complainers that have ruined the game for the rest! We don't need to loose more people, dont be away...
  3. R

    Free multibox window-manager with resized windows?

    Does Isboxer come with mmobugs or separate subscritption?
  4. R

    MQ Update - 20 Feb 2022

    On this temporary mq2next vanilla deal, is there a list of somewhat working plugins so we know what we can and cant use?
  5. R

    MMOBugs vs RedGuides

    is the server automaticly banning for using a zone or warp command or just if the gm catches ya?