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  1. ensshok

    CHAPTERHOUSE RAID A Matter of Life and Death

    Unhelpful comment of the day! Post count +1. Mez could be useful if you get 2-3 skellies plus an Animated Corpse and things start getting out of hand. But mostly it was mentioned earlier in the thread that this was possible and based on my experience last night, this was not true. So I was...
  2. ensshok

    CHAPTERHOUSE RAID A Matter of Life and Death

    Did they change this event? Skellies don't seem mezzable. Even the melee ones.
  3. ensshok

    skipping veil?

    Mage. You get easy-to-bot dps and some tankage too in a pinch. Cleric is never a bad option but mercs work for most encounters. Rogues are difficult to bot and tend to have poor dps in the botted scenario. If you happen to have an excellent cleric bot macro or are good with hotkeys, some...
  4. ensshok

    MMOBugs Subscription Changes

    Whatever is required to keep MMOBugs up and running, I will support. I have tried EverQuest without MQ2 and it's not something I'm interested in.
  5. ensshok

    1.098.900 Tribute points without leaving Guild Hall

    Heh well my smallest bag is 16 slots so the 15 slot bag is fairly useless (I guess I could upgrade one of my bank bags...) I use tribute for spell haste. I think it's worth it.
  6. ensshok

    1.098.900 Tribute points without leaving Guild Hall

    Still works. Abuse inc.
  7. ensshok

    lost trohpies

    Agreed. Check to see if your house was relocated or packaged. Trophies may be in the moving crate or on the parcel delivery agent. They have to be placed on your property and activated again in order to be accessible.
  8. ensshok

    shard experiences quest

    Word on the street is it will be fixed with next patch. The groundspawns are working but the chunk of flesh is not.
  9. ensshok

    Slot 21 augmentations / ornamentions

    Aye AoN is the perfect tool for this. The bug applies to all your visible slots. So you can be a full-plate caster or a leather-wearing warrior, etc. The bug will also persist through other player-type illusions but of course not if you zone.
  10. ensshok

    Slot 21 augmentations / ornamentions

    Equip the desired robe (or any chest piece, even plate) without an illusion on, then cast a nonplayer illusion (like skeleton), change back to your regular chest piece, and click off the illusion.
  11. ensshok

    Slot 21 augmentations / ornamentions

    So far there is one hero's forge robe look (available from the pok vendor). There is item data for two others (eternal grove and insidious), but neither is actually in the game yet. You can, however, augment your robe with cloth or leather hero's forge ornaments, including all of the various...
  12. ensshok

    Cacophony of Oratory

    Hail and run. It works.
  13. ensshok

    Fumerak the Quintessence

    The writeup on Allakhazam is solid, and we use a strat similar to Borneal. Since adds are %HP based, slow and steady control is the key. Having a dedicated click team (ideally in vent) is also essential. Adds can be controlled by kiting (light, nature), stun (shadow), or mez (magic). Just...
  14. ensshok

    Swarm killing VoA groupable named?

    With either necro or mage, there are a couple ways to do it: 1. Swarm pets (necro) and/or rage pets (mage) For tough mobs that aren't traditionally tankable or with funky mechanics (e.g., the belly caster in Pillars). Just send pets in and stay back. You shouldn't get aggro if you don't cast...
  15. ensshok

    The Cacophony of Power

    whoa there, ohai major attitude. we just kite the bats and lurch them in one at a time then dps them down to 50% and they go inactive.
  16. ensshok


    I agree it's a smart move. EVE online has done this for years and it's pretty successful. There are plenty of players with 10-100+ mil plat that could really benefit from this depending on what the price equilibrium is. I would agree with Fry, though, that it doesn't make a lot of sense in...
  17. ensshok


    DPS should refer to the "DPS" column, not total damage. Something like 30k would be burst dps, not sustained. These measures can tell you different things - like how consistent your damage output is. But by and large, it's the DPS that people are interested in. 2847 dps is certainly not great...
  18. ensshok

    Any advice for boxing VoA named mobs?

    So pet focus absolutely does affect swarm pets. There is a substantial boost in dps and a small boost in survivability. Most people use the last 3 swarm pets. They don't share a refresh timer (hello, nerf bat!). The swarm pet trick works in some situations but not all. It's a cheap way around...
  19. ensshok

    Any advice for boxing VoA named mobs?

    Be a necro and solo them. Nah, seriously though... with that group makeup, I would say it's a toss-up between tanking and DPS as the primary issue. The longer the fight, the more challenging, for sure. I think you have enough utility in your current makeup, but tanking can be an issue as well...