Search results

  1. T

    loc and distance

    ${Math.Distance[y,x,z:y,x,z]} /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:-200,300]} < 150 ) /dothis
  2. T

    Diagnostic macro - need some help testing

    OK i misunderstood the conversation then.
  3. T

    Diagnostic macro - need some help testing

    At the start of all my macros i use this sub to create all my variables,so i touch the INI only at start. Sub DeclareIniVar(string name,string varType,string section,string value,string alias) /if ( !${Defined[${name}]} ) /declare ${name} ${varType} outer /varset ${name}...
  4. T

    Diagnostic macro - need some help testing

    Why not just throw the entire ini into variables at start of the macro?
  5. T

    Keep my alt invis mac?

    Try this. I didn't test it at all. Change "potion" to name of the potion and the slot number to whichever slot that potion is in on your belt. Sub Main /declare Potion string outer "Potion" /declare PotionSlot int outer 1 :loop /delay 3 /if (${Me.Invis}) /goto :loop /call PotionCast "${Potion}"...
  6. T

    Cant turn off attack

    it is. You can also do /melee reset.
  7. T

    Bot Macro for Wizard

    I don't use pete's bot macro but on own personal wizard macro my rotation is. If instant nuke is up always cast it right away. Then use claw of the flamewing then chaos incandescence and repeating that until instant is back up or if GOM fires then use etheral incandescence. When mob gets to 30 i...
  8. T

    Help with simple AFK farming

    You'll need to build a macro if you want to do what you're wanting.
  9. T

    Sell Macro

    This is what i found that's old. | Selects the Vendor you have on target and sells everything in backs 1-7 | Other macro writers here on the forums composted most of this I just put it together to suite my needs. | Thanks DKAA for the guts of it. #turbo Sub Main /call CleanPacks /echo...
  10. T

    Casting, delays, and /if's

    It's whatever spell that corresponds to that gem number. so ${Me.SpellReady[1]} is checking whether whatever spell that is in gem 1 is ready.
  11. T

    sk.mac by nytemyst

    This is my personal SK mac that i created for myself. It's not really designed for public use but here it is for some that might get some use out of it. looking for any bugs or feedback. Here's a wiki
  12. T


    12 accounts standard mq2 compile. AFK xping for 4+ days straight plenty of times and no bans/suspension.
  13. T

    Autofire mac help

    The reason is because of your conditional delays. for instance /delay 5s ${Target.Distance} <= 100 That's says to delay for 5s OR the target is less then or equal to 100 distance. Which ever ones comes first. So if you mob takes like 6 seconds or more before it reaches 100 distance then the...